[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Wait... Is there a new planet to explore? Because this sure doesn't look like it. Not interested...
I've read a few comments from players and I'd like to briefly address a few points. [b]Paying a lot of money for an incomplete game[/b] Destiny is fantastic. You can see a lot of work went into it. However, it is clear that Bungie are ripping us all off by slicing a product into snippets and charging so much for each one. Remember when you bought a game, played it, loved it and then were so happy when they were going to release an expansion? (e.g Shivering Isles DLC) It's a slap in the face to release content at that price almost as soon as the game has been released. [b]Euggghh you poor fag get a job and then u can buy it!!!1[/b] Understand that a lot of younger players do not have jobs. Understand that a lot of players with jobs don't always have excess income to throw around - food, mortgages and fuel do not pay for themselves. [b]Should stop being a xbox scrub ahahahahah playstation is da best[/b] Grow up. They're both great consoles. It's all down to preference. Both Sony and Microsoft see you as a source of money - nothing else. [b]Stop whining, if you're so upset try making your own game[/b] Stupidest point of all. Just because someone can't do something does not mean they can't have an opinion. If a chef made you a doughnut but filled it with wasps instead of jam, would you complain? Or would you eat it because you don't know how to make a doughnut. Anyway, these are my own opinions. Have a good day.
i dont understand why people are complaining about having to pay 20 dollars for a dlc. Think about how much play time you will get from 20 dollars! If you cant afford 20 bucks, you should prob sell your xbox and get on welfare.
Is there any chance that the DLC is going to fix the issue with raid drops? It's way too random. The only way to get to 30 is with raid gear but you can play through it as many times as you like and you're still not guaranteed to get raid gear. How can this be? Am I destined to be lvl 29 forever, purely because I haven't been lucky enough to get the gear I need. I play regularly with a bunch of friends, some have got a few pieces, but one of them, the one that plays most and is always at the top of the kills list, doesn't have any. How is that fair?!
Did you beta test it? Nope. So its just more buggy garbage. The amount of fail pouring out of this game is amazing.
When does dark below come out? Now?
So will my current exotic and legendary raid armor become obsolete when light cap is raised?
This title sounds like some real nasty porn
It costs a third of what the game did and offers nearly nothing in comparison
A bunch of crybabies
I cant remember the last time i was into a game so much.. i was stuck on GTA5 for a good while .. before then.. Tekken 6 .. I got over gta because it become "SSDD", tekken i still kinda play but also SSDD... I love Destiny.. wont stop playing anytime soon. But spending so much time farming for materials to upgrade my legends and the same vg strikes.. im starting to get SSDD syndrome ..
Edited by xXFankTheTankXx: 10/30/2014 5:03:51 AMThis is the game that I wanted when they first released the trailer back in 2013! This guy breaks it down and shows you what was cut and what we are missing! http://kotaku.com/how-much-destiny-has-changed-over-the-last-year-1648843462
Looking for people to do the raid on 26 for ps4 at 10:30pm eastern standard time most everyone on my friend list beat it Tuesday when I had to work all day message me on Psn if interested..... Futhermucker730
It this out
..Why does the guy in the picture look like a pokemon trainer?
For those who have not completed the raid. If you have not completed the raid you should not comment on the game content. I agree and disagree with a lot of folks on here, and everyone has a right to complain about the story because it sucks and we all know it. The thing is if you haven't played the raid or gotten to at least level 29 then you still have plenty of stuff to do before the expansion is here in a month. If you're level 29 or 30 and have beat the raid and still have complaints you are entitled to your opinion, but if you have not you really have no right to complain about the finished product.
This needs to be released sooner than December (at least 3 weeks sooner if not more) if Bungie expect to compete with some of the next lot of game title's coming out shortly. I for one will be getting Far Cry 4 asap, then who knows what after that. The community will move on unless you Bungie lot pull your fingers out of your ass's ...... jus sayin
Edited by TheMusicalKid: 10/30/2014 8:19:59 PMThere just isn't a lot of variety within the content of the game. There are strikes and strike playlists but they all have us doing the same strikes over and over again. From the start, I really hoped that Destiny would have more strikes and raids and a bigger story than anything else. I'm not even so interested in getting to level 30. I'm all about the journey, not the destination. Part of me feels like this will be similar to Titanfall. The company had all of these great ideas but they weren't put into the game until so much later. I hope this isn't the case with Destiny, Bungie. I really hope that some changes are made to the way content is distributed, and for less money too because it's not a lot of content for a third of the original price. It's not a bad game but I just wanted to put in my two cents
To all the Xbox user chill out I understand that not getting exclusives sucks but don't forget about halo 3 XBOX HAD SOLO OWNERSHIP. With that being said not getting the same quantity of game for the same price is a load of crap and I would be pissed. So please don't complain it will be heading your way soon and plenty of games will come out before that and all will be forgotten. Its just a waste of energy and time to be griping and complaining about little things in life. Now to all Destiny guardians out there. We all know there are a ton of problems yet we still play it and complain. There are reasonings to it you all just have to find it. Either that or quit to lack of enjoyment of the game. Please just enjoy what was given to us and make the best of it even though it was a let down in many cases.
Everyone has been using too many words to say this: The content listed isn't enough value for the cost. Please add more content for the price you are asking for.
I would like to know why you are giving PS4 players more exclusive content to the game that Xbox players have to wait a full year for?
More negative comments than zubats in Mt. Moon. Makes me sad :(
Edited by VinzTheStampede: 10/30/2014 7:33:25 PMSo you're telling me my entire past month's sweats and efforts farming the raid, finally getting lucky and putting time and materials in upgrades.... is gonna become trash in a month-ish? and what... the next DLC comes another 3 month after nullifying everything yet again? mmmMMM. So yeah I was fine with RNG when I thought the first DLC would come out 6 or 7 months into the game... now I see it shapes up to you charging us 80 bucks' "worth" of DLCs a year so that we can even compete with the players that get the DLCs when Iron banner comes on. Huuuuum... yeah no with those kind of time frames and DLC frequency there is CLEARLY something wrong with your loot system in the raid I don't care what you say... we should get to use our hard earned legendaries/exotics longer than that... But hey I absolutely loved destiny till now! but Don't count on me sticking around paast the DLC era
Three story missions, no new worlds, one new strike and a new raid??? This is what I paid $35 to get!?! Things that were already developed but intentionally locked away just so you and Activision could make a few more bucks off of us? There is ZERO need to introduce a new NPC when you haven't finished the backstory for any of the previous NPCs. I know for a fact there is a minimum of five areas waiting to be opened and populated on earth alone. Then there are several more between Venus and Mars....but all you give us is maybe one or two rinky dink areas on the boring ass moon!?! Get it together and get right with your fans or you will lose them long before your contract with Activision is fulfilled.
I'm lost on the fact that Xbox users pay the same amount as PS3-4 for less content. How do you make 1 raid 1 strike a few missions and gear out to be 20$. We have 1 raid 5 strikes a ton of missions and gear and that was 60$. Seems to me your war with Microsoft is eventually going to screw yourselves over. The Xbox community is a very large part of your income. Also For those that are reading this on the ps laughing.... I'm not mad... Yall deserve stuff. Though Xbox has never gotten exclusive content like this. Early content is mostly what we got. Same content or content that doesn't make a big difference. Bungie is clearly siding with Sony with this game. Xbox users should pay for what they are getting and that's shit treatment. I love this game. Obviously bungle isn't remembering the wonderful community that made them successful. The Xbox community put Halo through the roof. Now all those guys and gals that made Bungie Soo successfull are being slapped in the face. Bad move Bungie. I bet your loosing activity every day on this game. I really would love no ps hate. It's a great. Console. No beef here. Just shouldn't pay for content that I am not getting.