[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I've got a bad feeling that Crota is just gonna be a reskinned, enlarged, overpowered knight...
3 crusible maps, 1 raid, 1 strike, 3-4 story missions??? WTF bungie??? Not buying your dlc... ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...
I Think Xbox should get the dlc free Since we are the ones who got them where they are .
I wish all you -blam!- would stop bitching about every little thing that you go looking for and then say its all Bungie's fault when are finding more and more "problems" faster than Bungie can fix them, also, some of these problems aren't problems, its just you bastards cant learn to appreciate the game for what it is. you complain that your bored and can't find anything fun to do, but you played the game 24/7 until you got to level 30 and decide to bitch about the expansion pack not coming out fast enough and every little problem you find. you also say that cod and all these other games are better when compared to destiny they have so little to offer, if you bored then go play the pvp that is better than the rest of these "better games" and is what you would be doing in these other games anyways. i do agree that destiny has problems here and there but bungie puts out a WEEKLY UPDATE to fix these problems. i hope all you haters read this and realize that you need to -blam!- THE HELL OFF OF THESE FORUMS and stop -blam!-ING with the destiny community. if you dislike this game soooo much then just stop playing and stop plaguing the community and forums with your negativity and hate. thank you bungie for making such an amazing game, i just want you to know that no matter what, i will always be a fan.
Thank god 343 took over halo
Random teleport is not much harder at all.. If you're crying that's cuz you've been piggy backing on other players this whole time. Get your skills up!
So if one person in a dedicated raid team didnt buy the DLC he wont be able to help his pals? Dear bungie... Please dont lock out players out of content. Be smart and let everyone acess the raid and the drop, BUT make it possible to use them only after they buy the DLC. Same way as Defiance has it. You can grind the DLC shit, but can use it only after paying.
Hopefully the weapons look and feel different.
Edited by WessMachine: 10/31/2014 9:15:23 AMGoing back to the moon on the dlc I thought would have new planets. Yay.. And only one strike? This games going to the dogs on PvE
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Really. The level cap is gone up by 2! Granted you upped it but having that up by 2 is just ridiculous
Nerf hunters so op buff Titan
Edited by Adrockamd: 10/31/2014 10:50:53 AMThankful I got to experience bungie when they cared about their product and community, even more thankful that bungie/Activision can't ruin halo. Bungie this was your chance to unite players from all consoles under your flag, you blew it! PS players probably can't help but laugh at the bungie exclusivity that xbox gamers boasted about...there is nothing to be envious of with your product now!
Right so let me get this right after what two months we have a dlc ok thats cool but wait we already have the content which btw isnt alot in the grand scheme of things extra exclusive armour and weapons a few story missons an extra couple strikes a raid and added pvp modes right ok, I am a level 29 warlock stuck there without a way to get to level 30 as of yet without a hard run of the VOG or as eas promised iron banner now after 2 months of grinding with this new dlc your increasing the level cap to 32 so that will mean now that the last two months have been for? F#CK ALL!!! Whose bright idea was this? Whoever it was needs one a head check and two a good smack in the chops as fot having to paying for content I already own and have already paid for you now expect me to pay again? WHAT THE F#CK!!! Whose pockets are getting heavy oh wait the same bloke who decided to screw us before so not only does he need a head check and smack he also needs his grumby fingers chopped off and a smack in the family jewels with a BASEBALL BAT!!! RAAAAWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!! BUNGIE! Listen up NOW! Stoo screwing your dedicated fan base and wake up because all you are doing is screwing any future games you release which if this continues all I will have to say is GOOOODDD!!!!! Bump if you agree let my rant be heard by the money grabbers please.
All of u you who is talking shit about destiny you all just suck at it so bitch plz damn stop bitching about the games it's just DLCs so what grow some balls damn u all act like littile 1 year old baby's I'm 20 u don't see me bitching about this game it's fun sure it already got hacked but who ever hack is bigger baby's who can't play the game
-blam!- it im buying The goat simulator
Edited by DillonGrave: 10/31/2014 1:10:33 PMWow you guys are pathetic. [spoiler]the ones complaining[/spoiler] First you complain that there isn't enough content. Then they release a date for their dlc and you complain it's not enough. Now your saying it costs to much? It's dire times like these where I stop and ask myself what would Oprah do? [spoiler]that was a joke[/spoiler] But seriously lay off if you have nothing to nice say don't say anything because all your crying is making you look like a selfish spoiled brat.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] You guys must just stop complaining and talking crap about a awesome game stop whining and playing the game if it is so bad I love the game all games have problems but they are still rated the best games of the year and so on destiny is gona be one of those games to me aswel you guys must get something else to do with your time than whining like babiea about a game
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] sounds like a lot of fun. Way too expensive tho, 20 euros for 1 strike and 1 raid ??!! Wtf guys it's called stealing
I'm actually looking forward to the two new content packs, am I the only one? The only issue I have with them is the price. Not price/content-wise, but rather the US $/ UK £ prices. Each pack is $20 but also £20 which is staggeringly unfair to us in the UK. With current US Dollar to UK Pound exchange rates, here in the UK we should be paying ~£14 for each pack, not £20! Come on Bungie, sort your prices out for your European fans, we love you too!
Edited by GabrielLC: 10/31/2014 11:10:33 AMI will wait a year for that strike, only if we (xbox users) will get it for free, if not I'll quit and thousands or even millions of users will quit(maybe), Bungie remember your Marketing class about keep your prospects they are your real gold mine. I paid for a MMO and I didn't get it (yet... maybe) but I will wait for it, unless you sxrew it all. This game needs NPC interactions, real Quests, a real use for those cards, custom enchants to your weaps, a market/trade (sadly), Raids had to be activated by a previous quest to keep people busy during the week, this game is soooooo easy I'm a titan lvl 30, a warlock lvl 29 and a hunter lvl 29, i got almost all exotic weapons some of them desmantled because i found them useless, real dungeons, more kind of mobs, need a lot of server maintenance and HEAR YOUR COMMUNITY
Ummm no thanks ✋
OMG LEVEL 32??? I'm totally coming back for that! Oh wait.
DESTINY is s good game, stop complaining, even more subclasses are coming!
Edited by AuSteeNo: 10/31/2014 1:22:14 AMThe lack of finished content in Destiny is appalling but I didn't get angry or annoyed though because I thought that Bungie would finish the game off with some much needed free DLC. Where was the ending to the campaign I thought, must be coming in some later update, good idea I thought, but no. One raid, good idea to add more in later updates so it keeps me occupied, but no! I now have to pay more to get the rest of the game that was never finished in the first place, either I get free DLC or a refund as my game seems to be still in development and not yet finished. I only brought Destiny becuase I loved Halo so much and wanted to keep supporting Bungie, and then this is how they treat us, dissappointing Bungie, treat your loyal customers with respect, be the company that cares!
I honestly don't understand y u guys keep on complaining this is a next gen game the graphics r awesome and it's an online game look at Titan fall it said campaign but all it was was u kill like 5 guys and ur done that's because it's an online game they've tried their best to make an awesome game I'd like to see u try to make a game better than this