[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Looking forward to this big time, just wish Activision hadn't forced Bungie to pull half of two storylines from the game to make the initial expansion pass meaningless.
I shoved my finger up my ass and now I feel constipated what do I do?
I'm also very curious as to why Crota looks like an awoken with three eyes. I think this could have some interesting backstory. Hopefully the devs clarify in the gameplay.
Edited by Vegan Superhero: 10/31/2014 4:33:16 AMI can make so many sweaters with all the tears conjoured from this game, thanks bungie!!!!! But srsly tho da hells with this exclusive crap?
Edited by Yiaffa: 10/31/2014 4:04:37 AMI have one question deej, an I really hope you reply or have a real look at just one flaw among many in this DLC. Now unless the gear an raid itself is coming to the entire community free in what frame of mind are you in to increase light level cap, this makes players that grinded the hell out of the current raid an getting exotic gear to find out it's practically useless. Your allowing paying players to increase their light level, not only does this alienate core buyers of the game, when iron banner an other story based missions that rely on level, players that don't buy into DLC are immediately underpowered, making your game the same as a pay2win framework. If you had different tiers of exotic gear which vary in light an the raid gear then I would understand but you don't and your having a complete lack of vision atleast from the side of the gamer, I like the expansion of levels an raids although I feel there should be more as it is very lack luster for the £20 your asking.
Yaaaaa honestly getting bored, only a 2 point increase in level cap and I gotta do the raids to get there whats the point in the missions and strikes if im not gonna get to level up for it . Maybe a cap of 35 . And the raids only account for 2 points. Probably not gonna play anymore . Just seems like im wasting my time at this point. Hyrule warriors and assassins creed here I come
The game is good, it isn't what the promised back in 2013, it's a simple fact. I mean I'm glad you guys enjoy playing the same 6 raids for the past 2 months, and the same 20ish story missions. Beating atheon, legit or previously exploiting, gives you a shader (for the third time) and 2 shards? Seriously? Now one has to wait a week to possibly get the same shit? Borderlands 2 (not the pre-sequel as I don't have a PS3 anymore) was set up better than this game is, for an older generation game contained a lot more of everything. So, yeah people should be upset at what little the got from this epicly promised game
It's nice there adding to the modes they already have, but I would really like something different besides stuff that will just be added to my daily list of "must do". Conceptually new things, not just nicer skins on old concepts. But hey, idk everything in the dlc, hopefully it'll be better than I'm being led to believe.
Get over it guys, you either enjoy continuing playing this game, or just quit There's other places for constructive criticism Cheers
I'm actually pretty excited. Crota looks like he might actually be participating in this raid unlike aetheon. Looks like its going to be a challenge can't wait.
Edited by Hippiest: 10/31/2014 3:50:07 AMHey, um, hint hint. COUGH hint. How bout fixing the glorious connection problem (and by glorious I mean complete and utter poop) so I can enjoy this amazing content that is unlocked with a part of my soul plus $20? Thanks, that would be great. OH, but hey at least acknowledge that you know how i disconnect from xbox almost every 10min and i know many others have this problem. An apology won't fix my connection fyi. Pretty please with a CHERRY on top? (I cherish cherries this should mean a lot that I even offered one.) PS; if any of you can fix my problem I will be your destiny slave for a week. Need help with nightfall, weekly, or raid? I'm your gal. (Do you even see how desperate I am yet or should I throw in a free large smoothie for you too?)
Stop complaining, bungie will not be "fixing" this game. From what I'm seeing they are intentionally ruining it. It seems they want everyone to stop playing. They want their nightmare to end. Great job! Thanks For Everything DeeJ
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Actually WATCH the ENTIRE video before commenting as this youtuber provides a lot of legitimate statements with concrete evidence to back up his reasoning even from bungie themselves.
Cannot believe you guys are charging 40 dollars for content that needed to be in the original game. Tf bungie?
Please make strike mission match making optional. That is all.
This is bullsh!t delaying the release for Xbox and then now raising the minimum light level to 32 so only those who have the DLC will be more powerful?
I haven't played Destiny in a while. Got on here to read up on the DLC. I'm an XBOX user, so I guess I will be moving on to other games now.
Edited by ssjelf: 10/31/2014 3:36:29 AMThis should be the content needed to make the game interesting through November, not content that is paid and is hyped as this large expansion. From a dlc I expected new planets, more than 1 raid more than 1 strike, and a new character class. That is what constitutes dlc, not a few lousy missions that I expect will take me 2 weeks to get all the loot from.
Deej, I've pretty cool with the Destiny: Ghost Edition, Beta special codes and Blacksmith shader but after the latest update patch that went LIVE on Oct. 28, 2014 MY CODES NO LONGER ARE RECOGNIZED AND IT IS SHOWING ON ALL OF MY CHARACTERS THAT I NEED TO "PURCHASE" THE "COLLECTOR'S EDITION" FOR MY RED GHOST & LEGENDARY VALKYRIE SHIP ALSO MY LEGENDARY & VANGUARD EMBLEM. "REQUIRES PURCHASE" FOR MY BLACKSMITH SHADER AND JUST "REQUIRES" FOR MY "RED PRE-ORDER SPARROW". Also they no longer show in my SPECIAL ORDERS inventory with Tess in the TOWER. IF this has happened, I just KNOW that my EXPANSION PACKS 1 & 2 WILL BE AFFECTED. I'm not sure if anyone else has had the same problem, but I'm willing to bet there are others. Connection issues with your "DESTINY SERVERS" have been wrecking my enjoyment of Destiny. I have not been able to do the Vault of Glass once because of this. DAMN BABOONS, LIONFISH, CANARY, LION, CENTIPEDE, FIREFLY, OCTOPUS AND A HELL OF ALOT OF OTHER DAMN FRIGGIN' BUGS RELATED to connection issues. I don't care about the DAMN JACKOLYTE. I NEED YOU GUYS AT BUNGIE to EITHER FIX THIS ISSUE OR SEND ME SOME ALL NEW PS3 "BETA", "PRE-ORDER", "GHOST EDITION", AND "BLACKSMITH" CODES as the ones I have will no longer work. Please leave any updates resolving this issue via the NOTIFICATIONS SECTION here or via my PSN is Saiyajin_77 on PS3. Lost Planet 2 is looking better and better to play as more and more issues arise with DESTINY. This is my first game from BUNGIE and I have to say that," With this problem and the fact that Destiny needs an internet connection in order to be played, I'm am really DISAPPIONTED and DISILLUSIONED at the quality of type of game BUNGIE can put out. Please help in resolving this issue. - Again my PSN is Saiyajin_77
Edited by ybbod 77: 10/31/2014 3:21:08 AMLet me know what you think of this game mode (control objective game). You are on a team, but the winner is the one with the highest score at the end. At random points in the game, the teams change. So you could be working with your team to capture a control point, and all the sudden, the very people you were working with become enemies, and your previous foes become allies. These things happen at random times, and the winner is the one with the most points at the end. This would provide a way to still do well if your team sucks; you will eventually change. However, you can't just suck and get carried by your team. It provides a team style gameplay with a free for all point system. I know this doesn't directly relate to the topic, but what are your thoughts? Who would want this mode? I personally think it would provide a mode different than any other in any game, and it would be fun and unique gameplay each time. But what do you guys think?
Guys we shouldn't blame Bungie. we all know they love their fans but we also know that Activision are just blood sucking leeches who like to -blam!- people over for money just take a look at the CoD franchise.
I've seen a lot of folks here go off on Bungie and Activision about Destiny. Here is my 2 cents: Grins: 1. The game is absolutely scintillating. I don't know how many minutes I've spent just standing on the moon or on Mars just taking it all in. 2. Simplicity of learning the game. 3. Potential for an amazing storyline. I mean damn. I was hooked in the halo universe for years. I have so many questions just begging to be answered. 4. Great meeting new people and doing raids, crucible, etc. 5. Quick fixes to buggy game experience/servers going down. Gripes: 1. Lack of diversity/new content (yes I know there is more dlc to come.). I want to explore more about the other planets. How the events came to be, etc. 2. Nerfing hard earned raid weapons/gear. I earned my crap through getting my ass handed to me by wave after wave of harpies and hobgoblin assclowns. I should be able to use said weapons and gear at their full expected viability. 3. Ability to used the D pad for ammo replenish or something useful. (Random flash rave dancing is fun though) Over all, I think they did an amazing job with Destiny so far. Yes it needs work but it's not perfect. No video game is. Its still very early to make vindictive conclusions about trashing it. I enjoy it. Haters gunna hate. Bitches can go back to candy crush.
I wish it was bigger but i hope the raid makes up for that. Iv been thinking about buying the xpan for awhile but I prob will end up getting it just because my raid team will get it. The social aspect sold me on the next raid. Please Bungie... More Raids/Max Lvl Content Those are your core players.
Oh so the content that was stripped from the game is finally almost here? TAKE ALL MY MONEY!
Bungie why u gotta hate on the Xbox players so much