As an XB1 owner since launch, it is infuriating to see my Limited Edition purchase get me less value than the Limited Edition purchase of a PS4 owner just because I made a decision to buy an XB1 10 months before Destiny came out. And for my DLC to be devalued FOR A WHOLE YEAR? If you give out free content to PS4 owners related to the main game, fine, though the duration is ridiculous. But to apply exclusives within DLC content without announcing far in advance? That's garbage. That's bad business. You're making fools of yourselves in the video game community and losing so much credibility to both PS4/PS3 owners and XB1/360 owners. Multiplatform games should be treated equally on each system, and any timed exclusive content should be for a few months at most.
But they did announce far in advance. .. [quote] As an added bonus for PlayStation platforms, the Destiny Expansion pass will also include additional exclusive content for Expansion I and II that will remain exclusive until at least Fall of 2015. [/quote]
Fair enough. I suppose I still would not have expected it to be entire strikes now that we know there are so few. The long duration of the exclusivity and Bungie being stingy with what little content exists still bother me just as much even knowing this, though.
Lol actually it was made mention before the game came out multiple times in July and August.
This.... seriously... the only thing they ever said was PS is gonna get exclusives on launch. Nothing else. But of course Xbox community gets shaffted harder then a whore from a corner.
[quote]As an added bonus for PlayStation platforms, the Destiny Expansion pass will also include additional exclusive content for Expansion I and II that will remain exclusive until at least Fall of 2015.[/quote]
Read my post above you're's.