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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bungie why u gotta hate on the Xbox players so much

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  • That's it? Maybe I should wait till June and just play both. Probably not enough additional content.

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  • I keep playing this (and probably will from time to time) but I can't justify buying a DLC. Having to pay the same amount of money but get less content (at least for a year) is ridiculous, just because I'm playing on a platform that's different from the one Bungie/Activision are in bed with. I really need to buy a Xbox One and then the Master Chief Collection so I can play some quality Bungie games and relive their glory days.

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  • I'm so sorry. This is just it, I can't deal with this game anymore. I thought that this was the one, but it isn't. The Darkness beat us before the game even hit the shelves. I signed that petition. I hope one day this game can find the light again.

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    • Well the game was mainly designed to be on ps4 so it's expected that xbox won't have all the missions ps4 have... it's just that they thought they'd sell destiny on xbox as well just to earn more money...

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      • Edited by Don Knots: 10/31/2014 3:30:45 AM
        In the future...all games will revert back to 16 bit, be 5 mins. long and cost thousands of dollars. nostriDONous

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      • In the minority on the forums but personally I'm really looking forward to this. The content looks really interesting.

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      • Wow, some of the comments are really offensive. I mean, it's fine to be critical and to state what you're not happy about but you don't have to be jerks about it. Gosh.

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        2 Replies
        • The expansion pass looks great, thanks for adding onto the game. I can't wait to play the Dark Below. Also, Bungie, I'm sorry on behalf of many guardians on how they treat you. It's not easy to be inventors and creative types. It seems like every little thing that is a bit off gets taken as a deal breaker for the game. Carry on creating. I hope to see a second installment of Destiny.

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          • So the Dark Below is a level 30 Raid? I've been stuck at level 29 for the past 4 weeks now. Been getting the same armor gears and weapons over and over again from the Raid. Please fix your loot system. There should a way to recognize that a player already has that particular gear or weapon and not drop the same item for him/her again. I've already gotten: - 4 Praedith's Revenge - 3 Vision of Confluence - 3 Corrective Measure - 2 Found Verdict - 2 Warlock Chest pieces - 2 warlock Gloves

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            7 Replies
            • I am disappointed and while a boycott may happen I already wasted $35 on the expansion pass. Oh well at least I'll have some fancy armor and guns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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              • Someone make a White House petition for activation to hire new lead game designers for destiny. Do it.

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              • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] wtf two light were going up in all fairness who in the love of Jesus is gona keep playin your game if you at that crack we should be goin up at least another ten light why are you playing us like that for bungie??????? I would like an answer aswell please as a paying customer I am not satisfied with this BS

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                • Does that mean that the new raid armor is going to being better than exotic armor because that would be bs

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                  • Rofl I was right there is more content in my dogs shit than this game

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                  • well bungie all of us love this game but we all are disappointed with it, we want to make this game to be a good game but you keep screwing us with every hotfix. why haven't you fix all the gliches and disconnections problems the everyone is having, why you don't fix the magic the teleports enemies far away and give them lots of health. why you haven't undo the nerfs for the weapons in PVE we are still waiting for this how long we have to wait? why we have to suffer because something is wrong with PVP? bungie we need you to fix your poop loot sistem for start in the nightfall and crucible can you tell me why the person with the less amount of kills get the best gear and weapons? i have to carry some plp in the nightfall where they don't get many kills at all but they get exotic weapon or gear? why don't you give the seem exotic weapon to the whole fireteam or the seem exotic armor part to everyone or the seem amount of strange coins,ascendent materials or the seem weapons your loot sistem is a piece of crap to be honest i thinking all of them getting the seem thing makes things fair just fair. The raid is a joke for you bungie and you are laughing at us the rewards at the raid sucks i have beat the raid more than 25 times still no a full set or raid armor i have many pieces and i keep getting the seem pieces i already have,i have many of the raid weapons 2 or 3 times can you at leash give a diferent piece of raid gear every time i beat it or a diferent weapon for every time i beat it, can you tell me why the rewards sistem is so unfair i see some plp getting exotics,raid gear while a get the seem thing i already have with the seem legendary weapon or i just get ascendant materials. The raid do you know the a lots of plp is always looking for experience players for the raid and they don't want to give a chance to new plp to do the raid because it take longer to get it done, i don't mind you fixing the exploits that is a good thing and i welcome this but about the change at atheon the random teleport is not helping the new raiders at all now everyone want experiences players with maxed out weapons and armor how are they going to get some experience if they never get the chance to try? had bungie forgot the fact they did pay for the game so they need a raid where they can learn and be help by experience players without be a hindrance for the whole fire team! nobody wanna get stuck for hrs when the rewards is no worth it at all. Level 26 Raid should be the basic where new players try to get a team work without the random teleport at atheons the rewards for it should be ascendant materials and some legendarys weapons and the ship with chatterwhite that way the level 26 and up without experience with the raid can get lots of experiences and also get lots of ascendent materials for armor and weapons upgrades . experience players could join them and help them out. Level 28 Raid we need one so but bad i think this is what is missing from bungie this raid should include the random teleport at atheons because most players will have already experience with the raid may take few trys the rewards should be minimum,raid weapons and raid gear that way when you are ready you can take the hard raid on. Level 30 HARD RAID this raid should be for hardcore players with lots of skill the rewards should be at leash the legendary sparrow,helmet,vex mythoclash and lots of exotic weapons. I think the rewards should be the seem for the whole raid team i mean is always unfair someone getting exotic weapons while everyone get ascendent materials so they should get the seem raid gear part or the seem weapons as a team. I wonder when bungie will make the vault bigger because my weapons and exotic pieces or armor don fit in the vault any more also when are you going to create more exotic bountys for the weapons because i have 3 characters so i should get 9 differents bountys but all i get is 3 diferents exotic bountys which are the seem in every character, if you are planing this game for 10 years i want to get every piece of exotic armor and weapons but they dont fit in my vault! also no all exotic weapons have a bounty you need to fix that and you crappy loot sistem will not help with that luck is just not enough we want it now. When are we geting to get the opt for ours shaders to change ours ship and sparrow color because my ship looks like everyone elses ships i want to be more personal and feel my ship as my own. have you think about to add level 30 weeklys and nightfall and put as a prize exotic weapon also dailys will cool because i can run thru it at level 28 with easy. and fix your rewards sistem o bring trade into the game.

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                  • If you are unhappy with this game dont buy the dlc. Profit is the only deciding factor of success and failure in the corporate world. If this game and upcoming dls keep making money it will be successful no mater how many people it pissed off along the way. Other companys will addopt this business model and we the consumers will keep seeing this kind of behavior from developers. The only thing we can do to change this is not pay. Make it fail. If we don't then this will just be conidered good business and we will keep seeing this way of doing business in future games

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                  • I would like to point out that cod Xbox players get dlc a month early not a year !!! This is unacceptable bungie you're Xbox fan base made you and you have slapped us in the face !!!

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                  • For those of you that think Destiny is all that, I advise you to watch this video to figure out life it's self.

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                  • Is this another beta expansion? Just saying..

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                  • Im a lvl 27 human warlock looking for people to do the Vault of Glass with me. My name is Shadow_Chris04 for ps4. Hit me up if u are able to help:)

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                    3 Replies
                    • Honestly, I don't think the DLC is worth getting. So little for $20? I personally don't think it's worth paying so much for just a couple missions, a strike and a new raid.

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                      • Lol 3 crucible maps. Same planets. Expensive. I think that's an awesome deal<----sarcastic

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                      • That nod to the Halo Flamethrower.

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                        • You forgot that they are adding lvls they are adding gear, guns, ships, new events this is not like a dlc on Cod its an expantion if you ever have played WOW you know what I mean they change things and add new things not all perfect but its not ever going to be perfect if there was a perfect game every one would play it

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                        • Why are you guys shitting on xbox players?

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