[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]This DLC should be free, considering we all have its content already on the disc. You -blam!-ers can call it "Fan Compensation". All we've been put through, we deserve something back. This might sound confusing to some people so "Why not give it to us for free, even though we already have it".
Lol i hope i get to 30 before the expansion.
Weall know we still gonna play this game. Sit down and grind. You pansies!
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]complete this raid 50 times and only get 1 Armor or weapon. -blam!- off bungie. 10 year plan, did that include how long it would take to make this shit game., -blam!-ing -blam!- -blam!-ers
So how much in GBP will this most likely be? I do hope that this won't be nearly double the dollar amount.
Why are we all sitting here complaining to this public relations guy, who doesn't read a single one of our complaints, and start a petition against bungie and Activision for false advertisement, or whatever and start bumping it on every inch of the web. Need to get "the gaming community" in an up roar, this is only the beginning of half finished games with $40 dlcs. You don't think other triple A company's didn't see how much money this game made? Their heads and investors will push the company's to conform to this business model, unless we stand up now and end this practice.
Can't wait love this game kinda lacks story but I love every second of it hopefully I'll be able to do at least 1 of the raids maybe if not oh well
Destiny BEATING Call of Duty ALREADY? - Inside Ga…: http://youtu.be/TAzURmPPpus
Still only four planets. Destiny is dead.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Bungie might be wondering why the comments usually seem slanted to people crying about various minor issues. Or they might like myself realise thats because the majority of people who appreciate destiny are busy playing this awesome game. Is it perfect? Of course not, no game ever has or ever will be. Bungie should recieve more credit for the good things they have done and less flak for the previously mentioned minor issues. I can see the replies now "another bungie fanboy" yes i am a big fan of their work and im not saying you can't criticize the game. In fact im positive bungie wants your feedback just make it CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. As for the people complaining about the price of dlc im sure a lot of work went into this and speaking of work 1 hour of it is all it will take me to afford this dlc for what will no doubt give me several hours of enjoyment. I'm sure you don't hear this often enough but thanks for all your hard work bungie i for one greatly appreciate it
Bungie, If I hadn't already paid for a digital. Of your game and the dlc, I'd trade it in. If you really think that you have in any way shipped the game your fans were expecting because of how you showed it to us, you're wrong. And now you're taking Activisions business model of screwing gamers over too much. Your Dark Below dlc sucks. You can make all the excuses you want of why so much of the content is in the game already, but most people know its a lie. The Dark Below was finished or nearly finished a long time ago. Your next dlc better be MASSIVE. Thats all there is left to say. X-Box players, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but what you're experiencing with the exclusive content for Playstation, your beloved Microsoft started the whole idea. If you look at what console has more exclusive and timed exclusive content in the last generation, it'll be the 360. Castlevania Harmony if Despair was a year long exclusive, and that was an entire game. So shut up. Also realize that Microsoft screwed bungie, forced them to work on halo when they wanted to move onto other projects. As xbox fans you may have made Bungie what it is, but because of Microsofts treatment of Bungie they screwed Microsoft and their fans. They did it to get you to buy a playstation. Thats why they advertise "the ultimate destiny experience on ps4" because, -blam!- microsoft.
I'm sure glad I bought a PS4 this time!!!!
Bungie sold us a FPS game disguised as a MMO game. If the name for this contraption is: Shared world shooter. Then I hate shared world shooter games. They are repetitive, easy, boring and overpriced. You should have told us this is just a FPS game that allows you to repeat stuff for better loot.
Unlike most people, I'm writing (or E-Writing) to say how i love destiny! I find the game enjoyable and adventurous due to taking a new approach to an alien apocalypse. When I ripped open halo 4 and put it in my disk drive, I was totally emersed in the game: you, master chief, part of an elite group to save earth although being loomed over by the constantly threat of aliens! Although this feeling didn't last. For one, the weapon selection was poor with minimal amounts guns and grenades. Two, each level was very secluded, only following a certain path, the game is pretty much saying: "NO! YOU MUST GO THIS WAY". My third reason is the fact that , 'its just another FPS' with nothing setting it part from other first person shooters. While I could rant on all day about halo, its only fair to talk about Destiny. In comparison to Halo 4, Destiny has a HUGE range of guns (there's also a big variety of gear too) which will make every crucible fight different and fun experiments against the darkness! If you still aren't convinced than might I remind you that most of the weapons have upgrades including multi choice upgrade paths, making for even more fun! Although I cannot say boldly that the storyline is very good, I can say however that each level grants you that little bit more freedom, giving you the chance to explore caves in hope for loot or maybe to back track to finish of that party of fallen dreg and even if that's not enough freedom for you, Bungie has embedded patrol missions, letting you explore your favourite worlds (although there are only four 😢). The patrol missions are nothing I have ever seen in a FPS game. Which brings me on to how creative the game is: its got patrol missions (which I have already explained), it's got engrams which bring out the trading card nerd inside of me (MTG all the way) and not to mention interesting enemies (my favourite being the devil walker). To conclude, I think destiny players have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Bungie have made this game with the community in mind: patrols for adventurous, free roam players, raids for 🎆HARDCORE🎆 players and the crucible for competitive players. |metaphor time| Destiny is a delicious meal, rush too quick through it and you miss its true purpose but savour it and you realise why you bought it in the first place. Thanks for reading! However, I would like to say that the text above are my opinions, I do not wish to start an argument.
How long till that prick xur comes out of his closet?
Bungie screwed us with a bare wiener
More of the same repetitive crap.
This game is so awesome!!! it needs to be December 9th already
Bungie why did you sell me a unfinished game for 160 dollars. :( why I a play the game and feel a rope on my neck. Why must I play the way you want. And not the way us, the gamers want to play. Why must good things be suppressed by greed. Good luck getting money from me after this. If GameStop was not such a rip off Id trade it in. But I might sell my ghost edition with everything for more money than I paid for it. If u wana rip me off and make money off me like that. Than I will take the pile of dog shit you sold me and profit from it myself.
All DLC content was cut out of the game before release. That much is obvious to everyone. Pretty lame!
Edited by OHIMGONEGETCHA: 10/31/2014 8:59:27 AMIts pretty sad really. As a long time Xbox owner, I had SO much respect for Bungie and what they were doing at the time. Halo CE was the first game I'd ever played in the original Xbox/PS era and I became a Bungie fan & loyalist instantly. It was the whole reason I bought an xbox. But this shit...Destiny... Pfft. Nothing but a major, high-dollar run-around. I mean seriously, this has all been some ole' back alley sketchy shit from launch. Outside of the way this game looks, which is BEAUTIFUL, you have... Sleezy roulette table styled in game character progression mechanics designed to lure you in like a casino to keep playing (which shouldn't be necessary if the game was already both fun AND FULL in the first place).... Repetitive mission content which wouldn't even be so bad if there was just more of it... No character or npc dialogue. No real story to be immersed in. No immersive feel to the world of the game whatsoever. This is actually a HUGE step back from your previous franchise. I don't know WTF happened there. Other than in game movement mechanics, that was your bread and butter. Guess I'll just point, shoot, and blow shit up (that's still fun though lol)... The social aspect design of the game is just a plain contradiction of what you actually said you wanted. Thank god for party chat... Even with all of that, most of us all just said "Hey, it's Bungie. Of course they'll get this right. They've been doing this for years." Then after all the "Super Mega Ultra" editions that include DLC have been purchased, you sneakily slip in this "For the best Destiny experience, play Destiny on Playstation 4" bullshit which translates to "-blam!- you loyal xbox gamers who at one time were the main source of putting food on our tables" The DLC is small as shit even with the exclusives. So how are you going to give even less of that as paid content? AT THE SAME DAMN PRICE!? No one cares if it's timed. Do you think that after this slap in the face that the majority of xbox gamers are even going to want to play your game in a year? Yea maybe I sound a little personal and butthurt, but this feels personal and is very shitty for the consumer. After the DLCs that I've already paid for release and I've played around with them long enough to feel like I've gotten my monies worth, I'll never buy anything else with sell-out Bungie's name on it again.
Hi I bought the "extension pack", does it include dark below as well? Cheers!
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] ok bungie 3 weeks now same thing for xur to sale expect different guns??? Seriously.
I'm stoked either way yes there's work to b done but for such a ground breaking advancement for consoles there will b bugs and they will get fixed I'm a hard core cod player and fan however destiny is a game that I dreamed for since the first time I picked up a controller I love it of course I'll b playing cod for awhile but I'll still b here for the dlc and my daily n weekly stuff I want more and I have so many ideas I'd like to c happen to truly make this game a dream come true I can't wait for me ...I have faith bungie don't let me down
Edited by SOUL-RIPPA: 10/31/2014 8:53:31 AMUmm ok I'm excited new contents and all but can we at least have a bigger vault it's not too hard to do right?
I'll be buying COD before I buy this DLC. But only because I've already put 200+ hours into Destiny. I'll complete COD and probably get bored quickly, play a bit of Diablo and then come back to Destiny to collect more items and spend more strange coins. - that's how a true gamer thinks, none of this complaining bollocks wasting precious time that could be spent grinding for ascended items, motes of light and engrams. - an Xbox gamer