[quote]But we LOVE u ;p[/quote]
Immaterial your love is consumed by my hate, making my hate stronger.
Hate is nothing but love misunderstood. so the point still stands we LOVE u ;p
[quote]Hate is nothing but love misunderstood. so the point still stands we LOVE u ;p[/quote] Love is matched only by fear, a la my threat of annihilation.
Most fears are irrational oh wait so is love oh well. We still LOVE u ;p
[quote]Most fears are irrational oh wait so is love oh well. We still LOVE u ;p[/quote] I think this now qualifies as creepy. Whose we? And how attachmentyyyy is this "love"
Hahahahaha We really do tho LOVE u that is ;p
[quote]Hahahahaha We really do tho LOVE u that is ;p[/quote] Creeeeepy
we do................:3
[quote]we do................:3[/quote] Oh god the nooooooooooo who released the flood!