I agree, It does add variate, and sets Destiny apart from other shooters like Halo, BF4, and CoD. That being said this game is all about the meta, the strategy and in areas like the crucible certain classes rain supreme as they currently stand. While others arn't as good. However, I feel that the game has a bright future and as the player base thins leaving only the people dedicated to what this game is. people complaining like the OP are going to ruin it for the rest of us.
Personally I would rather a developer wait until the hype wears off and they see what their dedicated player base is before they begin changing and nerfing things. For example, the auto rifle nerf I feel came out to soon before any stable data could be made. If the left ARs alone, and people began to find "their thing" the diversity would have been found. But by making a nerf they artificially create that diversity by pushing people to use other weapons by making the most used weapon Less appealing and far less effective. The assault rifle is the standard for our military forces for a reason. It can be use as a mid range marksman weapon, It can be used as a more CQ Combat weapon with its full auto features. SO naturally the mass of the population is going to go to what is In reality the most effective all around weapon in the game. Making it seem that others are just so much weaker.
Now I will not argue that ARs need a nerf they did. I just felt the nerf should just have been to the Range of the weapons Giving them a far more significant drop off to their damage post 35 to 40m Then give Scout rifles a beefy damage buff and range increase. But then again I have several changes that I would suggest to the Devs that I feel would balance the game as whole. But I wont get into those in this reply, if you wish to know more of what I would do to bring more balance to the game I would be glad to share them. But seeing as this post is already being over looked by a vast majority due to their "TLDR" mentality, it makes it less enthusiastic about going into details and how/why things could/would/should work better, when they aren't going to read it anyways.
My point is this post, if it wasn't already evident I feel buffing things and rebalancing is a far better solution to issues and complaints then outright nerfing. As it starts the rollercoaster ride of nerf, buff, nerf buff, and creates the flavor of the week/month feel which tends to drive people away in mmos, because they put all their work into that one class So they were the best at it, then "nerfed due to complains" and they become the black sheep of the game.
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