[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Good Morning Bungie! ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...
So... Why was this game $60? It looks like we're given half a game, and then they decide to give the Xbox players 1/4 of a game, but still for the same price! I like this game, and I'll probably buy the DLC, but this game could have been so much more, bungie.
Anyone want to do the weekly strike with me on Xbox one right now? Feel free to message me at EdwardCoalIn
To Activision: The business practice of price discrimination is not okay. If Destiny itself was exclusive to one console/platform, then this would be a non-issue. I understand that deals are made to promote one platform over another, and that is fair. However, when you do open up the game to all platforms, charge them all the same amount of money, but give one segment of customers get a subset of the same product, then that is a very big problem. And that to me is sad because despite the product flaws and story execution, I enjoy Destiny quite a bit (I've played 80 hours so far.) To the Community: As a product designer, it is my job to understand product market fit, and to test various hypotheses. When a new business model is proposed, it has to be proven by the data: in this case, it is the # of sales generated and the customer sentiment towards the product. We are part of an experiment as we speak: Will Xbox customers buy the DLC even if they know they will only receive a subset of the product for a limited time and still pay the same price? I don't think Activision would gamble like this if they didn't believe that hypothesis to be true. I wouldn't be surprised if they think that people are addicted to Destiny and that the customers would rather stay apathetic, play the game, and grumble on the forums rather than to take a stand by not purchasing the DLC. (Assuming they are upset by the price discrimination.) Let it be clear: This is not about money. This is about principle, and the slippery slope for an even deeper cut of content in future DLCs. I think we can all agree that content is most important here. So this is really in your court. Your actions will either prove or disprove the hypothesis. I unfortunately made the mistake of not reading the fine print when I purchased the Digital Guardian Edition, and there's nothing I can do to take that back, but that doesn't mean that my voice and yours, my dollar and yours, don't make a difference now and into the future. You decide based on what is important to you. Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Does price discrimination bother you? Why or why not? P.S. I just mailed this letter to Activision today. I won't support this business practice in the future regardless of what has occurred in the past in the gaming industry: http://imgur.com/ONQeoMz
Nope, not falling for this shit twice. You can go stuff that DLC up your ass Bungie.
3 more story missions and only 2 more levels, this is sssoooooo disapointing, and there is not even the smalest talk about a new planet... A ten year plan... Bungie, u need to wake up becuse this is bullshit.. This game wont even last to next summer... I was looking forward to a game that would expand for real... And this is not the case, u are giving us 2 more lightlevels and and 3 story missions and 1 new strike and 1 new raid.... What a epic failed u bungie have become... Give us atleast 5 more levels per expansionpack and atleast 1 more planet to explore with alot more stort missions.. I dont understand why u cant give us more for our hard earned money that we have chosen to pay for this game... U are losing our trust and its going fast... U need to pay more attention to us or your quest for world domination will be no more... I am very disaponted in you and i have loved you since the halo series but it really feels like that company is no more or please show me wrong cuse u are losing all your fans right now and your company will soon be doomed. You must be Living in some kind of dream where everything is great.. But cant u hear all your fans screaming for u to do something that will prove to us that u do listen and is working on a saloution becuse in this rate... U whont have Any fans that will be suporting or buying anything else from you... Ever. Please Change this or this all will be lost.. And very soon that is..
Edited by Aunex: 11/1/2014 1:22:06 PM*** MOST IMPORTANT POINT *** Quoted from 'twobeersmears' - 'While you, Bungie, continue to release patches nerfing hard-earned exotic weapons, killing loot caves, restructuring the raid to prevent players from beating it with human ingenuity, and announcing DLC content that is quite honestly very lackluster and addresses none of the deep, even psychological ineptitudes within the Destiny universe, I assure you that even if the current numbers say otherwise, you are not building a 10 year franchise. Or a 5 year franchise. I'll be curious to know what those numbers reveal once other games are release through the holiday season. Somehow, I don't think they'll be very promising. Not considering what you gave us at launch, and how little you continue to give us. Destiny was a promise of something incredible that never was and still isn't. It could still become that, but my hope is waning, and that's a real shame, because this world you made for us, this repetitive, empty world - it's very pretty.' Do us all a favour Bungie and listen to the masses, there needs to be drastic changes if you plan on keeping our attention. Right from the start there wasn't enough content, a mere handful of story missions on each planet and fast level gains made it a very short campaign. The game feels rushed, lacking a lot of content and nothing to keep the consumers occupied for long without them losing their minds from repetitive strikes or material farming at end game. On xbox we only have 5 strikes (ps have 6) and With this dlc (which xbox have to pay the same as ps) the playstation gamers will get an extra strike, so thats 8 strikes on ps and just 6 on xbox?! You must be in a dream world to think that isn't going to put us xbox gamers off buying this dlc. Or any others for that matter! The exclusivity is for a whole year to, bit harsh? There's a few big titles coming out soon, can safely assume you'll lose a lot of traffic if you don't address the issues staring you in the face. ~Aunex If you agree with this, feel free to share it!
Bungie sucks and so does playstation so screw the dlc.
hey Deej you forgot to tell your fanboys that the dlc was just cut content from the game because you guys got to cocky and lazy
I think it's funny reading all these peoples posts about how they are mad that ps gets the exclusive content. So does that mean since halo didn't even come out for ps that we should make a thread with all of the ps users complaining about being left in the dark with halo for years. They should sell the Xbox one in the todler section of stores because obviously everyone that gets one is a child.
Any1 doing level 26 raid I need 5 ppl :gamer tag Zshiznit
Edited by Lyk2: 11/1/2014 10:09:20 AMHow do you feel when watching this btw? Sad? Its part of good old times If you keep going like that everybody will remember Halo in 10 years, but Destiny? What was that?
Stop complaining. If u could buy stones for clash of clans than u also can buy the dlc
*** MOST IMPORTANT POINT *** Quoted from 'twobeersmears' - 'While you, Bungie, continue to release patches nerfing hard-earned exotic weapons, killing loot caves, restructuring the raid to prevent players from beating it with human ingenuity, and announcing DLC content that is quite honestly very lackluster and addresses none of the deep, even psychological ineptitudes within the Destiny universe, I assure you that even if the current numbers say otherwise, you are not building a 10 year franchise. Or a 5 year franchise. I'll be curious to know what those numbers reveal once other games are release through the holiday season. Somehow, I don't think they'll be very promising. Not considering what you gave us at launch, and how little you continue to give us. Destiny was a promise of something incredible that never was and still isn't. It could still become that, but my hope is waning, and that's a real shame, because this world you made for us, this repetitive, empty world - it's very pretty.' 🔰Do us all a favour Bungie and listen to the masses, there needs to be drastic changes if you plan on keeping our attention. Right from the start there wasn't enough content, so on xbox we only have 5 strikes (ps have 6) and With this dlc (which xbox have to pay the same as ps) the playstation gamers will get an extra strike, so thats 8 strikes on ps and just 6 on xbox?! You must be in a dream world to think that isn't going to put us xbox gamers off buying this dlc. Or any others for that matter! The exclusivity is for a whole year to, bit harsh? There's a few big titles coming out soon, can safely assume you'll lose a lot of traffic if you don't address the issues staring you in the face.🔰 If you agree with this, feel free to share it!
Honestly I was kind of hoping for.... Well a story? More than 3 missions at least, and don't get me wrong yeah it looks fun, but if this is all that's going to come in the dlc's, well if the epic story bungie promised is gona come out, seems like we're going to need a LOT more dlc's
Doing Crota's End raid now. Add me: Midget_Crota
Edited by RedHusky97: 11/1/2014 3:05:16 AMIt's quite simple really, the only community bungie cares about, is the community of $20 bills in their endless void of an anus. Be prepared to buy the other missing three out of four pieces of this game in over priced DLC.
So, I get it that people are mad because of having to wait for content and having to pay for content ... But look at it this way. Keep the game for two years and they'll bundle the xpacs and you'll get them cheaper! Plus have a bunch of content that is new to you! It's not perfect but still. I've done it with other games, you can too. And as far as people being upset about no matchmaking for the raid ... Think about it. How many times are you running tiger strikes and one idiot is either afk to begin with or rage quits or whatever. I've either soloed or duo'd more strikes than I can count, and it's just a lvl 24 strike that takes about 20 minutes. How well would match making work for a 1-2 hour raid, we aren't even talking about hard mode. You can't run matchmaking and then have 1 or 2 people leave...it would suck! And how would checkpoints work? You get to Atheon and then 2 people rage quit ... What then? You start over? Or does it start someone else at your checkpoint and they miss half the raid and drops. Matchmaking is a good idea in theory only. I know you don't want to but just find a non-elitist clan with a decent population and go from there. There are good people to raid with, but you have to put yourself out there. I promise it will be a better result than matchmaking. You NEED to screen the people you raid with. Come on people Destiny is a damn good game. Give it time and stop expecting perfection. Just have fun!
Edited by Pablonsky: 11/1/2014 6:05:03 AMThanks for all the Info about the DLC in advance! I've been enjoying the game a lot. Can't wait to see the new gear and cap the lvl.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] I cannot wait to do the next raid! Get some new gear
I play Destiny on my Ps4, and I don't think these exclusive strikes, etc, are right. Aren't all of us players supposed to be a community unified in the purpose of playing our Guardians to help save the world? Getting access to more strikes that Xbox gamers don't, content that actually makes the game a little more interesting, doesn't make me feel special. It makes me feel guilty. These are fellow gamers. They payed the same amount for the same game, depending on the specific edition. I don't care that one company payed more. It's not right.
I waited 4 long years for bungie to make this master piece, and this is what i get? This game i a total bullshit with the -blam!-ing wizards from the moon and the -blam!-ing exclusives, you can suck my dick bungie
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Dear Bungie, I just want to start out by saying that I absolutely fell in love with destiny as soon as I got my hands on the beta test, I picked up the game at the midnight release and I honestly could not remember a time that I was more excited to get a new game. Since launch I have logged almost 400 hours into the destiny world to become a legend, I've played everything you have to offer the pvp, the raid, the strikes, I've taken the personal challenge of soloing nightfalls and weekly heroics. I've been so excited for new content and when I heard about the dlc coming out I almost blamed in my pants, but then I read what the Xboners got and I feel cheated. I can understand counsel exclusives that's all fine and dandy, I can understand dlc I've bought so many map packs for cod that I can't even begin to count how much money I've wasted but what I cannot wrap my head around is paying the same price for half of the content. I feel the easiest way to put this is when call of duty has their counsel exclusive play station owners got the same exact content but maybe a month or two later and if that was the case here I would have no problem going out and buying the dlc right now, but with this blatant slap in the face I'm sad to say I won't waste another dime on this game no matter how awesome it could or will be. Again I just want to say that I love this game but I'm giving in now before I'm disappointed later the whole game still feels like it's in beta testing you say your fixing the bugs in patches but I haven't noticed a difference the raid is broken but it's ok because we can't push of Atheon so I guess we're golden on that right? Before this post turns into an angry rant I'm just going to say that with all the advertising and Bungies reputation I expected much much more and that's my bad I guess but I'm out and I'm done with this game. Your once loyal fan BigFarmer911
Edited by The Danggler: 11/1/2014 6:05:09 AMSo XB1 users pay the same amount PS4 players do but get less content? Sounds like a crock of Sh!t to me. I have found myself liking this game more than a lot of other recent titles but this is a total put off and makes me re-think future investments into Bungie games. Pretty low man!!!
Half ass dlc