I wanted to raid VoG. I tried 3 different Groups. But got disconnected every single time with a baboon error.
I wanted to run Tiger Strikes for marks. I tried 7 different times but each time after only a few minutes, I got disconnected with a Baboon Error.
I wanted to play Crucible. after 3 hours of trying I maybe finished a SINGLE match because every time i queed up, after a few minutes, I got disconnected with a baboon Error.
I want to play your game Bungie, even with all of its many flaws, lack of story, lack of customization, lack of content, repetative grinding. Even with all of that I want to play.
But I can't.
I have been using the same LAN connection since destiny launched and occasionally i would get a disconnect (of varying animals). but over the last two days I have been disconnected due to the baboon error more than 40 times.
40 Times Bungie.
What else can be said.
Played 3 hours of Crucible. Then our group of 6 played soccer in the Tower... Need... More... Content.