[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Master Chief Collection is coming...so much for a ten year plan. I'm laughing in Dothraki! Oh the Irony!
Edited by x 3rdStreetRix: 11/2/2014 2:36:13 AMThis is disgusting! this content should be free!! 1 It was already in the frigging game just that bungie decided to turn it into a dlc so they could squeeze out every last bill. 2 Its not even a full dlc this is just minor content. 3 All the crap your loyal fans have had to put up with is insane and we deserve to be treated better. 4 Its overpriced to shit for what it is worth.
Now with more RNG!
I don't care what they did the game is good but I just feel bad for some of the developers who didn't get the chance to share their complete Vision of the game due to oversimplification of games these days...it reduces creativity making games seem so simple it make my feel like I'm an idiot.....Hell Nes games were harder...moral of the story....creativity stops when the money drops
I just wrote an angry rant and decided to delete it... I seriously am so disappointed in you guys Bungie. I wanted to take over the world with you. I had the dream of becoming a programmer for you guys one day and started studying everything from cobol to c++. I don't want to work for a company like you anymore. I will say this though cause I thought it was funny when I wrote it. The Dark Below? AKA as Bungie's money hole. Way to go guys.
I don't know what happened between Bungie and Microsoft or Activision and if PlayStation owns Activision and blah blah blah blah and I don't care. What I do know is rpgs, and mmorpgs, and this one feels unfinished, and rightfully so because like any good franchise it should leave you wanting more. BUT this one just leaves you, it's broken and not just in the story area, it's the glitches in the raid, the lack of in world communication, the lack of variety in weapons, armor, shaders, etc.etc.etc.Every person in this game has the same crap as everyone else, you talk of individuality but I've literally met four random hunters who look just like mine from the features to the shader and armor, every crucible match is a bombardment of fusion rifles, auto shotguns, and melee with an occasional special. Earning special things in this game doesn't come down to skill but patience and a tolerance to mind numbing repetitive tasks that drive you insane, of which their are only six of "spinmetal, helium, blooms, iron, shards, energy" at least throw in variety. I realize that no game will be perfect but this one could be closer than a lot of others..it just seems like you're doing a cash grab though and gamers don't take that crap, not real ones, the ones who this game originally appealed to. The first break in this franchise will be it's death unless you start making it right. By break I mean the time between dlc and the sequel, destiny 2, re-destiny, or call of destiny future black ops or wtf ever you greedy people call it. You know what's been done wrong in this game franchise, fix it before someone loses a couple of hundred million.
Holy crap I'm sooooo excited for this it looks and sounds amazing!
When can it be bought instead of preordered
Need raid matchmaking before they bring this out!
I like the new DLC but I truly feel this game needs more events n free updates. There's so much of the Lil things u can do like stop making Xur sell weapons n armor. If you add a system where u can sale stuff to other players for strange coins n use coins to buy special items from Xur like ammo, vehicles, exotic shaders, ships, custom outfits, etc.
So I have a question about this dlc. For all the people that like to play solo do you reckon it will be possible to get to light level 32 without doing this raid or will it be like the vault of glass where you only get raid gear for completing it?
I am looking so forward to this dlc. I love this game. Decent investments. Time and money
My only concern is whether or not the Vault of Glass will still be accessible. For those of us who have not beat the raid, will it still be there, or will we be forever denied victory?
-New weapons, armor, and gear -lvl cap increase -new strike -new story missions -new raid Personally I'm perfectly fine with paying this much for the expansion/dlc usually expansions are like 30-60$ but then again mmo expansions are usually huge
When the dlc comes out can we receive a new weapon and armor piece as a gift plz instead if having to earn it Call of Duty gives u new weapons and armor pieces when u buy the dlc you don't have to earn it
Boo you, whore. I wish I was surprised, but at this point, I've just come to accept the fact that though this game was priced at $60 for both consoles, PS users seem to be getting a lot more for their money. Since the DLC will only feature 90% (or less?) of the content for Xbox users, may we purchase the DLC at a proportional rate? That seems to be the most fair.
so i hear that the content the xbox one users are getting is less than the ps4's AND that it is ps4 exclusive for damn near a year. if i have to pay for more content that ps4 users get for the same price that i pay for the dlc then i'm never even playing anything with a bungie name let alone buying any of your products ever again. you guys are just punishing the players because your so butthurt over the microsoft incident and its incredibly childish of you. xbox players and microsoft MADE halo into the icon that it is today and your taking a shit on all of that because you hate your customers that much. honestly i probably wont invest anymore money into destiny because, let's be honest, it's not worth it.
Can I get a "Hell Ya" from anyone putting this game on the back burner come Nov. 18!! GTA 5 & FarCry for PS4!!!
Hard raid saved on atheon. Ps4
Edited by ZombieCo: 11/2/2014 7:32:35 AMRipoff game is a ripoff. Its also horribly imbalanced, crucible is -blam!-ed since hotfix. Hunters are way over powered if you see any post in here talking smack like usual be sure to check their kill death ratio versus any of the other classes they play and you will notice 100% of the time they have double the ratio.
If ur really gonna sell patience and time and ice breaker and suros then why not let people who do [b]WELL[/b] in crucible get good things instead of giving all the bad people stuff?
Anybody wanna do the hard raid on ps4. Saved at atheon
Nice mix of an eminem song👌
Need 2 people for the hard raid. Saved at atheon on ps4
Edited by Level5BikerDregs: 11/2/2014 12:17:28 AMThank Activision for ruining Destiny. Also the " Dark Below " and " House of Wolves " plus many other things were originally going to be in the normal game. These are DLC now because of Activision. Also did you know that there were originally more classes than what we have? Did you know that the Queen's brother has a name " Crow ". Crow was originally going to help you in missions like the Archive and he and many others were main characters in the storyline written by the original main developer. Did you know that Destiny actually had a DOPE STORYLINE? Also did you know that the lead developer left his job for Destiny possibly due to Activision pushing for making more money by making the original story into DLC? Did you know that almost ALL OF THE STORYLINE WAS GUTTED out and not used for whatever reason? Can I get a bump please, so that other people who CONSTANTLY COMPLAIN about Bungie can KNOW THE ACTUAL FRIGGING TRUTH? So for those who say I'm incorrect, the game itself has all these areas and stuff in the code; this was discovered by a glitch that showed all of the "DLC" areas. Explain to me why the developers showed a location that is on a cliff surrounded by a forest and a city (most likely in Old Chicago) a video before the release of Destiny. There is also another game play trailer that shows "Crow" pointing a gun at the Guardian in Old Russia. None of these were in the released version of the game so something big must have happened before the release of Destiny; to have the developers themselves show game play and trailers with false information about things COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the current game. Does it make sense that Mercury is a pvp map yet there is absolutely no occurrence of Mercury in the ENTIRE game? You did not download DLC to unlock Mercury, it was already in the game. Gutting out a huge portion of the game and selling it as DLC is a HUGE money maker, because the consumer wants to know WHAT THE BALLS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I don't think that Bungie- the creators of the famous Halo series and many other major titles; would give us this not so amazing game. I personally don't think Bungie would be that big of a dick to us.Thank you, bless you if you sneezed at all during the absorption of this knowledge. Also this is not 100% fact or anything (rumors), but it still gives out a good point.
As someone who,lacking better judgement, pre-ordered the "expansion", the lack of content described in it is simply insulting. I will be contacting sony in request of a refund. Though I'm guessing I won't have much luck.