[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Great work. Can't wait for the new >4k hand painted artwork. ( mari?) Bungie must be wacom's top 1 client. Show Some love for al the 3D / cgi artists @ bungi!! The end titles could be better throuh. Thats like 4 -5 days Afx work? Why? It could be possible that the director is an cg / illustrative minderd artist at Hearth. You can tell by the amount of cinematic elements / cutscenes and titel design/end credits. ( IC/UX design is also à bit hollow. ) And also the lack of Storytelling. To me it doesn't matter i just spend hours just watching bump maps, sculptures , baked global illumination and textures etc. Its orgasmic.
All you people need to chill, call of duty does the same stuff yet no one asks for refunds.
Quick question. Since we will have new areas to explore with these new strikes, will these areas be open on the patrol map now? Because if there's a plan to slowly build on all the maps by adding these areas id be even more excited for this game. Even if it's just two areas per expansion because a year from now we will have basically another planets worth of content. And one further question. If this is the case, will the xbox players still have the ps only strike area open even without the strike or will we be waiting until the strike to explore it? Thanks, really am excited if this is how you planned it.
Really?! this is it? This is all we get from the expansion? I love the game, but will probably never buy a Bungie product again.
I expected more from Bungie...as a dedicated fan im sorely disappointed in this absolute bullshit of console favoring. Like hell not even PC gets the DLC ahead of time. Why post this crap DeeJ if you know(I know you know)it's going to piss two thirds of the community off
I remember in the past I didn't like borderlands 2 based off of the graphics. But 2 months ago I bought the game to give it a try. Along with all of the dlc. Just to get the full experience And have the most fun. Since I had the money to spare. I loved every minute of it And still do. Now when destiny came out I bought it And I was the first one to get it at my gamestop. And I got a fast car so I was at my house in no time flat. And when I got to the tower I was the first one there. Now I've been Max level for the past month I should say. And I have every exotic maxed out. And I do mean them all. And I'm just bored. Now would you not agree that this game feels like that due to the lack of content. That it would be better to buy this game years down the road with the dlc. Everyone would have way more fun And wouldn't be so hurt that this game is What it is. Crap. I vote that all of us should not play this game And go on to something else. Than bungie can Jack this game up as much as they want And nobody will care. Than they can stop making little decisions based off of What the numbers say since nobody will be playing. Me personally I'm gonna be switching off from the New borderlands which I still say is just a re skin of borderlands 2. In my opinion. But I still Love it. And advanced warfare. Cause let's face it it looks way better than how ghost is. What do you think? What's your game to keep you off of destiny?
Edited by FishOnFire1: 10/30/2014 11:42:48 PMSo this is cool and everything but why is there only 3 story missions and what happened to when you said we would be able to go to Saturn!
"We were singing bye bye Master Rahool guy, Give me one more blue engram and I'll put a fork in your eye, And good ol' Guardians with grief in there eyes, Saying this will be the day Destiny dies, This this will be the day Destiny dies..."
So frustrating. Would never have pre-purchased the DLC at release had I known I was not going to get the full content - I feel like bungie is straight stealing from folks on xbox with this move.
The new auto rifle looks ill
Edited by G_A_R_Y325: 10/30/2014 11:09:36 PMMaybe ive missed the point, but some of the whinging seems really dumb. sony paid bungie/activision money so playstation got extra content. Dlc was advertised before game was released, ie season pass in limited editions. Descriptions made it clear some content would not be coming to xbox anytime soon. So wheres the issue. If you bought xbox you knew you were gonna get short changed. Same as if you bought it at hmv you didnt get the GAME sparrow. As regards price vs cod map packs price seems reasonable. But again you made ur choices on first purchase. Regular game £45, limited edition £75. So thats £30 extra. Like anything if you buy it later and piecemeal it costs more. Six pack of crisps £1. Or 55p single pack. (Ps4 ltd edition owner.) With regards to us $ price guess im just used to being screwed over on that. Tho someone normally chimes up with a comment on local US taxes vs Vat being the bulk of the difference. As in uk price is what you pay in US the tax is on top
Hello Guardians, so the new light level cap is going to be raised to 32. Do you guys think they will raise the light exotics currently have to 32? Or will our exotics become basically worthless at 30 light(since exotics are supposed to be like the best gear around). And the new raid gear will be the only hear that gets us to level 32? I'm really curious maybe I didn't read into it or I missed something so let me know.
Build on your legend with a wealth of new weapons, armor, and gear that we will nerf into the ground.Complete new quests and missions that are the same as the current missions just more of them.
Edited by Alex: 10/30/2014 11:08:46 PMI can't wait for this dlc because I want to know more about the hive and Crota himself. I think it will be great to face him in the raid. I personally think that the £20 is fine considering that cod has been selling dlc for £20 and they only had 4 maps. So overall I think this will be a good dlc :)
Need 2 for weekly on 28 XB1
Haven't played much in the last 2 days. It's getting boring and the recent patch mess this game up. I''ll just sell it for crack.
Has anyone else seen the IGN lvl 29 interview the tester that showed ign it said that you will be reaching 29 when you are getting near the end of the story so how much of the god damn story did they take out I'm linking the vid so you guys can see this
I have but only three things to say. 1: This new loot looks like it will be well worth working for, even if I just use it to make my character look like a badass. (Badass is in the eye of the beholder. Oh, Bungie, you should make an enemy called "The Beholder", straight outta D&D; a Super-Servitor, beyond the power of Sepiks Prime) 2: When will my beautiful Mythoclast get buffed to something near its former glory? That thing still gets (rarely) trumped by hordes of the minions of the Darkness and (much less often than the latter) Guardians with a SUROS alike. Yes, that includes the SUROS MKB-21. Is SUROS the Remington of Destiny? Crap, now I am thinking back to ACR 6.8s and MSRs in MW3…. Before anybody asks, I used either a MK14 or a Type-95, depending on the scenario. 3: I was wondering if you (Bungie) planned on adding a fourth element to the game. I keep thinking it would be awesome to have grenades/a super with effects similar to that of Thorn, or the orb of energy Eris is manipulating, as I have loved the green burn effects and would love to see such an element being used more commonly. I guess that was four things, but I don't care too much, due to the fact that I honestly love this game and want to see the coolest things I (and anyone else) could think of used in it. Anybody else have any [u]new[/u] ideas? (A wave/survival mode is not a new idea, albeit a great one)
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Need people 4 raid 28+. Add me on ps4, id: jappuu (prefer swedish talking)
Can someone inv me to a vault of glass lvl 27 hunter on ps4
Why is it all the caves look the same?
for those looking for a fireteam check out http://www.DestinyTeamFinder.com There are a lot of groups that need one or two more people. It's a great site and the more people that use it the better it will be.
Hey! You know how no of you liked our half baked story? Buy more of it for the low price of 1/3 of the games retail cost. (Even though all of this content was on the disc when you bought it. MUAHAHAHA.) Seriously Bungie?
promise me one thing........make the fight with crota as epic as the sol progeny boss fight :) but where five people provide cover and deal with the hive that will try to stop the epic duel between a guardian and rota himself, each wielding a sword and clashing each other, :) a battle that people will never forget :) it makes sense to make the raid like that because with the "vault of glass" it didn't feel epic but it did feel awesome because atheon was a mysterious threat, so you went with a mysterious theme, with rota, you and the dev portray him as being a evil badass god, and if he is like that? then make the boss as epic as possible :)
Coming soon .. the wrath of skiping ( DLC) .. Live a new experience with this wonderful skip button DLC .. the gurdains now can go beyond the cutscenes and escape the wrath of Skiping .. only for 9.99$
I'll preface this post with a little back story on my gaming history. I'm 31 years old and fell in love with video games on Christmas Day of '89. My parents purchased our family an NES with Mario Bros., Tetris, and Rad Racer. I was so immersed from the very start. Since then I have owned just about every console that has come to market. Over the years my preference in games has changed many times. I loved those first NES games, but later moved on to NBA Jam and Ken Griffey's RBI Baseball with friends on Suer NES. Twisted Metal on the Playstation. Then came Goldeneye on the N64. My views on gaming would never be the same. Halo will forever hold a place in my heart. First person shooters are my absolute favorite. Fast forward to current day, and I'm a middle-aged father and husband. I work 60 hours a week in a managerial role within the pharmaceutical industry. Games had begun to take a back seat to "life". I didn't seem to find myself turning on my playstation or xbox very often. Then came Destiny! In the last 5 years I've put less time into video games collectively, than I have Destiny in the last 5 weeks. I made my very first PSN "friend" after joining this forum. I've recently purchased a headset and mic. I've scheduled time with my wife to be free to do the raid, weeklies, nightfall, etc. each Tuesday evening and Saturday morning. I've learned what an mmo and rpg are all about. I now know what "nerf", "buff", "cheese" and many other acronyms stand for. I've found new love in something that was so special to me as a child. And I gained all of this from Destiny, by way of Bungie. I too can point out several flaws within the game (lack of story, repetitive grind, limited social interaction), and hope that over time they will be addressed. However, in the meantime I'm having a BLAST playing, making new friends and memories![/quote]