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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • For real question, why would you create a multi-console game and give the rights to one company. Was it to anger half your fans and involve them in some stupid political debacle?

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  • Thanks bungie I actually love the game and am personally embarrassed for the representation of the gamer community by these butt hurt children. Keep up the good work and keep moving toward. And before anyone comments this yes I preordered the digital guardian edition and am personally happy with it. Can't wait for this update/dlc.

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    7 Replies
    • Everyone looks the same. What legend are we building on when everybody looks the same?

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    • To all sony boys being proud of their exclusive dlc, you still got screwed but forgave too easily when they got you a bunch of shit smelling roses. I dont care what console you own, we all got screwed

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      8 Replies
      • I love Destiny, Ive beat the game like many others and yet I still feel like the game wasn't worth $60, it's all online with no offline content. The last thing I expected was to actually have to pay for DLC that should be included in the game updates. Like GTA V for example. That was worth $60. I just don't see as much potential in this game as I first saw.

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      • What the actual -blam!- u know what I don't care what playstation people say cause I ain't an xbox fanboy I'm just a gamer I love halo so I got an xbox for my birthday years ago and etc but hate to be an asshole but why just why I waited nearly 2 years for this game I got the ghost edition and everything cause this game made me feel happy but really I have to wait a frigin year for something I already bought I-I just don't understand why. Yes I agree playstation deserves first dibs of course I do they earned it. But I followed bungie ever step of the way as I was a lil kid I loved halo, halo was the first game I played. It made me a gamer. I don't hate you bungie but I'm really disappointed. You made a mans inner child cry today. Not because of the wait for the dlcs. Because you lied to us and turned your back on the people who cheered you on every step of the way no matter what anyone said or criticized about you, and I am-was proud to say I was one of those people, your fan, your friend, your believer. And I know it won't happen but if you guys care about your fans if you truly don't ignore us then c'mon bungie send me a message why-why you have forsaken me after all these years. Please bungie say something to me, don't turn your back on me and just answer me please I can forgive you but please as someone who's been loyal to you all these years someone who's battled depression but thanks to your games it helped me gain joy, all these years and I never asked for anything, PLEASE your my heroes I wanna be a game designer because of you. Hear my cry and talk to me. Please don't turn your back on me.

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      • If you guys talk so much sht bout the game then don't buy the dLC and don't play stop busying the server lol with yah waste

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        6 Replies
        • Edited by Jutsu: 10/30/2014 10:47:46 PM
          Dear DeeJ, This is what we need: 15 new missions • One too many elements of the story are left unexplained, without referring to the understandable mysteries implemented to inspire curiosity. In other words, who "the Stranger" is isn't our most pressing concern for example, but rather how in the flipping heck were we resurrected from death. An entire world wouldn't be necessary, at least not in the first installment of the forthcoming expansions. We just need to dive back into the main plot and discover more of the exacts! What exactly is the traveler? Where did the darkness come from exactly? How exactly did we lose the war? Perhaps this can be achieved through flashbacks, or gameplay that is retrospective of the lives of our guardians prior to their deaths. 15 missions may appear a little excessive, but the utter confusion some of us are still battling warrants much more than that. Also, it should be duly noted that the term "mission" needs to be revisited on your side of the table. What you consider "missions" are more representative of side quests within what true missions should be. 8 new strikes • Technically speaking the entire world of destiny is shared. However, in terms of multiplayer experience, strikes are the only place where it feels as such, beyond the realm of PVP. Thus, it is appropriate to consider a strike as the PVE equivalent of most of your typical PVP game modes. Therefore, whatever the number of maps there are in PVP, so should there also be within the mode of our PVE equivalent. For example, if there are 10 maps in PVP, then please reward us with 10 strikes on the opposite side of the spectrum. In this case, however, there should be 13 PVP maps altogether, come this expansion pack's release? Since there are currently 5 strikes, 8 more...well, I'm certain you can do the math. 2 new raids • Simply put, there is currently little diversity as it pertains to any given set of individuals' guardians. Why is this, one might ask? Well, one should then consider that only a specific set of gear gets you to the maximum level. Of course, the implementation of Iron Banner gear elevating its wearer to level 30 is on the way. But when the level cap becomes 32, we're back in the same predicament. Furthermore, you wouldn't even be able to obtain all of the pieces required to max out, through Iron Banner alone. This then means that every maximum leveled guardian, by class, will be guaranteed to at least have three of the same armor pieces on if the Iron Banner gear isn't scaled to produce level 32. Two raids that each provide gear that would elevate the user to the max level provides for so much more diversity. (Yes, just that little bit of added content can do wonders!) __ new exotics • Personally, I believe that at least three of every single article of gear should be given new exotics with every expansion. Three helmets. Three chest pieces. Three grieves. Three gauntlets. Three auto rifles. Three scout rifles. get the idea. Why? Can I stress diversity any more? I would really love to see an increase in the maximum number of equip-able exotics but, I wouldn't be so greedy as to demand it. But given the ongoing precedent of nerfs to each exotic, viable exotics are going out of business faster than best buy and family video! This means that come DLC date, people will naturally race to the latest (un-nerfed) yellow tiered equipment. With your number of added exotics, we'll once again have little to no diversity. With mine...wonders. Well that's all from me. I'll let you get back to doing what it is you do. It's not as though anyone's listening anyways... x) - Cat

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          12 Replies
          • I'm probably going to get hate for this haha. But guys if you don't enjoy destiny the way it is then don't play it. I enjoy it so I play it. The more people not playing will make a bigger difference than complaining about it. And for the people who cry about the rewards system. It's programmed to be random. They intended to make it random and to give it the rewards you get so you keep playing to get the gear you want. I personally think Bungie did great. Very good game. 9/10 for me haha.

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            • This, along with random selection in the raid, solidifies my decision to trade in for the Halo MCC.

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              13 Replies
              • Dammit Bungie. Could you at least add survival missions for each zone with matchmaking? Waves of increasingly more difficult enemies with a chance of a random reward at the end. Even Warframe has them for free (6 players /w matchmaking)! Every 5 waves you are asked if you want to continue or leave with the reward. Do it!

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              • CAN I CALL IT !? I said after the sword of crota mission that there was no way that the sword was just gone. I also mentioned on that mission that we would have to fight crota himself eventually. However, I also said that there should be swords or a sword wielding class ( NOT bladedancer) that players could use to have a special quest against crota just using swords. I have stopped playing Destiny, i took the game in and got rid of it. I said when i played the beta, " this game has the potential to be the next elder scrolls. " Since the game released Ive been dissapointed, all i heard and read about was PVP. I understand that Destiny was made by the same gun toting morons that have crapped out the halo tragedies 1 to whatever, but I really felt like Destiny was gona be more. I would not recommend spending more money on this franchise to any gamer, well actually let me re-word that. I would not recommend this game to a person that enjoys playing video games, GAMERS are the only ones who support this idea of fun, PVP heavy space adventures. Bungie if you read this and care, add to the story and add to the customization. If you dont give a crap, well you obviously you dont.

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                • But the VoG still hasn't been finished? Seriously, it has no 'Raid Complete' screen. Every time we beat Megatron and collect the AllSpark (Im pretty sure this is the raid story) we just stand around in Cybertron dancing. Why don't the Autobots beam me up, and give me my loot?

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                  • Edited by Ferret8814: 10/31/2014 1:10:44 AM
                    DeeJ, I know that you and the other developers at Bungie have what you think is best in mind for us, the consumers and players of your games. But as of right now, all your doing is digging a hole that you will never be able to get out of. You've taken a game that had nigh on limitless potential and running it into the ground at full speed. Stop trying to make us play the way you want to play with all the unnecessary and unneeded "patches" and "fixes" and let us enjoy ourselves the way we want to. I enjoy the game, I do, but this stuff has got to stop. We bought the game when you released it, giving us full rights and reasons to play the way we want, and you're taking that away from us by "patching" it and making us play it your way. This is why I take breaks from Destiny and play other games because I can't stand it at times. I will hold onto the hope that one day you will listen to your players and customers and stop this garbage. And I'll keep playing Destiny because I enjoy doing so, but I have high doubts and higher reservations against ANY further "development" you and Bungie are making toward this game and it's DLC and sequels. Sincerely, Ferret8814 on Xbox 360

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                    2 Replies
                    • I have enjoyed my Xbox one experience with destiny. But every week I read that I'm expected to pay more for lesser content than what will be offered for the ps4, and that annoys me. First of all, I am not made of money so I expect the same bang for my money. I will guarantee that I personally will not be buying the new update, until I feel that I am getting the fair deal.

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                    • Looking forward to it!

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                    • I cant seem to access the dark below on my ps3 someone please tell me how to use the dlc

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                    • Oh sweet, more exclusives for the playstation. Glad I paid for all this ahead of time, no chance of a refund, so I could get it later than other guys. I love my money being worth less because I bought a game for the Xbox. Yay!

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                      9 Replies
                      • Also, to everyone saying they need to make the next expansion HUGE, do you know how much money it takes to release dlc on consoles. If you expect destiny to release another full size game as dlc, you may as well ask the company to go bankrupt.

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                        25 Replies
                        • Awesome ideas but unfortunately it seems no matter how good the comment, it fall upon bungie's deaf ears. I can't ever really recall them even addressing anyone's concerns besides gun nerfs. There are a lot of promising games coming out that hopefully won't be as big of a let down as this. It's one thing being bad, its another thing being bad when you know at one point this game was probably good before they made it bad. Im on Xbox one and im not complaining about how ps4 gets more whatever because this game isn't even worth arguing over. A month ago this would be a completely different comment because I still had faith in this game. That faith is gone, when November 18th hits im out, dragon age inquisition seems like a better game to me, or at least I think so. If not I'll just say they pulled a bungie on me.

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                        • I am hyped. Anyone who judges me will be destroyed by Crota, along with Earth.

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                          • seriously!?...............

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                          • It looks -blam!-ing awsome

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                            • So I'll shut up before my whole profiles erased

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                            • So my comments keep being taken down

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                            • Great work. Can't wait for the new >4k hand painted artwork. ( mari?) Bungie must be wacom's top 1 client. Show Some love for al the 3D / cgi artists @ bungi!! The end titles could be better throuh. Thats like 4 -5 days Afx work? Why? It could be possible that the director is an cg / illustrative minderd artist at Hearth. You can tell by the amount of cinematic elements / cutscenes and titel design/end credits. ( IC/UX design is also à bit hollow. ) And also the lack of Storytelling. To me it doesn't matter i just spend hours just watching bump maps, sculptures , baked global illumination and textures etc. Its orgasmic.

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