We're getting 50% of the new strikes... and the game only shipped with 83% of the total strikes, since PS already has an extra one. After the DLC launches, Xbox players will only have access to 75% of the strikes, but paid the same money. Total bull.
you get it later on it's the same, you'll just finish the strike later. nothing is bull. ps3 had to settle with getting like every DLC late compared to 360 for years. like i said i'm a xbox player, and now that the tables have turned and ps4 gets a few exclusive early DLC things, some xbox players get a bit too sour. deal with it.
Then why do I have to pay for 25% of the content that I won't get until next fall? PS players have never had to pay up front for DLC that was released early on Xbox.
that's like saying why did ps3 players pay 100% price, for 0% of the content until a month later, nothing is different besides the wait time.
You're not getting the issue at all. COD DLC comes out a month early for xbox users, they pay $15 for it. PS users pay nothing because it's not available to them. Destiny DLC comes out at the same time for PS and Xbox and costs $20. Xbox users have to wait a year to play all of the content that both PS and xbox users paid for. xbox users aren't getting a discount on the things they don't get to play for a year, they have to pay the same price for gimped content.
Edited by Andy2Spooky5me: 10/29/2014 5:41:38 PMyou can pay for the dlc on cod early you just don't get the dlc until it's out on ps3 it's like paying for a season pass, it's better on destiny that you get the most parts out of the expansion on the same date atleast you won't have to wait a month for everything like if it was cod.
If that's the case, then you are right. You don't have to wait for a month to get everything like you did in call of duty, you have to wait a year to get everything that you paid for in destiny.
Not a year, a few months, and not everything, 1 strike. 1 strike that will probably take like 5 minutes like every other strike. people need to stop complaining about exclusives because sooner or later they are dead content.
Posted this before. Very bottom of the page. Tell me, when does fall start? A few months from now or December? Also i never said all the content. I said that both groups pay the same but one group can't play everything for a year.