Always the same reply. You could buy the other console if you wanted. This is the same game on two consoles. Not an exclusive versus a non-exclusive. We paid the same rate, but just happen to have another console. Now, if we already have the game and were not aware of the exclusive content before, and now we have started on a console, then we are already invested. I have a PS3 and an Xbox360 (actually multiple 360s because they were garbage). This isn't really a PS vs Xbox debate or anything for me. It's really just about equal content. We just want the same game that we paid for for the same price.
Some of you are just too thick to agree or want to let out your pent up rage about Halo or whatever.
The more I read about this subject the more I agree that it is not fair and no one should support this. No one. This isn't a positive thing for the industry or gamers. Think of it that way. Stop thinking about Playstation or Xbox for a minute and think about one group being shafted over another because they don't have a particular console. Not about a game only going to one version, but about content not being equal. Even for that matter I would support it across multiple platforms. Do you think Halo players were honestly concerned that Playstation didn't get to play Halo? They just wanted to play Halo. At least not the decent players. The gamers who are truly gamers. Gamers want to game. I don't want exclusives to anything. If I want to play a title on PC (let's think GTAV) then I want to play it on that platform and I would like to do it at the same time as others if the funds allow it.
Stop taking it as a personal attack on you that people are upset that they don't get the same content. They aren't upset with you for getting to play the content. They're upset with the shady dealings to keep gamers on an equal footing on the same game.
Well put and in this case maybe the hate will actually be good. Lots of posts means it stays at the top and if it's at the top it will get read by someone at bungie. Hopefully that person gets the conversation going to people who can make the game better for everyone and maybe they vary the enemies/bosses in the strikes or give us more free content to extend the life so the game last till next September (for us Xbox players lol)... Or nothing happens... Either way I've already done more than sitting in my living room getting pissed I have to play the same 5 strikes 100 times lol
I'm not supporting it im saying he's whining about it, oh and I have no rage for halo because I enjoyed every one of them, I'm simply saying it seems retarded to complain about a few extra things that mean jack shit compared to a full load of games and still more being made that are exclusive just not By bungie anymore. Oh and I didn't read the last long paragraph maybe I will now idk.
I can see why you think I'm whining about it cuz I own an Xbox, but that wasn't my intention. I just want this business model gone and I like destiny and want to continue liking it. I appreciate you joining the discussion, but my point was to make the game better on all systems and to make sure this doesn't happen to any other games I love to play.
Alright well I get where your coming from, but let's take a moment and be real here. Microsoft and Sony are both greedy queers and will never be satisfied and will always try to stick it to the other console, but in short it's hurting the gamers not so much the company; but that'll never change their but greedy sons of bitches.
I agree but let's hope the developers still care about their art and destiny will only get better (cuz then the exclusives won't matter as much)