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10/27/2014 6:56:50 PM
If you want to play cod matches then why not buy cod? Destiny is themed around those supers and weapons. After you have everything from vog then what? Pvp. Why not pvp with that gear and weapons you got. What's the point in classes without supers and abilities?

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  • My God you've turned from arguing against my statement to arguing in favor of my argument without knowing it. I want Destiny's PvP to stay as it is, but others don't. The only, and I repeat ONLY, problem I have is with the people complaining about PvP from their standpoint of playing modern age FPS's and getting pissed off that this game is not like that. It's their incessant bitching that's screwing the PvE-ers over. From nerfing weapons to nerfing abilities. I don't see PvP-ers complaining about certain updates concerning the raid, strikes, or missions that are screwing their PvP gameplay up.

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  • I'm still on point with my ideas. You are all over the place complaining. Still complaining about people complaining. That's goin to happen. Pvp makes up half the game. Balance is important and telling people is how you get heard. They are readjusting things for pve anyways as I'm to understand. Bonus points if you can get your point across without having to tear down people to do so.

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