Join us. [OTIS]
Weekly hard need 1 more
BECAUSE IM NOT SO DESPERATE I BUMP MY OWN MESSAGE We are an active and fun PS4 clan of over 90 members from many different time zones. We make sure that our emphasis is on team work and helping each other out. We aim to make sure that everyone that wants to get all raids and heroics done. If your looking for a clan that's always there to help and is always there for a laugh, then look no further. If this sounds like the clan for you simply search "stairway 2 hell" and send your join request. For any more info please message me. Good luck and happy gaming guardians If your like the post or want to join, can you also post on here. It keeps the post going and helps recruit more players like you. The more the merrier and all that ;)
This a new clan for crucibles/strikes/nightfall/raid gameplay! [u][url=]Zodiac Raiding Guardians[/url][/u] is the clan you're looking for, this clan is for experienced players only above level 20+. Stop worrying about losing, if you want to win, you have to join the best. "Mess with the best, die like the rest." -Zodiac Raiding Guardians [url][/url] Comment down below with your gamertag and level.
need people for PvP who have MIC's (PS3).I play mostly PvP and just the hard pve modes so I'm playing PvP 75% of the time but the problem is I'm in a clan and allied with a couple other clans but no one plays PvP regularly like I do so I end up playing by myself constantly. My proposition is if you play mostly PvP and have a MIC add me and we will run in a group. PSN: jscrazzy Comment so I know your sending a request Lvl30 hunter 27 warlock