[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I'm kind of disappointed. I have an Xbox and if I want to buy the expansion then I pay the same amount and get less. I have to wait 8-12 months before I get the content that I paid for? Umm excuse me? There is something wrong with that. Not only that I have to keep paying for more story? 20$ for each one HOW MANY are you going to do are we just going to continue to pay for content that you could not finish by launch day so you charge us for us. WHAT THE -blam!- HAPPENED TO A ONE TIME BUY. I don't understand why Bungie why are you turning into a mainstream triple A company. Where is the Bungie I knew. Where is the Bungie that pioneered multiplayer. That changed the way people ENJOYED games. I am not sure if I want to keep paying for these short spirts of story. This is not walking dead so stop acting like it. Bungie I love you just stop being dicks.
Prepare for a whole new batch of exploits, bugs, server fails and of course, a new breed of ignorance. Well at least until they finish counting their/your cash.
Wow. Increase level cap by 2 levels! That's just dumb. I bet it gonna be a long unnecessary process to get to lvl 32. The second expansion better have a lot more stuff. Because so far, this expansion ain't worth 30 bucks at all!
When does all this come out?
Edited by Desolator0: 1/11/2015 7:06:24 AM
Edited by Redikann: 10/30/2014 6:26:33 PMSorry Bungie, I will be buying the Master Chief Collection for 60$ which includes 4 great Bungie games for one fantastic price. Do you guys remember when Bungie was a name that could be used in a sentence with words like value, complete, awesome and award winning.
Edited by Dyno: 10/30/2014 9:08:25 PMI purchased the season pass and am excited to play this next expansion!
Exclusive launch content is fine, but if your gonna start a trend of cutting content in every expansion then that's messsed up. If it weren't for the fact I got the pass as part of the ghost edition I wouldn't have even bothered supporting what looks to be the start of a craptastic trend. Seriously, years of buying your product only to get slapped in the face because I went with the console I felt more comfortable with? That's quite the support for your fanbase ya got going there.
Looking for 2 peeps for NightFall and run the Weeklies with. PS4 KaptKush187
Really Bungie?! This game launched less than two months ago. How is it that we couldn't get enough day one game content for our $60 to last that long? Just make the faggin game cost 80$ upfront if your gonna pull this crap. Also is this gonna be a bi-monthly thing? Are you gonna gouge us for each ounce of content for your 10 yr game? A good example to look at is fallout. $20 for fallout dlc adds a [b]WHOLE[/b] new story, not to mention the hours and hours of quests and exploration not just a snippet. This isn't about whining fanboys or unappreciative players, it's about you representing a decent business model and making a respectable product for your consumers. Your looking like EA with microtransactions. How do screw up by not supplying enough content to outlast your bug fixes? I don't know why I typed this not like it's gonna matter worth a Shit....those with the power to do something about it are too high up to hear us, and even if they could they are too busy counting money to care. [b]Pic related:[/b] My reaction
Upon buying this game, I was asked if I wanted the DLC pass, which the GameStop employee described as "incredibly massive content." You guys plan to keep this game running for 10 years? Good luck, everyone's already hard capped multiple characters. I love you, Bungie, I've been playing Halo since I was 8 and I still do. But this game, as beautiful as it is, isn't going to make it.
If i were you Deej I'd focus on giving players something really really good on November 4th for the weekly refresh
I don't mind the price for the content in return. However, my main hope for the dlc was that it would expand further on the story with each installment. With only 3 new storyline missions, how can you truly hope to convey the hive threat appropriately and expand on what has been a lackluster questline from day 1? I enjoy this game, and I'll buy this dlc anyway because I do have fun playing. I just wish this universe was a little more fleshed out so I felt like my actions meant more to the world around me.
Edited by Mecha Thanatos: 10/30/2014 9:00:55 PM........
Most of the games/mechanics is the same as the BETA.If Gordon Ramsay would play this game by any chance,he would bloody shout,"THIS GAME IS STILL BLOODY RAW".xD LOL That aside,Destiny is a good game(not great)hehe
Destiny is a great game, but an unfulfilled one. I loved this game and still do, but I have decided that I will no longer log in to do the daily quests or max out my Vanguard and Crucible marks. This is because after doing this since release i've finally seen what's waiting for me at the end of the journey and to put it simply it's not worth my commitment. Sure Destiny is still going to be a fun game for me to go back to and run an occasional raid or play a match of PvP, but the grind simply isn't worth it. So sorry you Destiny developers out there, but if you're looking for someone who is willing to put hours into this game every day for the next few months you'll have to count me out. For all of you players out there who have given this game your time and also feel unsatisfied. I reccomend that you, like I plan to do so, take a break for a little bit. Play a few other games or simply finally catch some sleep, but don't forget about Destiny entirely. When Advanced Warfare or Borderlands the Presequel starts to bore you, remember Destiny and jump back in to beat down on the low life scum that's trying to wipe humans from the face of the galaxy.
Yasssss Bruhhhhhhh sooooooooo excited maaaaaannnnnnn!
I'm really happy for dlc, I can't wait. People who whine about how stupid it is going to be aren't real supporters. I truly love this game, it's very unique.
If you buy the dark below for PS3 would it work if you then buy a ps4. would it transfer since your account transfers would the dark below transfer, thanks
does anyone know if you will have to the the next raid to get the gear to reach lvl 32 or will it be given in stikes, crucible, etc.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Sold us X boxer's out well and truly ain't you bungie . I'm not mad I'm just dissapointed . Actually I am mad . I love this game but that's it now . Sold us out to PSN network so no DLC for us xbox one users . Kills me but it's getting traded in . Sellouts .
Edited by SkullFace316: 10/30/2014 8:50:10 PMThat's it?...hardly seems like that's worth 20 bucks...but that's just my opinion
How about you stop worrying about expansion and fix your corrupted updates?
Reading the patch notes, and I just laugh. I remember bungie specifically saying to complete the raid that you have to have a highly coordinated team of skilled players. Now the atheon fight is completely random. Goodbye strategy and coordination.
I think that this all comes down to expectations. You guys need to just be careful about what you are telling us what we should expect. Dispelling rumors about Mercury or whatever, telling us straight up that there are areas already developed that you need to fill out and need all that time to figure out precisely what that new area should feel like with stories, strikes and raids. In other words, being totally honest will pay off with more loyalty from us players as well as making more money from those that see just how happy we are with it. Nothing sells better than word of mouth or internet reviews by players on Youtube, gamespot, ect. If you folk can iron out some of the suggestions many including myself have given like allowing us to communicate with strike matchmade teams for example, more vehicles to play with, generic weapons for PVP so everyone is on the same level as far as weapons go, and a more fair reward system (e.g. making big bosses always dropping high level weapons and ger