Doesnt matter if FoH gets 1 kill its a GAURANTEED KILL NO COMBATTING, A warlock golden gun takes about 2 seconds before useable, and then you have to aim a precision weapon in close quarters. Shoulder charge you should really learn to use then, because its not hard I have a titan. Sometimes AOE grenades are hard to see when your facing 3 enemies and you back into one as your on low hp. As for Ward of Dawn you must not have ever used it because it takes 4 golden gun shots to take down, guess what most hunters dont have 4, blade dancer has to hit one target of the possible 3 to 6 in the bubble THREE times to kill them, during this time TWO shotgun hits willl kill the bladedancer, The warlock purple ball thing is rarely used by warlocks because of no self res with it and added to that wont kill the people inside unless it has DoT. Also the FOH will destroy the bubble and everyone inside contridicting your statement of FOH not being OP. And I do have a titan
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