I have a dig bick
I bet read you that wrong
I bet you read that wrong too.
Dammit. Even checked the third sentence too.
Quit messing with my mind, man!
You got me each damn time. I also read the #imadolphin as #imadolf Imma go get my glasses...
I read it right. Can I touch your butt?
Whenever read you that it messes me up :(
I h8 u
What sorcery is this?
you Screw, holeass!
So... Can I touch your butt or not?
You have been contacted by the FaZe Clan™. You are held in suspicion of heresy against Doritos and Mountain Dew. A group of FaZe Clan™ MLG Doritos Quickscopers have been dispatched to your location. Enjoy your death. -FaZe Leader
I bet you misspelled brick in the first sentance.
You just got me 3 times there. Bye internet.
Eris Morns when I give her my Black Hammer
I have a big brick.
Lol I read it wrong you bick
le bump
*panics* can I still touch your butt if I read it wrong?
I hate you so much right now.
i not did read wrong
I that read wrong
I read it all wrong. do I win?