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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Looking forward to this. 👍

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  • Bungie, please add a strip club in bar below shipwright. Kthxbye

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    • Join my new clan Relentless Godz!

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    • This game could've been good. Too bad there was literally no narrative. Go here, deploy ghost, fight waves of enemies. If there is no improvement to narrative after the first expansion giving up. The game looks great and has awesome mechanics but neither PSN or XBL players will be invested in this unless you gives us characters to give a damn about.

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    • I heard that the ten year plan is going to include sequels... Every 2 years a new destiny game will emerge. I can't call this game close to an MMo if that is true. In my mind I don't think current players will ever find out the hole story of destiny unless they cough up another 60 for destiny 2,3,4,5. 10 years a new sequel every 2 years means 5 destiny games... I was hoping for more dlc throughout the 10 years but that sounds like wishful thinking now. What does everything know or think about this?

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      13 Replies
      • Deej Bungie whoever is listening In my PERSONAL opinion, you guys are doing a great job and I've put almost 150 hours into destiny and haven't gotten bored once. This game has really brought me back to the gaming world and it's never been better !!!! Thank you guys !!! LET ME KNOW IF YIU AGREE !!!

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        7 Replies
        • I recently learned about the fact that Sony customers are getting more content for the same price as XBOX customers, and that we will have to wait almost a year to gain access! This is a poor business decision to say the least, in that they only affect of this decision is to hurt your fans. Absoulutely noone is going to make a move to Sony's hardware because of this. I have to ask, what were you thinking when you came up with this? I have seen other gamers from over in Sony's camp decry this decision, as they understand as well that they ONLY outcome of this is to piss off a good chunk of your fanbase. Your game is a multiplatform game, so either hop over and go exclusive with Microsoft or Sony, but make a choice! I have only taken out my Destiny disc once for a day since it showed up at my house, but now I think Im gonna be done with it. I really dont care if there is some guff between you and MS, your fans are what got you where you are today, and this move is something that I WILL draw a line on. I will not purchase this, nor any other content, and am considering abandoning play all together until this is corrected. Do you know why you had the biggest pre-order in history? YOUR FANS AND ONLY YOUR FANS. You even second handed us on advertising, and we still were with you. I implore you to remember who got you here and treat us with the respect that we deserve.

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          3 Replies
          • So both expansions are realising at same time?

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            5 Replies
            • Destiny is like a trans-gender hooker... I like the looks, but once I get "all the gear" off her, I find out she's got a dick and needs more money for the surgery that will give me what she promised in the first place...

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              7 Replies
              • -blam!- the Dark Below, -blam!- Bungie, -blam!- Playstation and -blam!- Activision! I'm never buying this -blam!-ing expansion...

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              • I was riding my sparrow and ran into a rock WTF Bungie why the crap are there rocks in the environments? All the hate coming from the kids and people still playing destiny, who will buy the DLC and any second game that comes out.

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                3 Replies
                • Not an MMO then. MMO like Wow last for longer periods of time. Shoot... I was hoping that this game would last a few years. Seems kinda rushed if you think about hacking out a game like this every 2 years

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                • I have my complaints about the game but knowing I have 3 characters on the border of level 30 must mean they are doing something right. Bungie keep the updates and DLC coming!!

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                • Please please watch this video about destiny. It's really all you need to see. It explains why the game fell so far below expectations and why we should discontinue supporting it with DLC purchases. A lot more was meant to be given to us but yet we all paid $60 for a portion of a game. Please don't buy the DLC, for either console. We have to show resistance to spark a change. IF WE THE PLAYERS DON'T START STICKING TO OUR GUNS AND WE JUST CONTINUE FEEDING THE CORPORATE GREED THEN WHY WOULD BUNGIE FEEL THE NEED TO IMPROVE ANYTHING IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS? [b]We have the power here. Now let's use it. [/b]

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                  5 Replies
                  • Looks fun. Haven't played the game in a while as it got a little too repetitive. Might pick this up. $20 seems a little steep, especially with ffxiv expansions on the horizon. But content seems to go farther in this game than others. Glad there are two new strikes!! Wish you could add more! No new planets or ship integration is a big bummer. Disappointed in the lack of public event changes. Those could really shine with tweaking! Looks like patrols will be left alone, which is a shame. Would have been cool to have high level patrols. Looks like additional gear will be limited. Still, healthy amount of content, at least enough to make the game fun again for a while.

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                  • as a xbox 360 player and supporting halo for all their games i find this extreme BS that i need to wait a year and we might not even get the stuff at all its a HUGE slap in the face and betrayal on bungie's behalf REALLY BUNGIE! FU 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                  • If anyone need me for raid 30 let me know. Done it before. Hunter 29. Add: NiVince If not, anyone normal?

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                    4 Replies
                    • Dear bungie, thanks for letting activision pull content that was already included in the game so that you could charge for it later on. I absolutely love this business model. Making franchise after franchise that they eat up shittier with each release

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                    • I will not purchase it until Xbox gets the same content as the PS systems. You're -blam!-ing us over on content and charging us the same price.

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                      18 Replies
                      • All of you, stop and shut up. If you don't think that the dlc is worth the money, your stupid. It's not just about the content, they have to pay for the time and people. Missions are the shortest, so they put 3. Strikes are shorter, so they put 1 and raids are longer and take longer to make so they put one in. Plus, they added 3 extra new crucible maps. Totally worth it if you get a new raid.

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                        7 Replies
                        • When is the actual patch coming out??????

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                        • Why is Eris wearing Lucky Raspberry?

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                          8 Replies
                          • Will there be armor that will get you from level 29 to 32. Because me and my gf see it pointless to do the raid just to reach level 30. And I still don't get why exotic armor doesn't get you to level 30 in the first place. And now it seems you are going to force ppl to do the new and improved iron banner just to reach level 30. I can't we reach level 30 by grinding. By just leveling up like most other rpg type games. Mass effect for example. Or like borderlands to. Me and my gf won't ever be doing the raid. Because reasons!!

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                            3 Replies
                            • Okay, so what the hell are we supposed to do until then? Things like this expansion should be dropping at least every 2 weeks. Im bored! We are all bored! Can't you see that?

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                            • Ever play borderlands? A dlc is cheaper and has 10x as much

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                            • Im not sure I am understanding this correctly. So there will be only 3 new sotry missions... that is all? or only 3 story missions related to that new character, but more missions from just the original story. i mean, they couldnt be that dumb right? it would probably be the smallest dlc ever. i would like to believe that there is more, but that is all they are showing us. i love this game, and i want it to be as playable as possible.

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