Playstation gets another exclusive strike until fall 2015. my condolences Xbox players. It looks like Sony really spent a shit ton of money for exclusivity.
Edit 1: yeesh, people are assuming I'm on xbox... would it kill ya to not assume and just look at my profile?
Edit 2: wow people still think this is a whine post. Those who do are idiots. I typed 3 sentences. The first was stating a fact. The 2nd was me expressing my sorrow for xbox people. The 3rd was me thinking Sony really spent a shit ton of money on exclusivity.
You do realize it's only one strike? Who gives a shit about that
Edited by bucket 911: 10/29/2014 3:43:54 PMif interest for this game dies we may never get the new strike p.s. zedan down there doesn't seem to understand the concepts of time or money and nothing was ever said about exclusive dlc content untill recently.
Who cares? I'm not gonna miss a 15 minute strike too much
#Betrayed - is this real life?? Everyone knew that the exclusive content was on PS4. It's not like all of a sudden they switched from Xbox to PS4, or they promised to give Xbox the same stuff. People like you are the reason this community is getting a bad name.
Same thing that happens with Mirosoft and Call of Duty. Sony has a contract for exclusive content for Destiny through Activision.
Good luck playing it with the connection issues Playstation bestows upon you guys
With the way PSN connections and servers are going... dont worry xbox users, you ll play it before us.
Edited by Hostile AKs: 10/29/2014 2:02:28 PMWell, good luck to you guys getting on those servers. You guys lose about 1 week a month dude to playstationnowork so remember that before you get all jolly. Ps. MCC or another destiny strike. Fair trade. We get the strike later you never get MCC
LOL im on xbox, shut your mouth, when xbox got DLC earlier than ps3, the thing is ps3 never got any DLC AT ALL until it was fully released, be glad we don't have to wait till fall for the DLC we only wait for a strike...everyone is still getting the main parts in december. ps3 never got a few cod maps at the same time as xbox, no they got 0 of everything until a month or so later.
Well looks like I won't be getting any DLC until late next year, if at all.
Console exclusive content is the weakest selling point in the marketing arsenal. If only they'd realise it doesn't sell consoles to any level of significance then we'd all be on an even footing.
Not paying the same for some content that will be locked on xbox. Rip off
I have a 360 and it collects dust. In fact it hasn't even been turned on for almost 2 years. The coolest thing about the Xbox was the kinect and that fad is already dead. I was on the fence about the next Gen consoles but Microsoft sealed their fate with their restrictions and limitations. Then on top of that they don't even have the balls to stick by what they proposed and had to fight to keep up with Sony. Keep your proprietary garbage Microsoft.
I currently own a PS4 and an Xbox one, and where the ps4 has slightly better processing capabilities, and a couple of exclusives and yes a couple of maps for destiny over the Xbox, the whole online experience is a shambles compared to Xbox live. So don't worry about an exclusive map that the Xbox doesn't have, all round I expect we are having a better destiny experience lol.
Edited by TangoKiller91: 10/29/2014 2:44:23 PMIts agreed that both sides do exclusive crap. However, when CoD releases an xbox exclusive, it isn't something along the lines of destinys expansion. Its just a couple multiplayer maps. Destiny is releasing story missions, weapons/armor, a raid, and strikes. Now, both PS4 owners and Xbox owners are spending either 20 bucks (for the single expansion) or 35 bucks (for the season pass) but PS4 is getting more content for the same prices. Even if it is something as minor as a strike, Xbox owners are still being charged the same price for technically less content. And its not like a month wait like CoDs exclusives are. A year is a long time. 12 times the amount of time PS4 CoD players had to wait for content.
I'm a xbox owner an could careless about the DLC coming out in all honesty I think I'm done with the game, it has nothing of interest anymore no story nothing, I'm just playing this crap until a good game releases like farcry4 or division especially gears of war 4
What they should've done with the exclusives is at least not make us wait as long. What I had in mind is have Dust Palace exclusive until Dark Below comes out, then have The Undying Mind exclusive until House of Wolves, and that exclusive strike (probably Traitor's Ketch) until the next expansion, etc.
It always has.
Edited by PowZ: 10/29/2014 3:04:32 PMYeah that's the fact . . . I'm on XBone but truth is I'm not feeling like I'm missing anything, and still way glad I have it on the XB1 . . . have nothing against the PS4 except I've never wanted to use the PS4 controller . . .and I really love the XB (360 and One) controller. The XBox dlc will be available when it's availabe. Sony got the upper hand on that deal, paid big time . . . thats the way it goes.
Bump bump bump greedy corporate bastards Deej I hope you see these posts and tell your bosses "we screwed the pooch here guys , we won't make it two years let alone ten"
as I see it, we're just getting it later. We have so many games to play between now and 2015, this will only give us a reason to finally come back to Destiny once we haven't played it for months.
Up until a few days ago I thought we (XB1 owners) were going to have to wait until late 2015 for the DLC. Then I found out it was just a single Strike.. I couldn't care less about a single strike mission. I've heard the existing PS exclusive strike is rubbish and, even if the new one is awesome, I won't be losing any sleep over it. If we were going to have to wait a year for updated story content, or increased levels, that would be different. As it is, I'm delighted with the way it's worked out compared to what I was expecting.
This is really pi**ing me off now PS4 already has 1 exclusive strike and gear now for a few weeks or months but a whole year but now another strike i paid the same amount for the game and got less now the same with the dlc i paid for in advance the xbox player are some of bungies most loyal fans and this is what we get in a game thats already becoming boring doing the same strikes over and over they go and hold 2 strikes back for a whole year. Bungie you should be ashamed you sold us a game lacking content as it was not ready have to nerve to then charge us for the unfinished contents then rub salt in the wound by further holding so much content back from there loyal fanbase this exclusive contend bull is becoming a joke to all gamers on all consoles.
Seeing as how the DLC is content we should've already had with the full game release. [b]Real Title: Sucks to be an Activision Dupe...again[/b]
So Xbox coming to terms with this is basically "old rehashed content from years ago > Brand new content". I can see why devs dont ever make much of an effort to produce new ip's anymore.
dont know why xbox users complain, we have had to put up with this bull from cod for years.