hahaha no. Shut the hell up with the "nerf the titan this" and "nerf the titan that" play as a titan, you'll see that they're nerfed the shit out of as it is. Foh has the longest super ability delay out of any super, they practically put on a -blam!-in parade to get shot, which i have been, and have stopped other titans from using. If you get killed by a shoulder charge, and they don't recently round a corner, you suck. I've been stopped more times than i can count and have stopped others dead in their tracks much more than I've been killed by it. It has the same aoe aas the standard warlock's nova bomb, but can be jumped away from unlike the nova bomb, ESPECIALLY when they use that bullshit tri-bomb, and hunters? Lol what's aoe? They can control wherever the -blam!- they wanna go while supered and soak up shit loads of damage. And don't talk about grenades, just shut up. Titan strikers have the weakest grenades in the game, with not a single one being able to one hit, much less take out even HALF of your shield. Shoulder charge takes a few seconds to build up, can't make sharp turns, easy to miss, and easily stopped, we deserve shoulder charge because we don't have horse shit one hit grenades unless we switch to defender, which is the only non offensive super in the game, and no shoulder charge, so we have to pick and choose. Shut up with the "nerf everything cuz I suck at pvp and like to cry because everything is op except for my class" you ruin the game, go play something else.
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