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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Edited by ゞMore: 9/10/2015 1:27:11 AM

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  • I take it the name is a reference to your mom's shadow.

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  • Raid normal ps4 crying_wolf987

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  • I think it's not fair how you bungie employees treat your community especially your xbox live community and than coming with dlc's that you had already had to bring at the launch in the game without paying 20 bugs for having fun with 2 or 3 extra missions that maybe will be fun for 1 or 2 weeks and then you let us wait a couple more months for more 20 dollar guys at bungie needed to make the game bigger by putting more missions in it but all of you don't give a -blam!- only when you can make even more cash from it. give the community free dlc if not so we just only know that bungie doesn't give a -blam!- about us.

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  • [quote]This recently repowered interplanetary defense array on Earth bears the scars of our endless battle with the Hive. Master multiple engagement distances on foot and in vehicles. Balance the risk and reward of multiple routes. Claim powerful vehicles to clear a path and deny the enemy control of the battlefield. Crush your opposition. Vehicle and Infantry Combat Control and Clash Supported 6v6[/quote] Okay, but in the Eurogamer interview the President of Bungie had this to say about "Skyshock" [quote]There's a new vehicle map called Skyshock. We want players to explore the details of it when it comes out as well. That will give us enough vehicle maps to start working on more interesting vehicle focused game types and hoppers in the future. Will you add any new vehicles for use in Skyshock? Harold Ryan: It's just a new arena. We're not talking about new vehicles.[/quote] I'm sorry, but did I miss something. The "propaganda" says "vehicle combat" but Harold says "no new vehicles, just an arena". What EXACTLY are we going to be "vehicle" fighting with? Sparrows? Are they arming them? Are we suppose to just run into each other like some kind of demolition derby? We are being sold an "expansion" that, by the admission of the president of Bungie, is INCOMPLETE! Opinions?

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Anyone up for raid on hard, right now!? Add me on ps4: jappuu

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    • Hey all ya peeps who post long replies, cool story bro, tell it again

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      • Anyone wanna do a nightfall strike, msg me on xbone for invite

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      • Why should I pay for content that was already in the game when it came out? Not only that but it's not even adding much to the story which is what the game really lacked in

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      • I think the story sofar is interesting. There is like in other games room for improvement. Please incorporate the story from the grimoire cards into the story. I cant stand reading them. Were do i start? And of course its not HALO. Be patiënt.

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      • I'd like to see a choice of random match making as most of my friends are one x box one and I'm ps4 .. I don't want to add randoms as friends so I can do raids

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      • I don't really feel ripped off since I bought the limited edition, and all that physical stuff made the price tolerable...but if I bought the base game...this is not $20 of content... Unless these quests add far more clarity to the story.... (if they do, they should have been in the base game.)

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      • OMG. Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch is all I'm hearing from so many people, who gives a flying -blam!- that you have to pay for DLC. I'm against paying for DLC but for this game I have done it, not because it's a great game, not because I've had hours of fun but because it's the FIRST game to have a plan on what it's doing and where it's going. How many game have released DLC and then release a new game? BORDERLANDS, COD, BATTLEFIELDS, FIFA ETC.... These guys have a 10 year plan, do you think they're gonna do Destiny 2 or 3 or pre-sequel every year, NO so stop your complaining and enjoy the game and the anticipation for the new story's.

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        18 Replies
        • OK the whole 'we're being cheated by Bungie cos they cut content' is going a bit far. Most of the cut game 'evidence' is pretty circumstantial exaggerated by some wild conspiracy theories. I'm not saying there is no truth in it but I think far too much is being made out of it. Even before the game was released it was made clear DLC's were on the cards after all the Collectors edition even came with the Expansion Pass as part of the package. We all knew Bungie was planning a 10 year game cycle. As for the Playstation exclusive content, that deal was brokered by Activision, not Bungie. 10 minutes googling was enough to confirm that. I have gotta admit that XBox gamers constantly complaining over it is starting to get old. Chances are in 12 months time you too will be able to access the same content PS gamers enjoy now. I'm sure if us PS gamers all gatecrashed the Halo forums complaining how it's unfair how XBox has 100% exclusivity to that franchise y'all soon get mad. It's not our fault it was a business decision made between two companies, so suck it up buttercups :p. Finally, there are issues regarding bugs and a fairly thin story. This game is far from from perfect but it does have certain attractions. I myself have clocked up 300+ hours. That said I come from a RPG background rather than FPS so I'm well used to endless grinding, even find it therapeutic. I really must get out more.....

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          • These -blam!-ers are writing essays when a game disappoints them but in the real world they are probably big time losers.

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by RankDragoon3782: 10/31/2014 10:57:33 PM
              I'm sorry but the fact xbox players have to wait over a year for 2/3 the content at the same price ruined this game for me, like others I expected more but still thought it was a fun game, I was excited to see what the dlc's would offer, but after reading such I dont think I'll be buying the dlc or playing the game at all for that matter, unless bungie does something to make up for the direct slap to xbox fans face (this does not effect Microsoft in the least and was a child's move on bungies part) -blam!- bungie

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              • Do not buy DLC Rip off

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              • Need players for raid on xbox 360. If you want to join you must be lvl. 25+. Join msg for invite

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              • Bungie, I love what you've done with the site, the game and all... But two more expansions just to rip us of?! I love destiny and everything about it, but I'm starting to think you're not creating art and expressing yourselves through the game, I'm starting to think you're in it for the money. Don't let this happen, Bungie. At the very least, make the DLC cheaper. I can't buy it man, and I'd love to play it with my peeps. Please, for the love of Halo, do this for us. For the fans. For the players.

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              • EXOTICS ARE -blam!-ING POINTLESS I got a lucky suros regime off of the crucible with A lot of matches and a day later Xur sells it... Get rid of that piece of shit throw him off the hanger in the tower and watch him fall on the "earth" which is so small you can call it a microscopic "planet".

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                • SPAM

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                • SPAM

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                • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]

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                  • The air is so salty it stings my eyes.

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                  • DeeJ, please tell the armor designers that the majority of the hunter gear looks like shit. -Mask of the third man is awesom, it'd be better if we could change the yellow part at the bottom using armor shaders, everything else remains the same. -Alpha lupi looks great. Love wolves. Love the way it looks and the colors go good. -ahamkaram's spine is the coolest thing I've seen. The upgrades aren't that great but running around with a head and spine equipped is bad ass enough, who needs good upgrades. -the Cryptid armor looks really good but only gets you to lvl24, which leaves you limited in PvE. (Forgive me if I misspelled anything) With that said, nearly everything else looks awful. The raid gear is hardly a reward. It's more of a burden. When I got the raid gear, the first thing I said wasn't "oh, sweet! Hell yeah! Raid gear!" Nope.... I said "wow... What the hell is this shit?". When I seen the full Titan gear and warlock gear, looking like the bad asses they were, and I'm just sitting here looking like a failed cosplay using rusty scrap metal.. Just baffled me. I don't know who designed the hunter armor and why almost all of it is sooooooooooooooooo damn ugly, but just know it's terrible. Just felt the need to make this aware to you guys since I was hoping the new raid gear would look good and instantly discovering it's not.

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                    • Edited by Lyk2: 10/31/2014 10:02:53 PM
                      Turn it into Free DLCs and I MIGHT return to Destiny, as long as this doesn't happen Destiny will probably never see me again (Just hanging out for like 10 Minutes at the Tower each Weekend because of Xur) and I will play another games from you Bungie I have enjoy for so long and soon will be rereleased on a Console starting with "X" Its a Series called "Halo" don't know if you have actually heard of it....or remember it

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