[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I'll preface this post with a little back story on my gaming history. I'm 31 years old and fell in love with video games on Christmas Day of '89. My parents purchased our family an NES with Mario Bros., Tetris, and Rad Racer. I was so immersed from the very start. Since then I have owned just about every console that has come to market. Over the years my preference in games has changed many times. I loved those first NES games, but later moved on to NBA Jam and Ken Griffey's RBI Baseball with friends on Suer NES. Twisted Metal on the Playstation. Then came Goldeneye on the N64. My views on gaming would never be the same. Halo will forever hold a place in my heart. First person shooters are my absolute favorite. Fast forward to current day, and I'm a middle-aged father and husband. I work 60 hours a week in a managerial role within the pharmaceutical industry. Games had begun to take a back seat to "life". I didn't seem to find myself turning on my playstation or xbox very often. Then came Destiny! In the last 5 years I've put less time into video games collectively, than I have Destiny in the last 5 weeks. I made my very first PSN "friend" after joining this forum. I've recently purchased a headset and mic. I've scheduled time with my wife to be free to do the raid, weeklies, nightfall, etc. each Tuesday evening and Saturday morning. I've learned what an mmo and rpg are all about. I now know what "nerf", "buff", "cheese" and many other acronyms stand for. I've found new love in something that was so special to me as a child. And I gained all of this from Destiny, by way of Bungie. I too can point out several flaws within the game (lack of story, repetitive grind, limited social interaction), and hope that over time they will be addressed. However, in the meantime I'm having a BLAST playing, making new friends and memories![/quote]
I can think of 2 solutions to the excluded content for xbox. 1. a class action suit against activision for false advertising and bait-and-switch tactics. 2. I post a video on youtube showing all 300,000 of my subscribers how to go to the tower and cause monkey error to every person there, over and over and over until they get fed up with the game and stop playing, therefore hurting future sales for dlc and effectively killing this biased game.
Edited by bleeflooflah: 10/30/2014 10:57:39 PMI am really curious to see how well this content holds the players through the Holiday deluge of great titles. And then through 2015? Whew, boy you guys have your work cut out for you. What happens when COD comes out? Bloodborne? Halo? MGS5? FFXV? Warcraft? Seriously. I get a free game every month from Playstation plus. What on earth makes you think I would pay $20 for five levels? That's two hours worth on content! I've read all of your stuff Deej. I listened to your guest appearance on the Guardians of Destiny podcast. You said you heard us. You said you were listening. Well, you're clearly not. Because if you were listening, you wouldn't pull a stupid move like this regarding your dlc. It's a complete joke. I'm fine with the state of the game as it is, ASSUMING that you're going to fill the holes and fix the problems before I have to pay more money. Heck, I would be willing to pay more money if you gave me enough content to satisfy my playing a couple hours a week through a three month wait for more dlc. This crap will be finished in a day. It will be replayed on day 2, then it will be the same old, same old on day three. What am I supposed to play for the other two months? The answer: a completely different game You guys seriously need to fix destiny before this dlc comes out. And you need to add more to this dlc before the release so gamers can justify the purchase, otherwise you're going to lose a ton of players this holiday, including this guy. Cheers.
£20 for no real further advancement in the basic story line...you can suck my balls!
It's a good thing I don't own a lionfish or I would have put that damn thing in a -blam!-ing blender. -blam!- you error codes; ruining my game and making me hate innocent fish.
WTF :( and i thought you guys were cool! Im reconsidering purchasing that DLC http://kotaku.com/destinys-new-dlc-kinda-screws-over-xbox-players-1652294153?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
Edited by Shadowstar: 10/30/2014 2:01:37 AMSo there are a lot of good comments I've read in regards to PVE, Hopefully you guys read them. It does seem you read all pvp complaints. I feel that you are still stuck in Halo. Your main story was repeatable to get bonuses with friends running in legendary modes with heroic modifiers. You added some co-op PVE content, however it was like a flashback of the Spartans missions that really added only some depth to the main story. To me an RPG game needs my actions to in some way matter. If I destroy the Hive's attempt of draining power from the travels shard, then I should see that affect on earth at the traveler. If I destroy the dark forces inside the black garden and I'm told the traveler will start to heal after, I should see that back at Earth. I still have no damn idea who or what that exo on Venus is about, who is she, why can't I contact her people, they may have better gear, better bounty, maybe some more F@#king story. Which leads me to the Queen... Really, only one event for someone who is critical to your main storyline. Maybe I missed something, but I was falling asleep through most of the story. You track all the statistics like its the stock market, but other than 1 raid and the same strikes over and over, I become legend how? by getting the most kills in the pvp arena? I'm ranting and I digress... I think you had a great idea, and I love the idea, however, this seed you planted is going to take off, be it your game or someone elses. Your own story suggests that we are the last, and we are in an all out war of survival. The Traveler is nearly dead, and we don't have the power to fight off the darkness that is set to return. I DONT FEEL THAT WE ARE DOING ALL THAT BAD. PVE players, at least the ones I've played with over the last two decades love a challenge, and love to make a difference in the game, moreover, they love to earn things that other casual players are too lazy work at, or that say are too hard to achieve. How I would make the actions of the guardians matter. First each planet needs more than one map. For example Earth... Russia, USA, UK, China, Brazil, Mexico ect. Instead of making survival modes and horde modes, just have the horde with endless waves invade one of the maps on each planet each week. The guardians have to stop the invasion movements and get their gates, ships or whatever shut down. Upon getting the horde shut down, a boss or multiple bosses should appear and require large teams of atleast six, but more would be awesome to take them down. Each map should have an outpost or base for the guardians, with big ass guns the guardians can use to defend it, if every one was lazy that week and the horde actually makes it to the base. if we lose the base, the F#$ck it we lose the base, make us earn it back. If we lose all the bases on all the maps of a planet we lose the planet. Seriously, I want to feel like what I do matters in the game. This is the easiest and quickest solution I can think of to keep the PVE peeps coming for more. Hell, just start with one planet and try it out. Again, this is story about a war with the darkness, and Im not going to compare it to other games because its a waste of time. But what damn war are we fighting. If I can solo lvl 28 heroics at lvl 28 with ease and nothing I just accomplished changes anything in the game at all, how is the player going to view their accomplishments? Through a statistics database? No they get bored and move on to another game. I want to read in the forum ... " Player" lvl 30 Titan has taken down the eastern gate lord... Holy shit how did he solo that thing, reinforcements needed on northern zone of that map, the team "awesome name" is about to defeat the norther gate lord and his spawning has gone into frenzy mode and we will lose the base if "awesome team" fails to take him down. Get to the north zone and defend the base now! Forum Headline "Clan BadAss Muthers is leading this month in base reclamtions on Mars after the last patch when the Destiny admins thought it would be fun to challenge the guardians to take back Mars since in the last two years despite numerous upgrades to enemies armor, weapons and tactics no guardian team has lost a map on any planet." Its just a game, but we pay for the games, and want content when we pay, if we didn't we would play candy crush and angry birds. When players feel they matter and their actions matter, and that their victories make them feel that they are affecting the survival of others in the game, they will attach emotion to their actions and victories and the game will take on a life of its own. Believe me, don't believe... I don't really care. Eventually someone will get it right, and they will have billion dollar a year following. Edit one: another example of added interest for pve would be the tunnels of the moon. Your ghost tells you that it would be impossible to explore them all... as a pve enthusiast that statement just made me want to try. But I can't. build a huge maze of tunnels with bosses that roam it with huge spawns of hive. Have check points that players recieve credit for rep by reaching them. And make it hard enough that only a skilled lvl 30 can solo to the deepest depths alone or make it impossible with out a team... either way. (This is not my post but I found it on another forum and I wanted to get it recognized. The author is called Rhonnyn)
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Two weeks h2a
This game didn't bring what it should bring.. it lacks alot and they are just adding some maps and a strike and raid for more money.. no good matchmaking in pvp, repetitive, no ranking, no custom games/private matches, heck i can't even vote which map i'd like to play next... people leave teams constantly, check my history i win over 90% of the skirmish matches, it's just flat out boring.. strikes are repetitive, don't let me get started about the story.. please! i really thought bungie was able to bring more depth and a really good game. But activision got it's hands on it and now we get a dumbed down game.. less for more money.. this just sucks, the reasom i put so much effort in it is because of it's potential. But i came to the point that i just can't care anymore, i just sold my destiny copy and going to delete this app now. I Hope that the people who do enjoy the game (5 year olds/non hardcore gamers) do have a great time. Cya
Bungie, c'mon. You're releasing DLC when the game's still still half in beta. [i]Fix your damned game, then I'll buy DLC.[/i] Honestly, that stuff looks awesome. But I'm not going to buy it if I can't play it for all these goddamned disconnects.
To all of you complaining, whining, average pieces of shit: go to the link I posted and read the comments section. I realize that even with a plain and logical explanation there will be plenty of you who still think its some sort of money conspiracy to hold back content. With that realization comes the fact that neither I, nor anybody else can fix your stupidity. I'm okay with this, and so is Bungie (although they won't say it as bluntly as I). More importantly, you all embody a HUGE problem going on today. With the advent of the internet, you all think: "Because I happen to have mental processes and can form sentences on a digital device, I am entitled to spout my shitty ass opinion to the world because I have the ability to." That is a MAJOR thinking error and only annoys people who have the presence of mind to realize: "Not everybody wants to know my opinion on things which I know NOTHING about (but pretend to because I've had a tiny bit of experience with whatever I'm bitching about and maybe looked up a fact or two for the sake of appearing credible)". It really just shows how stupid you are, nothing more. Its a stark example of how shitty your parents are that they allowed you to go throughout life telling everyone your shitty opinion and thinking it matters. It is a FACT that those who are terrible at doing things ARE UNABLE TO CORRECTLY ASCERTAIN HOW TERRIBLE THEY ARE AT DOING THINGS. This pertains because Bungie has done something that everyone involved in your life probably hasn't done before (the reason for which has now become apparent): They asked for your input, and really meant it. Most of you need to understand the difference between input/constructive criticism, and whining/complaining/bitching. If you are going to post things on a public forum meant for input, then make sure it is constructive and helpful. Bungie is composed of a large group of individuals who: A. Not only know a SHIT LOAD more than you, but B. get paid because of what they know. They said they want your input because Bungie already realizes that a bunch of people will bitch about the game and have absolutely nothing of value to say to anybody. On the flipside Bungie also realizes that a small percentage of people will actually have good ideas for implementation. Though most of you won't understand what I mean by this, its a numbers game. Bungie wants input, but not bitching and moaning. Nobody has time for that and more importantly, nobody cares. As previously stated, most of you are too dense to understand any of what I said however if you do happen to read it understand this: Nobody gives a shit if it isn't going to help improve the game. TL;DR Unless you have something of value to say which will ACTUALLY improve the game, do everybody the favor of having to read or scroll past your nonsense and SHUT THE HELL UP.
"MAXIMUM LIGHT LEVEL RAISED TO 32" Can you please elaborate on this and explain which of the ways will this be accomplished?
I'm excited! Love the game, Bungie! Great work so far. Don't mind the haters because the silent majority still support you.
I know a lot of people are saying Destiny is lacking content, but I feel as if we were meant to make our own. That doesn't mean I wish we had more to do for say, Patrol, which would be amazing, I think new Quest branches (such as a Dead Orbit/FWC quest line) would also be interesting, or even the various groups theorizing the Traveler found in Grimoire could come into play (such as an assault be Binary Star Cult on the Speaker at some time). Just ideas for the future, I for one love the game!
Sadly I was hoping for actual story in the DLC, looks like we probably get to visit the tower and obtain a bounty to probably "go to the Hellmouth and kill 10,000 hive". I've been stuck at Level 29 for over a month, due to your deplorable raid loot tables. You haven't even explained the main story yet?!? Or explained why you don't have time to explain why you don't have time to explain?!? The Cryptarch is still a blue bastard. Maybe he needs another bag of doorknobs to test. Gameplay is so fun but don't wanna grind no mo...please no more Archon priests...please let me trade my multiple exotics to other guardians who have worse luck than me.
I am just so glad call of duty Advanced warfare is around the corner pretty upset with the destiny DLC I expected a new planet or something better just tired of doing the same strikes over and over well guess back to call of duty 🎮 hopefully it's better then ghost
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Seriously, I see bitching every time I look at these comments. It's real simple. DON'T PLAY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE GAME. Buy another game. I freaking love this game & can't wait for more.
don't undermine dissent....It is the catalyst for change
Haha have fun wasting money you noobs DESTINY IS DEAD!!
This is a joke. If everyone buys this bs dlc they aren't going to fix anything. We have to fix it by not giving them our hard earned money for minuscule differences. Activision/Bungie rely on our money and support, which needs to be earned.
I'm buying it. You know why? Because this is Bungie, the creators of Halo, they will fix their game.
When is everyone going to understand, this game has been turned into a big pile of whopping trash and our suggestions/opinions are falling on deaf ears. If your reply to this post is just stop playing, save it. I already have. On a second note all the bungee brown nosers need to wipe bungees cum off their mouths and accept that this game is trash. P.S. Just my opinion, do not reply.
I'm a little upset bungie isn't delivering what was promised, but at the same time I know it's not all bungie's fault. Activision published the game and call most of the shots. Keep that in mind COD players. But nevertheless, even with the problems and hiccups, I love this game. Especially with how it is starting out. Look at all the great mmos out there, WoW being a prime example. WoW was awful (in mine and several friends' opinions) when it stated. Now look at it, years down the road. Also keep in mind, MMOs aren't bungie's fortè. Like I said. Plenty of problems and mistakes on both bungie and Activision's end, and I mostly blame Activision for how they've been the last 6 years, but bungie is trying. It's an mmo, planned for 10 years existence, I think they are doing just fine. (Quick footnote, it was Activision's call to do disc-locked content and set the prices for it) Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please stop blaming all the problems on bungie. They aren't completely innocent either but it's a long term game. Consider this the trial and error stage of the "complete" version and move on with that in mind. If that thought makes you mad, take the game out of the console, put it in the case, and shelve it until the dlc, but consider my advice and don't give up on it yet.
Bungie: "Beneath the surface of the moon, a long-forgotten enemy wakes." Me: oooo I can't wait to play this!! Bungie: "Invade the Hellmouth, and stop a dark army from invading Earth." Me: you know damn right I will Bungie: "Build on your legend with a wealth of new weapons, armor, and gear. Me: Hell yeah, more shit for me to dominate with! Bungie: "Complete new quests and missions." Me: Yes rank 32 baby! Bungie: " take your fire team into new cooperative strikes and RAID. And now new competitive spirit to the crucible in three new maps. Me: This DLC is going to be amazing! I LOVE YOU DESTINY!!!!!![spoiler]Bungie:"Xbox release for next year". Me: I.....I....I thought we had something special.[/spoiler]
I not buying! Bump if u agree!
This is bullshit I'm gonna put 0 score at every review that I can find. Xbox people...start downrating!!