[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by unik kev: 11/2/2014 4:52:16 PM
Sounds like twilight to me. I'd also like some space dragons with my raid as a final boss and also anti-grav stuff like that hammer from halo, I'm sure you all can do that stuff right? Thanks Arby I know that you'll listen cause I'm crying tears and Bungie likes listening to people who cry tears.
Just drop the PvE and go all in on the PvP, add more perks, talents and what have you Let us transmogriphy equipment so we can look unique And give me last word, that is all.
3rd subclasses? Does anyone know if they exist
i think you should create a alliance option ingame and grimoire ingame and voice chat in patrols and tower before DLC you guys lack common sense and its frustrating
Bungie shouldve stayed with microsoft and make destiny how they wanted and then release it on the one and ps4 just maybe exlusive time dlc for xbox then maybe it was the game they wanted to create , but no bungie said microsoft doesnt let us do what we want with the game ! This comment was bullshit activision just trew bags of money and bungie took it , and now destiny what couldve been a great game is just fun for couple of weeks not years ! And now everybody is going to buy cod again so activison makes this years 2 game realeases with millions of sale it is al strategic ! Sorry for the bad english and typing ! No time , im drivin
I will not be buying the DLC. I feel I have wasted the whole 300 plus hours I have invested in this game was a waste. Have played the raid over 100 times. Still no raid boots.... but im sure glad I got those 15 chatter whites. They help me out alot. Thanks for leaving me with a feeling of being screwed over every time I play which is now only once a week on Tuesday to try n get those -blam!-ing boots.
Just saw the content of the dark below and i really hope there is more than 3 story missions 1 strike and one raid
I love multi player games that require a certain degree of skill to be successful. So sick of cod and even bf with the same scenarios over and over. In my opinion the best new gen multiplayer PVP games are destiny and the last of us. If last of us had the same budget as destiny then god knows how great that game will be. I mean what is more satisfying than smashing a plank with nails into someone's skull lol. Who remembers man hunt? Last of us multiplayer is like man hunt in terms of gruesome kills and realistic game play. I still have faith in destiny as it has a fantastic engine, graphics and gameplay is beautiful throughout. All we need is more planets, more locations more enemies, better story, space battles and races, sparrow races, more diverse petrols, bigger and badder bosses, upgraded ghost that can be used in tactical situations, more vendors and currency, more gear, more material eg upgrade ships etc with materials, dynamic weather, horde mode, more unique game modes, more rpg elements, more characters, more NPC's that actually have meaning and requires interactions, free roam mode like Gta, added PVP content and did i mention a better story! Also a cool suggestion would be that we can inhabit the earth below the tower and their should be enemies advancing on the city at all times and areas we are not allowed past should have level 100 enemies so if u go out of bounds then u will not make it very far. This will add the illusion that everywhere is accessible. If bungee did this then they would have the best game ever made. Please make this happen and you will appease all!
Everybody keeps referencing battlefield and CoD. What about killzone? They created a great game a complete story not some. "Your journey has just begun guardian, please insert 20 dollars to continue journey" bullshit and they release free maps every few months or so, and regularly patch. So in comparison to killzone destiny is a total scam, they are selling you what's on your hard drive already. It wouldn't be a problem if Destinys story actually left me satisfied but it doesn't it is so boring and so bad, and then to find out they sacrificed aspect of the launch only to sell it to me later feels like a con to me. Bungie doesn't love you, they love your money
This for $20 TRASH! It should be free so that people who don't have the game pay $60. The Dark Below seems cool but not for $20
that shit only 3 missions in story mode, plus a ridiculous foray. what rubbish!
20$ for this.. C'mon,. I'm living in Europe and it's gonna be Euro in my state. So think about other peoples..
Honestly, the amount of people that come here to moan is absolutely sickening. Really, there are game issues. It's a big game, it's not perfect. Nothing is perfect, that is what life is like. Things in life break and are broken. You moan because a company wants to make money off you, it's a company, a business, that is what they do. The developers undoubtedly have the players in mind when making content however there monetary commitments, nothing in life is free. People moan because their fancy items have been nerfed. So what, if this is all you have to moan about, life must be good. You act as if you wasted time getting them, if all that is what playing the game is to you (obtaining items) then yes you are truly wasting your time. To summarise, grow up, get some perspective and if you are going to criticise then do it constructively. For those that state any of the above are reasons for you to stop playing the game then good because it is better off without you.
Can everyone shut the hell up about how "bad" this game is, you ain't kidding anyone, you're still playing the game every day because you love it really and think it's cool to bad mouth it, just like all the COD fanboys used to and still do about that game, if you seriously don't like it return it and stop yapping about it on forums like this. I came on here for some info on the dlc and was greeted with a bunch of negative comments that all say the same thing because everyone thinks its cool to jump on the band wagon! Well it's no cool its pathetic, this game is awesome so far and i can't wait to see all the cool additions and patches they make to the game to make it the ultimate game which i have no doubt it will be. Now im going back to do my daily heroic then mess up some of you bad mouthers in the crucible because i know you are there and i will take great pleasure in evaporating you all with my "OP" fusion rifle :) Awesome game bungie
Tf m8 you tryin tu rek us m8
Does anyone else think that the Hunter helmet with the re-breather makes it look like he got fat lips?
Awww dlc ay????? Hey Bungie can you at least let me put on some make-up next time????? because I wana look nice the next time you try to f.u.c.k me!!!
Instead of givin us pumpkin heads how about working on your connection issues, since that last update I lag out so much more, and it's not only me, it's most of your players, if you want this to be a ten year game, give people what they want, I thought the last update was supposed to make it better, but it seems its a lot worse, c'mon bungee you're better than this fix your game
If you google Eris, you'll see that Eris was the name of the Greek goddess of chaos and destruction
I have been looking forward to some new content but it seems like it doesn't matter because I have been doing the raid on three characters since the it has been out and I have only got one piece of armor for two of them. RNGesus hates me no matter how much I praise him. Maybe it would be nice if you were guaranteed 1-2 pieces of random armor (not just the class your on) at least then I could dismantle for shards or energy instead of only getting those materials every time... Nothing like doing the raid for shards, energy and of course another chatterwhite I don't need every week
To bad Xbox players have to wait longer than Ps
Any body looking for a play station or Xbox clan join Towers Greatest
Too bad xbox players get scammed with 1 less strike...they didnt even mention that
ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! THE DARK BELOW!!! Hey guys, I wanted to say something aloud here. A dream or ideal I have, I want to grasp you attention for the next five to ten minutes. Hopefully longer if you watch the video I posted along with my tale. I've been playing games for about 15 years. It all started when I was about six years old. I'd come to my grandmothers house, she had the Snes. Oh did I love that gaming console, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, and The Legend of Zelda. Those were only a few, but to tell you the truth despite being twenty years I could pick those games up right now and enjoy playing them. Those were quality video games, those game were someone's idea that they wanted others to see and be amazed. Now take a game from today, how many of you play a three year old xbox game? A few, but not many of you. I for one wouldn't play call of duty modern warfare if I had ghosts, would you? If I had super mario bros 3 or say super mario world though I would be at a crossroad. The thing I'm trying to get at here is that things aren't made with true quality anymore. Nothing is made with quality. How many of you use a 10 year old laptop? None. How many of you have been to a place that had a pinball machine from the fifties. I'd say quite a bit more than those of you who use a laptop from 2004. Every time a new iPhone comes out millions of people spend billions of dollars on it. Think of that, an iPhone comes out at least once a year. It's ridiculous, big corporations know that we as a whole make stupid choices based upon popular trends. I know I won't touch hardly anyone or change anyone's mind, but speaking to a community of people who have a similar interest that I do is more comfortable than blabbering to my friends and family. What I am getting at is, I want people to see the truth. The dark reality behind what is really happening to us as a whole. We are being shafted by the fat dick of the corporate pig. If someone cut you every time you walked near them. You wouldn't go near them again would you? If someone sold you a toy that broke in a day you wouldn't buy a toy from them again would you? It doesn't make sense to me, people buy new technology every day and every year just because they want it, their kids want it, their old one is broken, etc.. Why though? Why isn't their a company that says "hey, I have an idea. Let's make a phone that doesn't break in six months", "let's build a game that will become a cult classic", "let's build a quality product". I know why they won't, money. Say everyone didn't let the big guy shaft us for one day. One day, just one day. No one turned on their tv, xbox, or iPhone. Of we all just left that shit at home. Went outside, out with friends, or maybe see someone special. Think of how much money these big guys would lose. Billions upon billions of dollars. Just for twelve hours of your time. If days like that could be arranged we would have them at our feet instead of us at theirs. Why do you think destiny is so bad? Or not bad, but rather hollow. Don't you agree? Watch the video, that guy has his head on straight. We have been shafted by bungie, activision, or both of them. I don't know for sure, and neither does he but one of them has a big wallet. Please watch his video, please think about what I am saying, please boycott the dlc "the dark below" for destiny for at least 1 week. Let's show them we mean business and we want what we were shown. Not some cut and past garbage that they know the stupid ones will go and buy.
After seeing the price of borderlands tps first dlc at $9.99 for 1 new character it makes this look quite reasonably priced (its not i know but still )