[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Half ass dlc
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]
Activision ruined Destiny.
Do we have to be lvl 30 for the new raid?
Please create an event called "an attack on the tower" and every guardian there would immediately be forced to fight or die. It would only be once a week and it can have drops like raid gear for those of us who can't always assemble a team when we so please. Thoughts?
I am. Because it'll be fun
Destiny is so much fun as long as you play with friends... Everyone thinks they are entitled to the game and for Bungie to listen to them... How about you enjoy that game and be grateful and stop complaining... Everyone bitching about the flaws learn how to enjoy what you are playing👌
You all know you're going to buy it
I am buying It. I like the game and I think is just fair to pay for DLCs if I do not pay a monthly suscription, as It happened in WoW and others.
We are Gardians right??? Protecting Earth and the Traveller... So why the focus on killing each other in PVP??? Extra story content, solo runs, bounties, rift and council of 9 stuff is what I want, and to understand more on... And is it just me or does the black garden appear to be inside of the traveller... Have I just helped kill the traveller??? I want more answers, more story... Feels half finished, and to hear the expansion is mainly PVP, doesn't fill me with joy... Yeah it's good, but come on. I want to be legend... How much of a legend am I if all strikes take a crew of 3 or more to topple... I like the Solo runs. And please give more shaders else after the expansions out everyone will look the same after a week or two.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]what is with all the novels. Either like the game and play or get the f--- out and shut up. Nuff said!
Edited by felipe_gamer1992: 11/1/2014 4:04:35 AM[b]Bungie, you need to fix the Thorn, Bad Juju and Super Good Advice, 3 exotics... and pieces of shit useless too...[/b]
Build your legend more like buy your legend
Edited by UnlawfulPanda: 10/31/2014 9:12:52 PMI just wanted to address one thing about the exclusives. I understand that PS4 players have more weapons, strikes and whatnot. I have Destiny for Xbox One, now I'm not one to complain but the very idea that Xbox players pay the same amount of money and get less is very disheartening. It shows that money is more important than your consumers, Bungie. Shame on you for that. If you're creating a game that is available on both platforms then content should be distributed evenly. I feel so unloved by one of my favorite developers.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Build your legend? More like buy your legend
-blam!-ing Activision :(
I can't wait for call of duty and gta. I might still be persuaded to hang around even then but eso might just be that mmo that I thought you were bringing to the table...
I just want what was promised to us last year.....I feel cheated because it seems to me Bungie cut out a bunch of content just to sell it as DLC and make us pay for it. Or the fact that the writer for Destiny just up and left for some reason may be another reason why the story mode is so shitty. Most of the clips or content that was showed at E3 is clearly not even in the game, or yet at least. I understand the game just came out BUT as I said before, I feel cheated. Bungie or Activision for that matter knows exactly what they're doing. Just give us gamers what was promised from the get go and not try to make a buck off of everything. Ok, I'm done whining for the day.
And you all thought 500 mil was for developing a game. Hah, no no it was all spend on marketing, to get us to buy into this seductive beauty that simply will never sleep with you no matter how hard you try...
Can we also get more vault stash size for the number of new items your gonna release?
You want to make thing interesting bungie? Lemme give you an idea. Open up a space every month. Very simple we all see the spots. With each expansion add a new planet and continue the process.
I will be busy with the new patch for ffxiv, so I'll pass on this. Destiny was gonna be a new time killer but seeing as I have done everything I cannot justify spending 20 bucks to finish 20 hours of content.
Stoked about the ongoing experience good job bungie you never let me down
When Raid matchmaking ??? Social game is the worst.
Edited by Etiainen: 10/31/2014 9:33:38 PM[i]Destiny is the BEST/WORST game I've ever played![/i]
Edited by ゞMore: 9/10/2015 1:27:11 AM