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Edited by CorwinCorey73: 10/28/2014 9:01:07 AM
Just a comment to a few... hard enough to get 2-3 people being around to assist in public events.. good luck finding 12-18.. if matchmaking on weekly/nightfall/raids exists.. the non-matched version still needs to be there.. I'd rather solo a weekly nightfall than run with randoms, thanks... the whole "not simple" list... yeah, maybe they could do, like, basic story before recoding the game, lol. If they cant manage to string together a plotline that lasts more than a few hours.. well.. neat ideas, but this isnt a beta.. they arent retooling the baseline mechanics :( um... no to any form of perfect stealth.. just no... 1 way shields? I play a tian often in pvp, and even I gotta say... op much? as for large scale (ie more than 6 per team, or more than 2 teams) pvp... while the xbox one and ps4 may be able to handle it (i doubt it, since bungie's netcode seems to be the reason for lag more than the hardware) it's already bad enough to have unkillable people occasionally teleporting around... imagine whole teams doing it... I mean, interesting ideas (theones in the first list moreso than others) but, as a 15 year beta tester... you gotta know... shoulda said something a year ago.. you know.. back in beta testing lol Want a real idea to keep things going? MORE STORY. More lore, not frakking cards but in game story. Put out a new story mission every 3 weeks to a month, like chapters in an ongoing story that makes it interesting to come back to. Situations and plot points with decisions etc... tactical scenarios that affect the outcome of the story mission would also be nice. .. do the guardians save the captives, or kill the baddie? Having one or two hold a choke point while the other(s) obtain an objective... teamwork based stuff beyond "kill this wave after wave while taking shots at a boss". The key to any game is interest... pvp tends, as long as it's fun, to keep itself going LONG after people lose interest in a game... it's always the last thing to die. Keeping it alive, and expanding means... ACTUALLY expanding content. not far off dlc thats just a new raid, a new strike and a few missions... but constant expansion of a GROWING story. "Hey, it's the beginning of the month, I wonder what the new installment has?" ...lots of games do it, and keep their customers happy for a long time. beta testing is over... it's time to get the Live Dev Team to actually... you know... Develop.

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