Voidwalker, both hunter specials, and Titan smash end void of the dawn. So do certain guns such as auto shotguns.
Titan striker grenades are only useful for throwing on control points. One of the defender grenades is good provided you can aim it.
Fist of havoc is alright. However, I can die while activating it unless I have a certain ability selected. However, the special is only useful of enemies are clumped together.
Last, if you're stupid enough to repeatedly die to shoulder charges then you suck at this game. Any idiot should be able to gun me down before my shoulder charge is close enough to them. Shoulder charge is not just our melee, you need to be sprinting for a decent distance then use it so it's not like we can activate it whenever.
I have played the hunter and watched warlock gameplay at my friends place. Titan supers are boring in comparison in my opinion.
PVE master class = Sunsinger
PVP master class = Bladedancer
Best all round race = Warlock
Just my opinion.
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