[quote]Hate people like your self
The little nerf happy bitches
I'm.happy that now people have to use relic and happy that scrubs like you have to Git gud
Now cry more, scrub[/quote]
I hate you, your genes are worthless.
They're not I excel in muay Thai and I got a 3.5+ gpa in college So I'm smart and I most likely can snap u in half with a kick Gtfo here cry baby nerd
[quote]They're not I excel in muay Thai and I got a 3.5+ gpa in college So I'm smart and I most likely can snap u in half with a kick Gtfo here cry baby nerd[/quote] Lol who cares, you are a worthless human.
Nerd internet warrior replying to every message on his butt hurt thread You're the worthless one. Peace little kid Grow some pubes and get a gf or bf, whatever floats your boat.
Go crawl into an active crematorium.