Personally, I fancy myself the Hand Cannons. I obtained Thorn a few weeks ago and have been enjoying its power ever since; but hopes of obtaining The Last Word still linger.
I was scrolling through my Grimoire Cards last afternoon when I stumbled upon the Grimoire for Thorn. I read it- and began to vaguely understand the dark history behind Thorn.
How the wielder was once a hero of light- and the people looked up to him. But deep down, he was a man of darkness, and he succumbed to that darkness.
Grimoire suggests that he left his body, he had the same flesh, same bones, but he was ultimately a different man entirely.
Now this was the last known man to carry the name, Yor.
Is it sheer coincidence that when claiming the Thorn, you are to execute a Wizard known as, Xyor?
Yor seemed to transform into something else- something dark. Yor left all the Light he had behind him. Perhaps- Yor has become Xyor?
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This theory led me to further inspect the Grimoire Cards. I came across The Last Word. A much more warming story. But still, potential darkness lingers...
The Last Word belonged to a powerful Hunter known as Jaren Ward. (coincidentally the first name of my younger brother)
Jaren Ward came to a town known as Palamon. From what I could find, it seemed like a safe place; a sanctuary of sorts. Although it's leader seemed to be falling down a path of darkness. Findings suggest that the hardships he (Loken) endured took a toll on him. But perhaps it was something else.
Jaren Ward handed The Last Word to a young boy when he came into Palamon. Grimoire suggests that the townspeople did not agree with this. As the shook their heads in disagreement to the boy who took the gun.
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I have yet to stumble across additional Ghost Fragments for continual information on The Last Word- however, a recent Ghost Fragment was found for Thorn. Ghost Fragment: Thorn 2, to be exact.
Simply titled as, "The Bloom" this Grimoire transcript records the conversation between the wielder of Thorn, and what I believe to be a couple of Wasteland Bandits (or so I like to call them). They seem interested in Thorn, mesmerized by it even.
Though the Guardian seems to be passive about fighting, like all confrontations now, blood was spilt, and the bandits surely regretted showing interest in Thorn.
I seemed to have gone on a but of a tangent, this body of the fragment is not what I am interested in at this time. What I am interested in is that before the dialogue begins, the Grimoire has a category titled as, "ASSOCIATIONS"
...and within this category, multiple names appear, but two in particular; Last Word, and Jaren Ward.
What could this mean? Is Jaren Ward one of the Bandits associated in this conversation. Is Jaren Ward killed? It eludes me... Further analysis is needed, as is additional information from The Tower's Guardians.
The Hunters will mock me for this. A warlock asking for help... I don't know why I bother capitalizing their names... But this truthfully has me blocked; and I hunger for more information on this. I must find The Last Word, and the continuing history behind it.
- Atlas Kazan, The Unbroken Stoic -
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------------\\\\\\\\\EXO\\------//////]VOIDWALKER[/////////______[THORN ACQUIRED]......vngrd///L29/////////////////------------------------
Are Ward and Yor the same man? Has the darkness made him mad into thinking two men exist?