You should consider getting over that's not going to be a strict pve game.
Edited by Trando: 10/27/2014 6:22:43 PMI don't see PvE-ers complaining about balance issues such as OP supers or OP weapons that are ruining the game for PvP-ers, it's only the other way around. This isn't a balanced game, it's about level and strength. This isn't CoD or Halo anymore. PvP does not make an FPS fun, gameplay does. Just like every other game out there. If PvP was strictly the only thing making FPS's fun then try to convince me that the Bioshock series is purely based on PvP. Bioshock 2's multiplayer was pitiful. Bungie needs four tiers of PvP gameplay to satisfy everyone: 1. Basic, no super, no personal weapon based combat, similar to Halo. Everyone starts off with same stat weapons (ie the same auto rifle/scout rifle/pulse rifle/ hand cannon) and secondary and heavy weapons can be picked up throughout the game. 2. Current crucible gameplay but no supers, such as what you'd find in CoD. 3. Current Crucible gameplay 4. Unbalanced Iron Banner It'll still piss people off, but this way people have that basic 21st century balanced CoD gameplay everyone seems to think is the only way to play FPS's anymore. Wake the hell up
If you want to play cod matches then why not buy cod? Destiny is themed around those supers and weapons. After you have everything from vog then what? Pvp. Why not pvp with that gear and weapons you got. What's the point in classes without supers and abilities?
My God you've turned from arguing against my statement to arguing in favor of my argument without knowing it. I want Destiny's PvP to stay as it is, but others don't. The only, and I repeat ONLY, problem I have is with the people complaining about PvP from their standpoint of playing modern age FPS's and getting pissed off that this game is not like that. It's their incessant bitching that's screwing the PvE-ers over. From nerfing weapons to nerfing abilities. I don't see PvP-ers complaining about certain updates concerning the raid, strikes, or missions that are screwing their PvP gameplay up.
I'm still on point with my ideas. You are all over the place complaining. Still complaining about people complaining. That's goin to happen. Pvp makes up half the game. Balance is important and telling people is how you get heard. They are readjusting things for pve anyways as I'm to understand. Bonus points if you can get your point across without having to tear down people to do so.
You're still complaining though. Obviously there are exceptions to rules. Destiny was made with a limited story and pvp. To think that they didn't intend for you to play both is naive but you couldn't have known before purchasing. Instead of hating pvpers for wanting balance why not take your grief to the source, a decision by bungie. While not an mmo this game has fallen into patch updates for tweeting and such. Don be an ass about it to everyone cause you're pissed about an entire side of the game that you're too stubborn to participate on
I play PvP I love the Iron Banner and I don't have a problem with it. I haven't written one complaint about the actual mechanics, because it's not bad. It's the others who treat this PvP like it's something they have played before: an FPS. And while it is an FPS like you and I keep throwing back and forth to defend our points, the PvP multiplayer plays more like an MMORPG, and that is something a majority of the complaining player base doesn't understand. Yes I am complaining, not denying that. But it's the context of my complaints that you seem to not see. PvP as it stands and how it stood is fine with me. This isn't the next big competitive multiplayer game though, yet people seem to tie it in with one. PvP and PvE are 2 sides of the same coin, with one directly affecting the other. I don't play hunter, but if Blade Dancer gets nerfed to satisfy the PvP community, then depending on what Bungie does it could be a hard time running the raid legitimately. If my WoD gets nerfed, then sure it'll make the PvP community happy that it's weaker or doesn't last long, but really hurt us when doing certain strikes.
Edited by Trando: 10/27/2014 6:13:12 PM
Also it's not really an mmo, it is an fps. Pvp is what made fps fun (see golden eye for the n64)