[quote]I hate you too.
I'll give you the nerfs but Iron Banner was supposed to be GEAR BASED.. The Normal Crucible was supposed to be skill based by negating all advantages and make skill the factor that decides the matches. Iron Banner was meant to unlock level advantages to make your gear actually count.
Drop rate is drop rate. Destiny was never meant to be a loot fest.
We did not ask for the pumpkin head. Don't blame us for decisions outside our control.
May you die painfully and horribly.[/quote]
I could give a -blam!- about what you think. Honestly jumping down an open manhole after dropping in a primed grenade is the best bet.
May you fall into a pit of rabid pit vipers and die a slow agonizing venom induced death.
[quote]May you fall into a pit of rabid pit vipers and die a slow agonizing venom induced death.[/quote] May you get skull f ucked by an horse till you die, then may your corpse be desecrated by my poop.
*Couldn't If you're going to be an idiot and try to insult everyone you see, at least use proper grammar.
[quote]*Couldn't If you're going to be an idiot and try to insult everyone you see, at least use proper grammar.[/quote] It was proper, I implied I did not by saying I could. Use logic, and reading comprehension. One day you grow out of the need to wear training wheels around your ankles.
That is true, but the more appropriate response would have been that you couldn't, implying that you never did and never will. Seeing as you are the type of person who would say that, I thought that I might help you improve your insults a bit, since I saw this poor thing that spends all his time on the forums.
[quote]That is true, but the more appropriate response would have been that you couldn't, implying that you never did and never will. Seeing as you are the type of person who would say that, I thought that I might help you improve your insults a bit, since I saw this poor thing that spends all his time on the forums.[/quote] Thanks bro I appreciate, I did want to imply that I had a choice and chose not to.
Side note, Training wheels around my ankles?
[quote]Side note, Training wheels around my ankles?[/quote] You'd get it if you were there.
Where exactly?
[quote]Where exactly?[/quote] My mind.