I want to start out by saying that this game has been and is so much fun. I have not played an online game in some time because they always have been full of people who don't want to play but want to mess with others. Love that I can join a strike with some very helpful and talented players. Awesome!
Now to the topic:
Why Bungie, do you make almost all things revolve around the crucible? I am not a pvp person because quite frankly I am not good at it and it isn't really that fun for me. I am just not into being blown up in one shot then brought back again to only run into another situation of being blown up. I understand that people love this and I say good for those who do. I do not want to stop that. What I would like to see is equal levelling and awards for non crucible players.
What makes this game a big hit, the variation and ability to play it your way as a player. Don't take players choice away by making this a crucible only affair. The story line and the strike list etc. are what make this so much fun for me. It is taking forever to earn Vanguard marks so I have not been able to upgrade my armour or weapon to a legendary status because there is only one Vanguard armoury and not many tasks to earn the vanguard marks/reputation in a quick fashion. Yes, I do bounties for the vanguard and no it doesn't seem to up my ability to purchase cool weapons. I have also been doing strikes often and no the vanguard armoury isn't selling to me yet because I can't get enough Vanguard rep/marks.
Crucible Dealers:
Future War Cult - need crucible marks/credits
Dead Orbit - need crucible marks/credits
Crucible Quartermaster - need crucible marks/credits
Crucible Handler - need crucible marks/credits
New Monarchy - need crucible marks/credits
Vanguard Dealers:
Hunter, Titan, Warlock Vanguard - no legendary items offered as of yet
Vanguard Quartermaster - Need hard earned Vanguard Rank (3) to purchase legendary
General Dealers:
Shipwright - nothing special to offer after you get a better sparrow
Gunsmith - no legendary items offered as of yet
Cryptarch - thus far is useful only for decrypting engrams (sells lower level stuff)
The Speaker & Guardian Outfitter - sell armour and emblems and shaders
Give us some non-crucible activities for those who like a change or those like me who don't really care to play the crucible. By the way, the first time I felt kinda ok with the crucible, because I am terrible at it, was during the iron banner where I actually could get a shot or two in and kill an opponent. Perhaps the easiest change is to give us a better way to earn Vanguard marks and take all of the crucible dealers (sans Crucible Quartermaster & Crucible Handler as they are specific to the crucible) and have them also accept Vanguard marks. Future War Cult, Dead Orbit and New Monarch don't share with the Vanguard and they should work out for both ways of playing.
The Crucible isn't all Bungie has to offer for play after you have finished the current storyline is it? Give me a choice with more options and just as much attention you are giving to the crucible please.
Thank you.
you can easily aquire 16-20 vanguard marks in an hour, doing public events. the weekly and nightfall strikes each week give a pretty good amount of marks.too. after the weekly reset, it takes me about 6 hours to max out my vanguard marks on 3 characters. i do agree completely with your thread though. i spend my vanguard marks on boots every week that i break down for shards. i have nothing else to spend them on at all, as all of my characters are level 29 and each has a complete set of armor for each subclass. i do not play pvp, and trying to farm 3000 consumables a week to max out crucible marks is jut a ridiculous thought. i truly believe that at least one faction other than vanguard should take vanguard marks.