Get 3 or 4 team members that have on a straight head, and are reliable. 4 Good people can drag through 2 randoms easily.
Oh by clean group I meant wanting to go through the whole thing without pushing any bosses off or cheering any part of it. And from the OP it seems like he doesn't have people to play with so it will be hard to find a hard group to do it legit. In normal I feel like most of the tricks actually take longer and aren't really worth it
I agree. But, I take no issues with how people want to play the game. If i get invited into a grp that is cheesing I go along for the ride. Im usually there to help anyhow. With some practice and hard work though, doing it legit becomes easy, and almost second nature.
Well I was just addressing the OP. He seems like he wants to do the raid legit and was annoyed by the group cheesing. And he claimed he wanted to do the hard raid now which I think even fewer people do legitimately.