[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I think that this all comes down to expectations. You guys need to just be careful about what you are telling us what we should expect. Dispelling rumors about Mercury or whatever, telling us straight up that there are areas already developed that you need to fill out and need all that time to figure out precisely what that new area should feel like with stories, strikes and raids. In other words, being totally honest will pay off with more loyalty from us players as well as making more money from those that see just how happy we are with it. Nothing sells better than word of mouth or internet reviews by players on Youtube, gamespot, ect. If you folk can iron out some of the suggestions many including myself have given like allowing us to communicate with strike matchmade teams for example, more vehicles to play with, generic weapons for PVP so everyone is on the same level as far as weapons go, and a more fair reward system (e.g. making big bosses always dropping high level weapons and ger
Edited by Puffin_Sho3s: 10/30/2014 9:19:38 PMEdit:** First and foremost, I love this game. It's a great game. Below is my opinion,criticism and suggestions. In no way do I think Bungie failed aside from this upcoming expansions amount of content. I think something's could have been done better or had a little more thought out in. Regardless, still a great game. - to clear that up. ***** My honest opinion is this: A. Bungie, a 2 lvl raise to the cap isn't a bad idea, it will allow longevity. B. $35 for pre built content that was intentionally left out?! That is kinda bullshit... $10 I'm cool with, $15 im good with, $20 Id still easily do. But for $35 bucks I'm hoping your implementing - some sort of "raid matchmaking" with prerequisites: **you can't que for normal mode until your this lvl+ (which you kinda already do) **you can't que for hard mode unless your this lvl+ and have completed said raid on normal. -more PSN trophies -less animal errors and game freezes -in game events leading up to this "expansion" - a real/working iron banner pvp mode - new public events - hot buttons: setting heavy ammo synth to trigger by holding down (whatever you set aside from triangle) instead of risking death mid boss fight to open your menu then going to your inventory and holding square on ammo and exiting... And then waiting a few minutes to be able to do it again.. **That process, is simply, RIDICULOUS and poorly thought out. What's the fastest anyone has done that? 10 seconds? In a hard mode raid filled with action 10 seconds is enough time for shit to hit the fan - exotics that don't seem better off as shards/energy - but yield more shards or energy then a legendary weapon would if you chose to disassemble the item....Makes sense to me. - 1 or 2 more daily/weekly events - if you join a match made strike, and someone leaves. the remaining players should get something additional such as: extra rare engram, exp bonus, higher drop chances on legendaries or even more vanguard marks and rep. - [u]open new rewards for faction reputations... There doesn't seem to be a good reason for getting anyone but the cryptarch passed lvl 3. Even if it adds one new available item every few rep levels. It's motivation to do it.[/u] ^^^^^ false, there is rewards ranging from shards, energies, shaders, legendary weapons as maybe more. Destiny players are looking at what should be called a "patch", not an "expansion". If the game plan is to drop a half ass "expansion" every 4 months for $35 bucks I'll just stick to WoW where "patches" that bring more new content to the game then your "expansion" will, on top of being FREE and 1000% less bugged out. C. Ultimately Destiny has had me by the balls since I got my PS4 and a lot of fantastic creativity,graphic design and work went into it. But you guys can defiantly do better with that story... A big space ball shows up, shit got good, bad guys fallowed the ball, shit got bad, kill robots in front of some mysterious black space splooge, Galaxy saved..... Who the F is the queen in the Reef and her brother that's got a hard on for her? Who are they, why does she have fallen guards, what exactly is she the queen of? Space junk? what is their purpose? Why is "The Speaker" the speaker? Does he got a big package? Why did this giant space ball of special gifts pick him? He never told me "what happened" to the traveler when I asked him "what happened to it". He told me a list of shit he could have told me but then changed the dam subject. XUR? What's his deal? Where is his face? What's the deal with the strange coins he gets off over? If you can't tell, I'm not reading the grimore cards because that is a pathetic way to tell a story. That's like watching a movie where the actors move and chat for 5 seconds, the screen goes black and a link pops up at the bottom of the screen telling the audience to go on the Internet to find out WHAT THE F*€k is going on. How about you save the effort and time on that shit and just wrote a dam book instead, because BOOK ARE DESIGNED TO BE READ, not video games, especially not video games with voice acting. Lastly. You guys just, almost, completely fixed VoG as far as I'm concerned... You still need to work on those loot drops a bit I think... I shouldn't be getting shards and energies from bosses, bosses should be dropping stuff that is only obtainable from a raid boss, I have 70 other ways to get shards and energy and it's extremely de motivating to get that shit with nothing to spend it on. Getting the same weapon/gear/ship I'm fine with because that's how it works, you won't go in twice and walk out having got ever piece of loot. I know your new to this MMO/FPS style game, we should all understand that. I honestly think you should take a look at how Blizzard does someshit, get some ideas for bettering what you have already, no shame in that. All in all, I love this game, don't be dooshfags and -blam!- it up. Don't dick the same people that made Bungie millions over the years, I get you have to make your money Patch -> patch -> patch -> expansion (over the course of 1-1.5 years with each patch slowly leading into the expansion) You'll make your money, have happy gamers with plenty to do and end up with something so epic there will be no end in site. WoWs biggest mistake was taking the challenge out of the game and giving in to all the pissing and moaning from crappy players that run 1 raid or play the game two times and don't have every piece of end game gear or some achievement that is hard to get. The game still has an epic never ending story but the gameplay is far to "catered" to fails for it to be considered challenging anymore. Don't bother trying to please fail players, none of us want to play with them and their shitty "bungie owes me" attitudes any ways. EDIT:!!! By $35, I meant $20, my fault.
Hey Deej. Can't wait to see this come out. It looks great. You and everyone at Bungie have done a good job. Thanks again
You guys really need to stop crying about it. Its a video game. And this is how they expand now. Through DLC. "oh boo hoo I was expecting the holy grail of video games" Life isn't fair, its full of disappointment. Either buy the DLC and keep playing or drop out of destiny and make the community a better place. God I'm sick of reading about all these people who "hate" this game and then pop it back in their console and keep playing.
Fix bad juju
Damn, Bungie is loosing so many Xbox fans because of Activision.
Just let all existing exotics and raid gear be buffed to allow reaching to Lv 32 and do 320 ATK - Thats the least you guys could do. Also allow Xur to sell two of each item so new content can also be bought and all arent punished because many wont purchase your DLC which more than likely includes new exotic items
Level 28 warlock looking for VoG group Xbox one gt: jwood696
Dear xbone users, keep crying. Your tears are delicious.
Edited by JojoSiwaOnGfuel: 10/30/2014 6:52:52 PMAs an mmo based game, there is absolutely no reason why this content should be provided through payment. Perhaps the crucible maps would be an exception for $10, but there is NO reason for a raid and a couple story links to cost anything. Look at many other mmo games, both free to play and subscription based, and you can see what I mean. At least I'll have many games to play this fall and winter season other than Destiny, because there is no way that I'll be buying a DLC for TWENTY DOLLARS with very little included.
Cool cut guns and exclusive ps armor out of the dlc that's fine but when you start cutting strikes out that's a big NO that's a bulk of the game and dlc that's what we're paying for ! Sorry we have preferences on what console we want don't take away 70% of the dlc were paying for by giving the xone owners one strike good thing cod gta and master chief collection come out soon
Wow, look at that, we ask for fixed PVE, and they tell us we can get our DLC for $$$$$ instead of fixing the game, WE ALREADY BLEEEPIN KNEW THAT
Love you bungie! This dlc comes out a day before my birthday
Lul. Nice post. Well said but it still won't stop the trolls. Lmao
will we ever get use swords?
Deleting my comment? Omg. I'm not buying! Bump if y'all agree!
I'm just so disappointed with Destiny, and I know it's been said thousands of times but I was just not expecting to be disappointed by my favorite video game company. The game just isn't fun, and I don't really know why. I play it with friends, I do strikes and co-op missions and all the "fun" stuff people tell me I have to try, but it's just not fun. Which is weird because I like FPS and RPG games a lot, so on paper this should be the perfect game for me. I don't know. I've received the lectures, the 5 page essays, and venn diagrams telling me why Destiny is great, why Bungie isn't evil, why the DLC is a good thing etc. But no matter what people positive things people spew about this game, it isn't changing my mind. So why am I even here? I don't know. Since I've always loved what Bungie did, I felt I had to express my disappointment that I felt for the first time truly with one of their games. Here's hoping their next game is better.
I don't really care about all the weapons, gear, etc that the playstation gets, but strikes shouldn't be limited to one console.....Strikes are the bulk of the endgame, and removing it from a console from a multi platform game is just ridiculous, I would have bought the game last night, but after gaining this information I decided to buy another game....thanks..
Do I still have to do the raid to get my light above 29?
Bungie, if you had actually cared about your fans and actually released the full game instead of thinking that we're a bunch of blabbering idiots then you're only projecting yourselves unto us.
That announcement decided it for me, Bungle won't be getting any money from me for any subsequent games until they've been out several weeks and are getting rave reviews. Congratulations Bungle.
Deej, The President of your company lied. He lied in an interview with Eurogamer. He was asked the following question; "Is there any Playstation exclusive content in The Dark Below?" His answer was quite clear and unambigious.....NO! So, what is is Deej? Did the President of Bungie outright lie about exclusive Playstation content, or is Activision lying about Playstation exclusive content? It appears quite clear that the President of Bungie has, in an attempt to decieve XBox users, lied about the existance of Playstation exclusive content. Curious if Bungie will actually comment on this matter, or will they choose to remain silent...... as usual.
Wait a year for content? No Bungie....just No.
I'm not quite sure why people are so upset about the upcoming DLC content. Some of the people I see complaining have 10+ days worth of gameplay on one character. I'm sure some of the old school gamers can agree that for $20 this DLC has more than enough content. It's even cheaper if you've preordered, $17.50 per DLC. So let's break down what we know so far as to what we'll be getting. - 1 new raid. If it's anything like VoG paying $20 is worth it just for this alone. It will also most likely have a hard mode. - 2 new strikes (sorry Xbone users). - At least 3 more story missions on the moon and the storyline sounds very interesting to say the least. - Brand new raid armor, weapons and exotics for all classes. This alone I'm assuming from the pictures I saw was at least 30+ NEW items being added. Think about that for a bit. - New faction class items, ships and shaders. Saw some pictures and very cool to say the least. - 3 new pvp maps. Games like COD release DLC's with only 2-3 new pvp maps, new gun skins and a couple new guns and charge $20... That's all they release with their DLC's, think about that for a bit. Other games that offer DLC's give you way less than this and charge you $15-$20. I can go to the movies with my girlfriend and shell out $25 for movie tickets and only get 2 hours worth of enjoyment from the movie. While this new DLC will offer me hours and hours of gameplay. So yeah, I'm definitely getting my money's worth. I won't ramble on much longer, but it's just disturbing how unappreciative this new generation is. I still enjoy logging in everyday and playing with friends. If I quit the game tomorrow I wouldn't be a bit upset as I've almost played 10 days worth of gameplay, so I already got my money's worth. I'm not saying Destiny is the best game ever made and they have lots of things they still can improve. But they've showed us that they are listening to the community and working with us to help build this new world into something great that we all can enjoy for years to come. This game is still new, only a month and 3 weeks old. I'm sure a lot of hard work that people don't realize go into making all this new content so let's have some patience with Bungie. Bungie, thanks for creating this amazing game and some of us can see that you guys are working extremely hard to put together amazing content for us to enjoy. Keep up the great work, you have my support 100 percent.
Wait... Is there a new planet to explore? Because this sure doesn't look like it. Not interested...