i love how only hunters complain about titan, here a tip level a titan and try everything you just point out you'll be so salty you''ll rage quit you're console out the nearest window. just because you suck at killing titans doesn't mean were OP were far from it
-[b]shoulder charge[/b](gotta charge it and when its charge most of the time runs out right as you find someone and you die, or you're about get someone and bam shotgun to the face and you're dead)
-[b]fist of havoc[/b](99% of the time 1KILL sometimes 2KILLS and in a blue moon 3KILLS or more also over half the time i get killed before i can get FOH out, now bringing up other supers like arc blade which can get 3-4KILLS every time and golden gun which can pull 3-4kills every time. now with warlock supers Nova Bomb is the most OP super Ive seem, No matter what i do it always kills me. not to mention its perk to break into three smaller bombs is the perfect way to break WOD and kill everyone inside. so your point of FOH being OP is Invalid.)
-[b]long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect[/b]( this one is pretty simple don't go into the AOE, not to mention Axion Bolt,Swarm Grenade,Skip Grenade all seek their targets. Do Titans got a grenade that's seeks and does all the work NO.)
[b]Ward of Dawn[/b](compared to all the other supers its the worse super ever made, every super except sun-singer can easily take the bubble down and kill everyone inside.)
i don't care if i get hate for this post because its the truth, i just love how everyone that says were OP has not even played a Titan or felt our pain, yeah we look good on paper but that doesn't help us at the end of the day.
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