originally posted in:Ps4 Raidz Group
Ok tonight at 8:00 pm est I'm going to do the VOG the first six to say there in will roll with me. I will do the VOG every night an have two teams of six on the weekends.. So every one will have a chance, hit me up now an I will add you send me a request or just give me your gamer tag..
Ill join anytime I'm on add me jdawg1579
Optimusdime666 lvl 29 hunter. I'm down to do hard raid whenever.
[quote]Ok tonight at 8:00 pm est I'm going to do the VOG the first six to say there in will roll with me. I will do the VOG every night an have two teams of six on the weekends.. So every one will have a chance, hit me up now an I will add you send me a request or just give me your gamer tag..[/quote]if u need one more im a lvl 27 warlock and i know how to do the vog and my gt is HardBeffyTaco
Defo take u up on the offer mate add me, i'll take a spot for friday night
Add me I'm down to try the raid. Never done it! Level 27 (about to be 28) warlock.
I'm in for tommorow! 28 hunter just add me Dualshockrazor
Psn Redshorts917 level 29 Titan
Can I join?
DontGetMurked Lvl 29 hunter Ill add you now
I'll do it PSN thesneakylatino
Could you bump it back to 7:30-ish
Lvl 29 hunter Psn is ProfxSadxPanda
Maybe Send me an invite on PS4 PSN: jktbell
Im in aFloatingRock 26 Titan