I'm seeing disdain for "casual" gamers, people saying they ruined the game. One guy even went so far as to say the "even one filthy casual at 30 is too many." He was talking about the new iron banner update.
I've been gaming since Atari 2600 & i think I'm casually hardcore. I play mostly AAA titles, but have more platinum trophies than most on my FL. i don't do much research on games & it's helped with GTAV & Destiny. I'm not concerned about what was "promised" or shown in a trailer a year before the game was released. I don't feel the need to belittle players that are below my rank & don't admire players above me. gaming is my favorite thing to do with my spare time, but the older i get, the less spare time I have, but that doesn't change my enjoyment of this glorious pastime.