I don't see PS players whining they don't get Halo.
Suck it up buttercup.
Then you must not be reading any comments... Just posting randomly like a retard...
They're using it as a comparison. Reading comprehension is your friend..."retard"
[quote]LMAO I don't see PS players whining they don't get Halo. Suck it up buttercup.[/quote] I don't see xbox complaining about god of war last of us
You must not read these forums. I've seen at least 50 posts today mentioning how HALO was a XBOX exclusive.
and Xbox players don't get Uncharted or The Last of Us, your point?
Exactly my point. If you want all the content or specific games then buy the right system or buy both. Problem solved.
Sorry we don't all suck dick for money like you....
I thought Xbox was getting the Last of us? Did I hear wrong?
You did.