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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Can someone tell me why its so shitty for xbox players?

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    • expansion is ready now, already out of stuff that I can do without having to beg and have the same schedule of other people to do raids and the lack of match making for nightfalls so cant do those and those are only weekly. But you delay it til December JUST so call of duty can sell millions of copies first before you drag people back to Destiny for about a week of expansion content lol in time for the next call of duty dlc of like 3 maps or whatever which you charge almost the price of another 60 dollar game for the season pass lol.

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    • Regarding the one year lock on exclusives: I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Looking forward to getting what I will, but if this trend on 'buying titles' continues into further Destiny expansions, or even other titles, I may be done with gaming overall. Just not worth the letdowns anymore.

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    • Bungie has been shooting this game with the Docter Nope since day one (doing "vast and permanent harm). Not only that, but the decrease in stability has been worrying their company psychiatrist (stability being the nerfed auto rifle stat and also referring to mental stability, meaning that they are going crazy {Hooray for double entendres!}). Ha. Finally shared my private joke.

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    • Look at how shitty Sony made the Spider-Man brand and now your gonna let them do it to your company?

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    • I'm the only pink person here that shows I'm the only funny guy here yup

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      • So i heard zombies is in call of duty advanced warfare .....hype ! :3 dam now ima have a hard time switching between these two games

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        • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Level up to 32? Bungie is that seriously a joke? Im not amused.

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        • Please Stop making add-ons extra money!!!!!!!!!! I'm a sucker so I paid the $100 for a video game with no story line based of the bungie name attached!! Release some free updates in the future.... You're not hurting financially. I've seen the pre-sale and post first day sale numbers. I must say Bravo for your marketing campaign. But cut us some slack here bungie. I've been a loyal bungie follower all my gaming life. Show some love back to those who have conquered all the battles you've created.

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        • Is psn down for anyone else? PS3 can't sign in

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          • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Thank you bungie for a awesome game so happy you brought something almost like halo to playstation

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            8 Replies
            • That hunter helmet is a disgrace if I have to wear that ugly ass thing to hit 32 il open up a vane.

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              • Need 2 more people for the vault on hard. We have all lvl 29s. Xbox one. Gt AridFriend36

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              • Egersperg I still think I'm better

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              • Bungie, are you going to actually tell a story we can comprehend this time? Please, stop leaving everything to speculation and tell an actual STORY through gameplay!!

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                • I can't believe I shaved my moles for this!

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                • I am so tired of defenders of this game. Here is a direct response to these fanboys who say if you don't like it. Don't play it. Read carefully ass turds. I have a whole mess of problems with this game Worst story telling in recent memory Dishonest dlc practices Not enough content Nurf or nothing attitude Piss poor customization Misleading adds (ubisoft gets shit but bungie doesn't) Over hyped beyond imagination Game doesn't start till lvl 20 when it should start when you install the -blam!-er. So why do I keep playing? BECAUSE I BOUGHT IT. YES. THATS RIGHT. BECAUSE I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THE NEXT BIG THING AND DONT FEEL LIKE GIVING IT BACK TO GAMESTOP FOR LESS THAN HALF WHAT I PAID. maybe you don't care how much your mammy and pappy pay for you games but I care what I pay for my games. Unless I get a full refund ( I tried week 1) I'm going to play the game I bought and enjoy the good mechanics in it. However I won't sit here and say its fantastic. I hope it gets better. So far so bad. I may have to trade it in soon. But -blam!- you if you think I won't go kicking and screaming. I paid for it. Kiss my ass. I'll play and bitch all I want. When bungie puts cock and balls on the market next, I'll pass while you buy and i laugh at how you think there is so much to do, at how you figured out how to have 200+ hours of fun with a weenus and balls

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                • (Facepalm).......whoopdiiiii doooo hey so how about dragon age

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                  • Dear Bungie, Less than 2 month have gone by... XD

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                  • Edited by Alex: 10/31/2014 4:58:15 AM
                    How many times do I have to beat your Vault of Glass before I get a stinkin' piece of armor? This is getting frustrating and ridiculous, and I do not want want to play your next raid 100 times for a small chance to get something good out of it. You can take your DLC and stuff it in a turkey for Thanksgiving. Thanks for nothing...

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                    • T Corporation on XBOX 360! T Corp. is a clan for those who want to be a part of a group and not be judged for Race, Gender, or Sexual Preference(However we tolerate sarcasm). This group is mainly for fun and social purposes, although if I feel like it or if a lot of members join and then suggest it we could have clan battles. This clan is mainly on Xbox 360. We also have a crew set up on Rockstar Social Club for those of you who play GTA Online as well as Destiny. Also try . Join at will Also...... have you seen the marvelous breadfish?

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                    • Any 1 else having trouble logging onto their psn account???

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                      3 Replies
                      • How are u going to raise the light level. Because it's near impossible to get raid armor thanks to the random half assed loot system. Might as well call it the Vault of Shards. Just love running the Vault of Shards. Love getting me them shards. Who needs armor anyway.

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                        6 Replies
                        • Edited by Hobo: 10/31/2014 3:53:02 AM
                          So Gaystation gets 2 strikes 1raid 3missions for $20 bucks and XB gets 1strike 1raid 3missions for $20 buck

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                          • I'm trading in Destiny for something else today. This is the first game I have ever been disappointed with. In any other game I played, the good has always outweighed the bad. Other then the great playing mechanics I dont see no other appeal to this game. I've only played this long due to wishful thinking for the dlc. Dlc that they market as expansion packs. Please tell me a game that has had an expansion with so little content. Or even better tell me why you think these things are worth $17.5/$20.... New missions: We are getting just one new npc in the tower that will give us three missions on the moon. Ill bet any of you that each mission will take place in already accessible areas. One will most likely take place outside the temple while the other two will be inside. New strikes: Just like the missions, the one strike everyone will have access to, will just be running through the temple until you get to a boss room. New raid: Probably the only unique thing aspect of the game. It'll be beaten by the end of the day and then by the end of the week everyone will know how to do it. People don't realize that the strikes/missions will take four hours tops altogether. Then whats left? The raid that after the first week, will be done in a few hours. I don't see any point in paying that much for a couple hours of new content and then all there is to look forward to is one aspect of the game, once a week. Why are so many blind to the miniscule amount of effort being put into this game? Here are just a few random things I dont see people talking about as much. Weekly Heroic/Nightfall: Why is it always the same mission twice? Every Tuesday I complete the nightfall mission just to do the same exact thing over again but just not as hard. So fun. Enemies: Why does every enemy I encounter have 0 personality? 30 years from now if you asked me what a grunt or elite is, I could paint a vividly accurate picture in your mind. If you asked me what a dredge is, I wouldn't be able to tell you if you paid me.

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                            • Anyone up for weekly nightfall strike?

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