Looking 4 warlocks, looking 4 titan, wanna exploit bosses by pushing them off ledges, sorry no hunters your useless!!!1111!!!.
yeah ok, have fun when everything is fixed, when there are ''baby'' bumpers placed in, and when atheon has random teleports.
i seriously don't know why younger players have to talk so much when playing the game or complain about every little thing. The other day i was doing atheon for the fun of it and just helping players out even though i had done everything for the week and i got into a group and one kid was just like '' omg dude can you just push him off!1!1!! stop messing up! you suck!''...seriously? kid.
Can't beet teh bozz right #yourbad #killyorzelph #rekt This new generation of gamers can't do anything without complaining.
I had a pick up group the other day and we were all older guys and we kept wiping coz they wouldn't shut up about football and their bloody gear even tho I was shouting down the mic "someone get the oracle on the back left" repeatedly! So it's not all young gobby people just majority :-)
punch em rite in duh gabbrrrr!!!
Hahaha RITE sounds northern lol