Honestly we need to report this guy to the FBI.
You are clearly very disturbed individual who needs help. Before a serious crime is committed.
I recommend the [b]Destiny[/b] community comes together to get this guy the help he needs.
Here is the link to FBI watch list. https://tips.fbi.gov
This is a urgent matter. Report him like I did
This isn't funny.
I thought OPs post was dumb until I read yours. F UCKing idiot.
You must be that cool kid who wears leather gloves without fingers.
Nope. Im too poor to buy any gloves.
This post is more dumb than OP. That's saying something.
Free life lesson [quote]more dumb[/quote] Correct way is [b]dumber[/b] not more dumb kid.
My apologies. I should have said more stupid.
There you go. Now your well lubricated.
What do you think this is minority report?
Edited by Kabr: 10/29/2014 8:53:52 AM[quote]Honestly we need to report this guy to the FBI. You are clearly very disturbed individual who needs help. Before a serious crime is committed. I recommend the [b]Destiny[/b] community comes together to get this guy the help he needs. Here is the link to FBI watch list. https://tips.fbi.gov This is a urgent matter. Report him like I did[/quote] Do you understand the word facetious? Shit for brains moron. Slash preemptive arrests aren't a thing. If they did that why would we release people from prison? Or let people grow up in gang territory. You are a retard and just wasted your life.
Now i think group reporting you would be funny. *Letter in the mail to your mother* "We are sorry to inform you that your son seems to be exhibiting the same behavioral patterns of a pre-terrorist. Exciting anger towards humanity and making pseudo threats towards the people. We urge you to have a sit down with your son and talk to him about his issues before the problem evolves into something out of your control and into ours." lawl.