Look, I'm not a fan of this business practice anymore then anyone else, but the reality is, you bought an Xbox knowing that PS4 would get exclusive content, they announced this way before Xbox One and PS4 even released. Both Xbox One and Playstation 4 have there own games with there own exclusive content, Xbox One gets Call of Duty timed exclusive content (that everyone knows about) and Playstation 4 gets Destiny timed exclusive content (that everyone knows about). It's not like you bought an Xbox One before the exclusive deal, everything was set in stone pre-launch.
I know it sucks, but you'll get it eventually, just like Playstation owners will get the Call of Duty stuff eventually, and as a Playstation owner, i can tell it it was very frustrating knowing that Xbox owners got the Call of Duty Zombie Maps before PS3 owners.
I bought an Xbox One before I had any clue what Destiny was. I bought it because other friends had the Xbox One and it made more sense to get the console that would allow me to play with friends. This whole console wars and releasing content on one console a full year before another is just frustrating. CoD exclusives are normally around a month(I still think that's ridiculous and just a way for the studios to grab more cash) but a full year of waiting for the same content that will be completely outdated at that point is ridiculous. Why even release it at that point?