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Edited by msqar: 10/29/2014 5:59:55 PM

Lv28 Heroic Weekly on Venus is effing impossible or what? (without cheesing)

Me and my teammates are all 29+... the stupid minotaurs and the boss itself can almost hitkill ya, da -blam!- with that? the Void Modifier is absolutely -blam!-ed up! they spam the skills, he has a -blam!-ing machine void machine gun... i can't imagine the Weekly Nightfall... That plus the STUPID -blam!-ING disconnects from the server errors!!!!! FIX THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does anyone in Bungie QA notice this kind of non-sense BS??? EDITED: LOL lot of people saying "OH YOU SERIOUSLY THINK IS HARD?" when they -blam!-ing cheese it from the top, that's for -blam!-ing losers! not for people who actually wants to do it the right way... if you do it in the bottom, in Lv28, it's impossible to solo, and if you say you can solo it that way, record a video so we can see how many wipes you guys have... saying "Ohhh its easy" after cheesing him, is not a good attitude lmao. There are easily 5-7 minotaurs in the bottom... if you dont get to kill all the minotaurs, Nexus says "-blam!- IT im going down" and respanws... so you have the NExus spamming the void missiles (5 per second) plus the minotaurs that are teleporting next to you or going after your ass all the time, plus they spam their void missiles... considering that they can kill in in 0.4 seconds. Say that again? easy? cut the shit out and be honest, all of you guys cheesed it, and if you didn't, prove it.

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  • Edited by bmxmaaster: 10/29/2014 10:00:19 PM
    it's easy when you know the strategy behind it

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  • Me and two 26s pulled it off yesterday as well as the nightfall, patience is key

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    3 Replies
    • I think what you are saying by cheese is " doing it the way anybody of proper level could complete it". I agree with this definition by the way. Yes, I completed the nightfall and weekly solo, but I cheesed it. I hid behind the wall and took my time. I agree it would be very hard to complete weekly and nightfall legit.

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    • Lol. I hope this is a troll, because this strike is absurdly easy. Just have to be not dumb.

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    • We did it by all stay behind the pillar where you jump down. 2 playing peep a boo on both side and one reviving as needed.

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    • Beat it with a team of three without sticking at the top. Only took about ten minutes. We did die a lot because the boss will essentially one-hit. But we stuck together, revived each other, and were done fast. Minotaurs were pretty easy, an upgraded fusion rifle (void) would almost one shot them. Soloing from the bottom would be tough though. You'd need to completely avoid getting hit by the boss while still being able to wear him down.

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    • the fusion rifle i have 1-shots the Minotaur, 2 shots on the yellow ones. as far as the boss goes, when matching the correct element, he goes down fast. you can stay at the bottom and do it just as easily from the top. Use a void rocket launcher to clear the adds on spawn and hide behind the columns, void grenades ( especially the spike void grenade from titan) do an amazing amounts of damage below the boss, considering you can throw 2 at a time for the titan with the right gear. I ran this mission solo with a warlock and finished under 15~20 mins. Be patient and if you have 3 people just lock down one area. 2 on the ends, one in the middle. it's honestly not a difficult raid. Plus you can always have one person killing ads on spawn, one distracting nexus while the other deals damage. with the right weapons he is dead before you know it.

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    • I did cheese it once. Stayed at top but constantly killing the minotaur got annoying so the other two times I did what you call "legit". Jumped down and faced the mighty of vex. It was actually easier that way. I did had to kill 3 waves of enemies while killing the boss but I enjoyed it way more. Hunter gunslinger is extremely good at this. Golden gun destroys almost entire wave. Piece of cake. Truth kills the boss extremely fast and when you dont have to constantly save your heavy ammo for the minotaur spawning behind you, I think I did the boss part way faster. If you do jump down, MAKE SURE TO TAKE COVER when minions spawn. Otherwise the boss will assrape you.

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    • It sounds like you just want to do it the hardest way possible. Its not cheesing to jump up to one of the platforms that surround the boss at eye level. Thats why the game designers put it there. It keeps you from getting overrun by the constant respawns. It sounds like you don't want to use strategy and just stand there shooting without moving. Thats not straight up. Thats being lazy. The lazy get -blam!-!ng killed. As for you balking at taking it from the top entrance. Well sorry. I just don't want to waste my time on something we did 40 times already at different levels of difficulty. The raid is the only thing that I don't get to do over and over again. That is where I don't mind wasting my time.

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      • This is by far the easiest nightfall since launch

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        • Edited by XavvaX: 10/29/2014 8:21:13 PM
          Im lvl 29 beat nightfall with two lvl 28s neither of them had a mic. Didnt wipe at all once we were passed the servetors.

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        • Two words. Rocket launchet

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        • Look, Cheesing isn't cheating, it's effective use of cover. Which is used in real life to keep your protectors alive. Get two others and sit up top with rifles, use Ice Breaker for ammo if you can. 2 watch the spawner and 1 attacks at a time. Use the modifier to your advantage. Using this setup we went through it with no wipes and I didn't die at all. Both weekly challenges. I'm just stating the best for me, not trying to argue or offend anyone at all. If anyone does get on you for doing or not doing this, we all did it right several times, why do we need to prove we can the 50th time? *Negative comments and hate inbound* Cheers for those mature, polite guys up here. You know who you are.

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          • Use atheons epilogue and quit complaining

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            • I did solo it at the bottom correctly hiding behind the walls on the left side. Used my 29 lock in voidwalker. A few supers, rocket launcher/heavy ammo synthesis took him down pretty quick. Hawkmoon killed adds in one shot and my void fusion rifle broke the harpy shields. Almost had it done on my 27 titan but blew myself up. Am trying on my 27 hunter now.

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            • Not easy. But not impossible. Spread out your team. Don't let him hit you more than once. Use sniping to thin minotaurs fast before you jump down. Clear the rest with a void HMG. Make sure to prioritize adds as soon as they appear. You'll only be able to damage him slightly before he gets a shot off. Communicate to Aggro him for revives.

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            • Not impossible. Solo both. Deff need to be careful with that splash damage. It hurts. Gonna solo the 26 weekly with my 26 Titan a little later

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            • Me and a 28 beat it first try without wiping from the raised area down below(stairs on both sides where a lot of people stand during tiger strike). The nexus does put out a ton of damage but if you play carefully it's doable. I soloed it on my other character from the same spot below. Just hide behind the pillar when the ads come and make sure you kill them quickly so they don't overwhelm you.

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            • Yes its difficult but no impossible. I one shot the minotaurs so no prob there and the if you have a good group and know how to use cover you should be fine. If you need help getting through i gladly assist let me know.

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            • I wiped a couple of times with the team I was with but got through it. The void burn was on point and the nexus splash damage was fierce. It seemed to me that they tweaked the right side of the wall because for some reason when the nexus was shooting the splash damage was getting too far in behind the wall. And yes if you took a direct hit from it you was gone.

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            • Everyone is not at the same skill level, there is no one way to play destiny? Play Strikes more tactically, and stay in good cover what it is all about. Work to get weapons you know drops enemies in the raid or daily, and weekly strikes.

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              • Taking cover is not cheesing it

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              • Atheons epilogue, void fusion rifle, void swarm, titans sticky void grenade, boss dead in 5 minutes.

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              • Edited by CoachTC21: 10/29/2014 7:06:51 PM
                I used the magnetic grenade from my Titan with the armamentium armor. That takes out a Minotaur easily. My bro ran his sunsinger. After they were dead, we split the map, he stayed under the archway where the Minotaurs start at and I went to the opposite side behind the wall. We alternated fire when the Nexus was not looking at us and then cleared the enemies as they spawned. If it got too rough on him on the more open side, he would come to my side and I would drop the bubble shield, or go drop the shield and revive him if needed. Took us awhile to get through it as well, just because we were too cocky and wiped a few times. Just have to spread out and focus fire on him when he is not looking your way, when he turns at you, get into cover and let the others firs to get him to turn again. Just do not forget to check for the Vex spawns. Hope this helps.

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              • My team which consisted of a Defender Titan, VW Warlock and myself as a Sunsinger only wiped once on the Nightfall. We did them back to back. There is a spot on the left facing the drop down point where the Titan sits and the two other players go to his right behind a big wall. TO the right of the two players is where the Initial spawn wave comes in. We use this strategy every time we do the Nexus strike. We rarely wipe on it. Also having all void weaponry, Atheons Epilogue, Praedyth and The Swarm helped me. The titan had Truth on stand by and would hit him as much as possible with it. Most of the time the two Warlocks were dealing with spawns. The VW hit Sekiron with NB twice and that is a big chunk. The Minotaurs were the hardest part. You physically have to have one person focus on shield the other on damage. We got in a close situation but our Titan's bubble CCs enemies when they walk through it leaving them open to be killed. I stayed on the ledge and sniped the shields and provided intel and a last ditch effort if they got killed. Nexus is by far the easiest for us out of all the strikes. I hope any info helped.

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              • Edited by Cyriacus: 10/29/2014 7:02:22 PM
                Really? I have been watching StreamerHouseTV solo it all day long. And fighting from the top is part of the mechanics hence the minotaur that spawns and kills you. [url][/url]

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