originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
You people are all idiots! It's a game! Have fun playing it or don't play it. Why so serious? Please, keep feeding me comments. I've been in raids with guys that bark orders and bitch and whine the whole time, and I leave because it drains the fun out of the game.
Cause it's everyone else's fault, right? Look, I see where you're coming from, but raids are about learning it, and it's a lot of fun if you play with people who are learning, too. DarkChildOfLight is doing a service by helping the twits that think you faceroll a raid and never take the time to listen and learn. It's like any other game but with a higher learning curve. If you don't like that style of gameplay, then don't do the raid, but don't demonize people for giving helpful tips. He's being the opposite of an elitist tool. He's helping people that don't understand raids have a clearer picture. Don't be a dick about it.