originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
Never done VoG before, looking for some help im lvl 27 defender with SUROS, leave reply if interested
I'll do it invite me ToxicN3wt
Let's raid, invite me xIceVeins91x I'm lvl 26 with all legendary weapons and chest with 2 grenades.
I'm lvl 26 and I'm game--fattymcfatfat85. Pls send invite
Add flapjack360. 28 hunter. Complete raid once
Lvl 28 warlock x2pro killer
o S N A G Y o Lvl 28 Titan
Yo ill join the game. Lvl 27 warlock. SkySoaring420
[quote]Never done VoG before, looking for some help im lvl 27 defender with SUROS, leave reply if interested[/quote] I will help
Add me I have 2 that can do it gt. Gambit5757
I got a lvl 27 titan add me if anything Yung Jawz
Looking for an inv Ollie gates88