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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • This is bullshit I'm gonna put 0 score at every review that I can find. Xbox people...start downrating!!

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  • I'm pissed for one reason only and that's that Playstation gets exclusives a full YEAR ahead of Xbox. I can understand giving Sony the exclusives first, that's all well and good. But, why does it have to be a full year?? Take a look at Battlefield 3, Playstation got the exclusives 2 weeks ahead of Xbox and PC, this is totally acceptable. Look at Battlefield 4, they gave Xbox an exclusive map pack for a month before all other platforms, still totally acceptable! And now we make it to Call of Duty *cough* an Activision title *cough*, Xbox has exclusive rights to each DLC that gives them it one month ahead of each other platform, again totally and completely acceptable! Do you want to know why this completely all of these are completely acceptable because all platforms still get them in a REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME!!! Not one year!!! And to all those saying well it's fair that Bungie does this because Halo never branched out to other consoles, well you're wrong. Because Halo is a branded Microsoft shooter and always will be, Destiny is not. If the exclusives were given to Xbox players either a couple months after their release or even A HALF A YEAR after their release, that would still be reasonable. But this right here is straight bull and Bungie if you're reading this, you better treat the people who made you into what you are with a little more respect or else you might be in for it. My factual rant is now over.

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    33 Replies
    • Need 2 for NF Xbox 1 29 hunter. 28+

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    • I finally got it. I've been trying to figure out where the best place to put the grimoire cards so that players get more information on the i game because there is so much good info out there. You should have the grimoire cards that the player has unlocked layover the loading screens! Then instead of just staring at your craft slowly floating about, you get amazing information on the game while waiting to go to your next destination. If this is not the best idea ever, I don't know what is. Let me know what you think guys.

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      29 Replies
      • Nope, not getting it. The whole story for the first installment of this game should have been included. No way im paying 30 bucks to get so called "expansions (meaning both)" that should have been included with the game. The story is confusing at best, and really have no real attachment to my generic character. Ill wait till they come out for free or super cheap. Game wont last past the summer, if that.

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      • Let me start by saying I love your game. Is it lacking launch content? Sure. But I somehow still enjoy playing the same stuff over and over and over. Testament to the gameplay I assume. With that being said, I'm feeling very cheated and mislead. What you are doing with regard to paid dlc exclusivity is unprecedented and uncalled for. The same price for as of this writing 30 percent less content? And that percentage will rise from the comment that more exclusives will be announced. I understand timed exclusives. That's not my problem. The AMOUNT of time is problem. One year! Seriously! That's ridiculous. Never before has been the same dlc been offered for the same price with one platform getting less content. I'm really shocked. With terrible as that is, if it was only times for a couple months I'd be fine. One year is disgusting. Please stop alienating your fan base that grew with you. Reign in your timing and fall in line with the rest of the industries exclusivity timing. If I didn't love your game so much I wouldn't care. I'll continue to play since I bought the Guardian edition. But please hear us, and stop punishing us for staying loyal to the platform you used to call home.

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      • Is anyone else getting aggravated by people that only use Fusion Rifles? Seriously you need stuff that does not need nerfing yet I can get one shored by a Plan C or Pocket Infinity from a crazy distance.

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      • All the bitches out there saying xbox shouldn't be complaining about the late release date on xbox u can go -blam!- yourselves ur right we have gotten content earlier than ps in the past years but u guys bitched about that and we (xbox fans) didn't say anything plus it was only like 2-3 month delay not a hole -blam!-king year so really how can u say we shouldn't complain

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        12 Replies
        • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] you [b]need[/b] to make raids matchmaking so that u can do the raid without waiting on ur friends and when u do the raid the people in the matchmaking with u bece your fire team for the week

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        • Who is that person with the green orb???

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        • The only difference in dlc from Xbox one to ps4 is a strike mission. Not the raid or anything else. I'm fine with that if that's true.

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        • I'm Looking For People To Run Through Vault Of Glass. I'm on the Playstation 4 gamer tag booboo198033. My name is Miguel Melendez. Please, I can't find anyone to play with.

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          6 Replies
          • Lol 3 missions? What a way to expand on the story.

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          • Im hyped for the expansion i bought the saeason pass the same day i got Destiny im a 360 user yea it sucks PS gets an extra level but maybe they will release it on xbox on the second expansion installment but regardless im still hyped

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          • Edited by PinkiePie: 10/30/2014 10:16:04 PM
            I'll buy it as soon as the price is corrected in the UK, I'm not paying £7.70 more than US players!

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          • I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm really looking forward to that movie Interstellar. Directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Matthew McConaughey (after seeing Dallas Buyers Club and True Detective I'm really looking forward to this performance). I got my expectations based on the trailer set extremely high, but I swear on everything that is holy if it isnt the best movie I've ever seen I will go straight to the Interstellar Companion App and RAISE HELL! Anyone who thinks it was a good movie I will curse their mothers and their unborn babies. I'll tell Chris and Matt they are worthless and that their careers are OVER! Oh and if every scene from the trailer, and I mean every single one, isn't in the final cut of the movie I will go absolutely APE $HIT and file a class action lawsuit against them for my $20. You've been warned NOLAN!

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          • I bought it

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          • Edited by Panda Kittyy: 10/30/2014 9:54:37 PM
            Why does this feel like a 10 dollar game!!!

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          • What really pisses me off is that xbox players are paying the same amount of money for dlc but are getting less out of it(a whole strike less) Just remember bungie xbox built you and halo's time to show us that you care That you car about the real problems not tournaments between bungie employees but the fact that most people cant even play destiny because of it Noah's ark of error codes

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            2 Replies
            • Bungie I am perfectly fine with PS people getting perks first or whatever. Microsoft dropped the ball on that, nothing that can be done about that. But a year? Seriously a year? Two or three months is more than understandable but what you are setting is just stupid. I really enjoy this game and I will more than happily buy the DLC but this business practice will make you loose me as a loyal customer. Please learn from the mistakes of greedy companies and the what happens to them. You have made a great game that sure make have some areas lacking but besides that be fair and just with your extra content.

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            • Bungie I am perfectly fine with PS people getting perks first or whatever. Microsoft dropped the ball on that, nothing that can be done about that. But a year? Seriously a year? Two or three months is more than understandable but what you are setting is just stupid. I really enjoy this game and I will more than happily buy the DLC but this business practice will make you loose me as a loyal customer. Please learn from the mistakes of greedy companies and the what happens to them. You have made a great game that sure make have some areas lacking but besides that be fair and just with your extra content.

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            • I feel that this picture represents Bungie trapping Xbox players in an orb. It is green.

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            • Reposting to keep people aware.

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              • Is it surprising that PS has exclusive content? Xbox has been getting it for years with CoD, Activision is just doing it now with PS and Destiny, it's not new. Not to say its fair and right, because it really is a practice that burns the community as a whole. It just surprises me when others are surprised by this since from the beginning its been, Ps exclusivity this and that, hell Microsoft wasn't even allowed to promote Destiny on Xbox.

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              • Thank god Borderlands Pre Sequel came out so I had something else to play, something else to make me realise how -blam!-ing shitty this game actually is. Hate what has happened to this game, I believe Activision are the reason the game is so under-developed and lacking. Happens with every COD they churn out year after year, which little -blam!-ing fanboys go and buy, no more.

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              • So we promote your products (halo) through YouTube videos, we built you and halo, we pay the same amount as ps4 players, yet we still get content a year later then them? Also, the only people I see saying "don't buy this game it sucks" are ps4 users and there are more people who own destiny on Xbox one than play station 4.

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