Funnny. I was just posting why titans are underpowered in another thread. Here's what i said:
My 28 titan has less armor than my friends 28 warlock.
His warlock can float and shoot, use long range super, has two grenades, has longer range on his melee.
Yes i can one hit ko while sprinting. So can hunters.
My ward of dawn just means i cant be killed for a few seconds or until i get supered by hunter. I cant even shoot out of it.
My striker super is close range only and, having the same armor as other guardians, means ill get killed on the way to the enemy a few times before i can succesfully use it.
This is the nightmare i have every night. Whos that in the distance? An enemy! Ill shield myself until my knee is in his face, great idea!
Wait, whats that in the sky? Holy shit the sun is coming straight... ndufbeiaitcthdydkshvrdjrvcsud!!!!!!!!
I might capture this point with a couple buddies!! What killed you fireteam leader?! Oh shit its a golden gu... blam!!!!!!
In slow motion my knee is two inches away from this warlocks face! I have him right where i want him! Blam!!! Shitgunned in the face!!!! (I was typing shotgunned but typoed and decided it was fitting)
All my titans abilities and upgrades are geared towards close range/point blank situations. Any decent hunter or warlock should have no problem holding them off.
Have you tried melee with a titan? You must be touching your foe already to hit
Also warlock grenades seem way more effective than any of my titans. No titan grenade ohkos
Um, what one hit hunter melee is their?
Get over it play the game!
Yea youre right. I was just tearin it up on pvp lol
Quit running at people in a straight line and expect them to stay still. Jfc.
No hunter melee can one hit KO not even the extra damage we get from the backstab perk for blink strike. Also we don't even have an ability were run and do some kind of melee hit.
Are you sure you're playing hunter-blade dancer? Please go do some pvp. Backstab some people and tell me it can't one shot again...
I get ohko melee by hunter all the time and my friend who is a hunter told me it is ohko
I've experienced ohko with hunter melee... Hmmm maybe my hunter was just better than yours.
So when someone has full health you can ohko never had that experience always be two hits for me.
Mag grenades are. I abuse them with the Armentarium and stick people.
Wish i had the coins to get that yesterday