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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • I honestly don't understand y u guys keep on complaining this is a next gen game the graphics r awesome and it's an online game look at Titan fall it said campaign but all it was was u kill like 5 guys and ur done that's because it's an online game they've tried their best to make an awesome game I'd like to see u try to make a game better than this

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    • Bungie this game needs more content for endgame 6 strikes and 1 raid aint enough it gets old soon i could get WOW and have a shit ton more stuff to do CMON bungie i kniw u can pull this off

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      7 Replies
      • Sweet, another lifeless, vendor reputation NPC to grind for gear we pay for :D And paying the same amount for DLC as Playstation users, for LESS CONTENT. "Here's one super cool bag of chips for the price of two, because you didn't suck our partner company's cock. However the first bag of chips can only be acquired with this deal." Well played, well played. If I hadn't bought the legendary edition I would not be buying this crap. Inb4 "crybaby/xbox fangirl" I like this game a lot, ok, I really do, but it seriously bothers me that it could've been spectacular, and seeing Bungie fall to Activision and have their game hacked to pieces for a profit is... painful. Here's hoping Bungie can do better with Destiny 2, because as it stands, the core mechanics of Destiny can no longer change. Far too late for that...

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      • We're getting ripped off stop being blinded by all your nerd senses

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      • When's it coming out

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        • Dead2me82 obviously works for bungie

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          • Im actually more excited about crota's end than the game itself...

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          • Man.... They would bump the max level to 32 as soon as I hit 30.

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            • merci pour se dlc qui ma laire asser fun

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            • I'd like to see all the haters make their own game like Destiny. This is the life now boys, you pay for a game, and pay extra's for the DLC's. Almost every game has their DLC's, every game has their haters.

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              • Thanks for making me pay for something that is already on the disc, its like buying the dlc twice.

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                53 Replies
                • So when does that chick visit the tower?

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                  • G -blam!-ing G selling us disc content good move activision this is why everyone thinks u are shit

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                  • If anyone need me for raid 30 let me know. Done it before. Hunter 29. Add: NiVince PS4 PS4 If not, anyone normal?

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                  • Bought a shitty game once. I'm not making the mistake of buying a shitty game again. Lick my balls Destiny

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                  • awsome just a couple months from the disaster launch and aleredy making us pay more to unlock the disc content G -blam!-ing G actuvision return to you're COD franchise to keep selling disc content leave bungie alone

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                  • Edited by toasted bacon : 10/31/2014 11:15:46 AM
                    Bungie see all these middle fingers its a sign i could tell you what it means but i wont.

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                  • I bet my half upgraded Suros this game will be free to play on PSN with $5 DLC by next year.

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                  • Wow completely maxed out legendary and exotic gear and still not level 30. -blam!- you I quit

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                    8 Replies
                    • Thinking of trading this in for GTA5, seriously not going to turn a 65$ game into a 85$ game or for that matter 65$ to 100$...i can buy two games for that price with B.B. Rewards. Cyanarra Bungie it was a good ride while it lasted. Look foward to seeing your game continue to tank. Oh BTW you game now is worth as much as ur DLC 35$...think ill get out now and cut my losses.

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                    • Edited by jakew: 10/31/2014 10:16:39 AM
                      So is the one going to get that strike, or is it just ps exclusive?

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                      6 Replies
                      • XUR is selling patience and time for anyone that wanted to know.

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                        2 Replies
                        • It seems to me that a large number of the gaming community has forgotten or failed to realize that companies like bungie and activision essentially work for us, the gaming community. Without our money they do not exist. Saying "the game sucks but just be grateful to have a game and take it for what it is", which I have been seeing a lot, will perpetuate the trend that has been occurring in recent years. Developers used to aspire to push the limits and boundaries of what video games could be. Better graphics, more intricate story lines, more interactive open world environments, etc. Some few are still doing this but other companies, like activision, are taking a different approach. They are dumbing down games in order to make them appealing to a greater audience, including younger gamers and those less experienced, allowing them to sell more games and increase their profits. They have figured out they can cut out half a game sell it in dlcs and essentially increase their profits without the cost of creating more content. If we, as gamers, say "yeah the game sucks and isn't remotely close to what we were told it would be but oh well at least we have a shitty game instead of no game", this will only continue to get worse. If we as consumers hold developers and publishers to a higher standard we can create change.

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                          22 Replies
                          • Destiny you have broke my heart, you made so many promises to me and broke them all. We first met at E3 and It was love at first sight, now I see everything you told me was a lie. You said you were listening, you said you could change. All I see is broken promises. Well now I have met sunset yes sunset might be a little mad and not you but maybe that's what I need. You said you wanted to have 3 little ones with me but I could only manage one before I got board. Sunset might be a re-bound and maybe I'll come back to you. For now sunset is my first not you. As I walk into the distance I look back and hope you will tell me more and bring me back, until then, good bye destiny. N-Wolf

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                          • I didn't know there were so many aspiring authors who play destiny seeing they keep posting novels on here.

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                            • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]This DLC should be free, considering we all have its content already on the disc. You -blam!-ers can call it "Fan Compensation". All we've been put through, we deserve something back. This might sound confusing to some people so "Why not give it to us for free, even though we already have it".

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